
All articles with 'Learn Excel' Tag

Quickly convert numbers stored as text [tip]

Published on Sep 2, 2014 in Excel Howtos
Quickly convert numbers stored as text [tip]

Here is a quick tip to start the week.

Often, we end up with a situation where a bunch of numbers are stored as text.

In such cases, Excel displays a warning indicator at the top-left corner of the cell. If you click on warning symbol next to the cell, Excel shows a menu offering choices to treat the error.

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CP018: Dont be a Pivot Table Virgin!

In the 18th session of Chandoo.org podcast, lets loose your Pivot table virginity.

Note: This is a short format episode. Less time to listen, but just as much awesome.

CP018: Don't be a Pivot Table Virgin! - Introduction to Excel Pivot Tables - Chandoo.org Podcast

What is in this session?

Pivot tables are a very powerful & quick way to analyze data and get reports from Excel. But surprisingly, not many use them. Today, lets bust your pivot table virginity and understand the concepts like pivoting, values, labels, filters, groups and more.

In this podcast, you will learn,

  • Announcements
  • What is a Pivot Table?
  • Example of business data & reporting needs
  • Key pivot table terms to understand
  • Creating your first pivot table
  • Learning more about pivot tables
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Convert fractional Excel time to hours & minutes [Quick tip]

Published on Aug 19, 2014 in Excel Howtos
Convert fractional Excel time to hours & minutes [Quick tip]

Time for another quick Excel tip.

Lets say the park near your house rents tennis courts by hour. And they charge $10 per hour. At the end of an intense tennis playing week, Linda, the tennis court manager called you up and said you need to pay $78 as rent for that week.

How many hours did you play?

Of course 78/10 = 7.8 hours.

But we all know that 7.8 hours makes no sense.

We also know that 7.8 hours is really 7 hours 48 minutes.

So how to convert 7.8 hrs to 7:48 ?

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What is the average speed of this road trip? [Solution & Discussion]

Published on Aug 18, 2014 in Excel Howtos, Formula Forensics
What is the average speed of this road trip? [Solution & Discussion]

Last week, we had an interesting homework problem – What is the average speed of this road trip?

We received more than 150 answers. But to my surprise, 57 of them are wrong. So today, lets learn how to calculate the average speed correct way.

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Mapping relationships between people using interactive network chart

Published on Aug 13, 2014 in Charts and Graphs
Mapping relationships between people using interactive network chart

Today, lets learn how to create an interesting chart. This, called as network chart helps us visualize relationships between various people.

Demo of interactive network chart in Excel

First take a look at what we are trying to build.

Looks interesting? Then read on to learn how to create this.

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What is the average speed of this road trip? [homework]

Published on Aug 8, 2014 in Excel Challenges, Learn Excel

Its homework time again. This time, lets tackle an interesting & everyday problem. Lets introduce our protagonist of the story – Jack. Jack likes long road trips, smell of freshly brewed Colombian coffee, clicky-clack sound of his computer keyboard. He hates toll plazas (they slow him down) & Potassium permanganate. And oh yes, Jack is […]

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CP016: 3 Must have books for aspiring analysts

Published on Aug 7, 2014 in Chandoo.org Podcast Sessions
CP016: 3 Must have books for aspiring analysts

In the 16th session of Chandoo.org podcast, lets review 3 very useful books for aspiring analysts.

What is in this session?

Analytics is an increasingly popular area now. Every day, scores of fresh graduates are reporting to their first day of work as analysts. But to succeed as an analyst?

By learning & practicing of course.

And books play a vital role in opening new pathways for us. They can alter the way we think, shape our behavior and make us awesome, all in a few page turns.

So in this episode, let me share 3 must have books for (aspiring) analysts.

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Story of my first ever 200KM bike ride (plus an Excel dashboard with ride stats)

Story of my first ever 200KM bike ride (plus an Excel dashboard with ride stats)

Ok people. Let me tell you that this post is almost not about Excel. It is about how one Excel blogger’s (yours truly) dream of long distance cycling came true. So sit back, grab your favorite drink and read between sips.

So what is this all about?

Last Sunday (27th July) & Monday (28th), I finished my first ever 200KM bicycle ride. I rode for a little more than 12 hours, burned 5,179 calories & rode 206 kilometers.

It is definitely one of the most memorable, tiresome & uplifting experiences in my life. So naturally, I want to share the story with you.

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Become awesome in data analytics, charting & Power Pivot with Houston Masterclass [reminder]

Published on Jul 31, 2014 in Excel Workshops

Hello friends,

Let me stop our broadcast of Excel tips to bring an announcement.

Houston, we are going to get awesome

AED 2014 - become awesome in Excel, data analytics, power pivot & dashboard reporitng

As you may know, I am doing 4 days of live masterclasses on Advanced Excel, Dashboards, Power Pivot & Data Analytics in Houston (Texas) this September.

  • 15 & 16 September (Mon & Tue) on Advanced Excel & Dashboard Reporting
  • 17 & 18 September (Wed & Thu) on Power Pivot & Data Analytics

This 4 day masterclass is aimed at managers, analysts, reporting professionals, executives in sales, marketing, customer service or anyone who wants to learn about Data Analytics, Advanced Excel, Dashboard reporting.

Please click here to know more.

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CP015: Handling big data, Controlling model railroad sets, Overcoming Excel obsession & more – ASK CHANDOO

Published on Jul 24, 2014 in Chandoo.org Podcast Sessions

In the 15th session of Chandoo.org podcast, lets answer some of your burning Excel questions.

Handling big data, Controlling model railroad sets, Overcoming Excel obsession & More - ASK CHANDOO

What is in this session?

Around last week, I invited you to ask me anything. More than 150 people responded to this call and sent in their questions. Since answering all the questions is not possible, I handpicked roughly 10 questions to answer in this episode of Chandoo.org podcast.

In this podcast, you will learn,

  1. How to fill blank cells with data from above
  2. How to work with Big data in Excel
  3. How to combine data from multiple sources & analyze it in Excel
  4. How I am managing my life after starting Chandoo.org
  5. How to create and distribute stand-alone Excel products
  6. How to control a model railroad set using Excel VBA (not fully answered)
  7. & more…
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Ask me your Excel questions & You could win an eBook

Published on Jul 18, 2014 in Learn Excel
Ask me your Excel questions & You could win an eBook

Time for another round of open-mic weekend.

As you know, Chandoo.org has been running a podcast show for last few months. We have completed 14 episodes as of today. For the 15th episode, lets have an “Ask Chandoo” as the theme.

What you need to do:

Simple. Head over to ask.chandoo.org and submit your questions. You can leave me a voice-mail or post your questions

What happens next?

I will listen (or read) your questions and choose a handful for the session 15 of our podcast.

What you get:

If your question is picked up for the podcast, you will receive the 25 Excel tips e-book.

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CHOOSE() me, an introduction to Excel CHOOSE function

Published on Jul 16, 2014 in Learn Excel
CHOOSE() me, an introduction to Excel CHOOSE function

Today lets learn about Excel CHOOSE() function.
CHOOSE eh? What does it do?
To understand CHOOSE() and appreciate its uses, lets invent an imaginary boos-subordinate pair.

Jasmine is the boss. She is, well, lets call her peculiar. She likes olives, Tuesdays & color Red. She hates potatoes.

Martin is the faithful butler of Jasmine. He is obedient, quirky and tall. He likes lotuses, Fridays & color blue. He hates potassium.

Enter Jasmine’s scarf problem:

Jasmine likes to wear a different colored scarf every weekday. She likes to wear Red colored scarf on Mondays & Tuesdays. She likes to put on the blue polka dot scarf on Wednesdays. On Thursdays, she wears her olive colored scarf. On Fridays & Saturdays, she prefers the lovely orange blue scarf. Sundays are no scarf days.

No wonder she is peculiar.

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Here is a simple solution to your forgetful, leaky brian – “Just put it in a spreadsheet”

Published on Jul 14, 2014 in Learn Excel
Here is a simple solution to your forgetful, leaky brian – “Just put it in a spreadsheet”

This is a guest post written by Joel Zaslofsky, author of Experience Curating.

How to Make “Put It in a Spreadsheet” Who You Are (and Not Just What You Do)
It seemed like a crazy question:

Could I use my passion for Excel as motivation to transform my leaky brain from a weakness into a strength?

Sure, I already had a fifteen year love affair going with Excel.

Every other email I sent to my co-workers had an attached Excel spreadsheet. And when I wasn’t using Excel for work purposes, I was using it for grocery list templates or budget tracking.

But I had to discover the answer to my crazy question.

So I told my wife Melinda in January 2012, “Honey, this is the year I put it in a spreadsheet!”

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Come join me at Excelapalooza conference in Dallas or Masterclass at Houston this September

Published on Jul 9, 2014 in Excel Workshops, Training Programs

Excelapalooza - Annual Excel User Conference - Chandoo will be speaking on making awesome dashboards

If you listen carefully, you can hear my screams of joy. I have 2 very happy news to share with you.

  1. I am speaking at Excelapalooza Excel conference, happening at Dallas (Texas) between September 21 to 24.
  2. I will be conducting an Advanced Excel, Dashboards & Power Pivot masterclass at Houston (Texas) between September 15 to 18.
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4th of July Fireworks – an Excel animation for you

Published on Jul 4, 2014 in Charts and Graphs, VBA Macros

To all our readers & friends from USA,

I wish you a happy, fun & safe 4th of July.

For the last 4th of July (2013), we (Jo, kids & I) were in USA. We went to Washington DC to meet up a few friends for that weekend. And we had one of the most memorable evenings of our lives when we went to national mall area in the evening to watch beautifully choreographed fireworks. Kids really loved the amazing display of fire-crackers and enthusiasm.

While we all are back in India this time, it doesn’t mean we cant celebrate 4th of July. So I made some fireworks. In Excel of course.

Here is a little Excel animation I made for all of us.

4th of July Fireworks – Excel animation

First watch this quick demo (<15 secs)

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