All articles in 'blogging' Category

Hi all,
Time for a personal + blog related update. Bring a cup of your favorite brew, sit back, relax and read on. Read about our 2 years in New Zealand, Excel School v2.0 and revised blogging schedule. Catch glimpses of our live in NZ too.
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2015 has been the busiest year since starting
Wow, that is 12 years of breaking previous records. Thank you.
In 2015, we published 124 posts (down 3% YoY), received 6,300+ comments (up 5%). Our forum too had busy year with 1000s of new members and 5,000+ new threads. podcast continued to shine, we had 24 episodes this year and reached the 50 episode milestone. Our podcast episodes has been downloaded more than 900,000 so far since launch (in March 2014) with 600,000+ downloads this year alone!!!
Fun fact: People have spent 6.8 million minutes in 2015 listening to podcast. (assuming only 50% of downloads materialized to listens)
We have trained more than 1,800 people thru my online classes – Excel School, VBA Classes & 50 ways to analyze data program.
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2014 has been the busiest year since starting Wow, that is 11 years of breaking previous records. Thank you. In 2014, we published 128 posts (up 27% YoY), received 6,000+ comments (down 19%). Our forum had 8,700+ new members, 6,650 new threads and more than 42,000 posts in 2014. This year, I have also launched podcast. […]
Continue »Vote for your favorite US state migration dashboard
They are here! the shortlisted 12 entries of our dashboard contest for 2014 are here.
Please take a minute to review the entries and cast your vote. Click here.
Go ahead and cast your vote. Online voting for your favorite entries closes at midnight on 25th June, Wednesday (2014), Pacific time.
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This year has been busiest year since inception of Wow, that is 10 years in a row of breaking previous records.
We had 101 posts, 7,400+ comments this year. Since our forum went thru a migration, I could not gather exact stats for forum. We have trained more than 2,500 people thru my online classes – Excel School, VBA Classes & Power Pivot classes.
More than 7.5 million people visited our site in last 1 year (up 14%) and consumed a whopping 20 million pages (up 16%). Each of these visitors spent an average of 2 minutes 21 seconds on our site becoming awesome in Excel. There are 1.8 million people who spent at least 15 minutes on our site.
We have added more than 25,000 members to our newsletter / RSS reader community, crossing 80,000 mark. It is a busy year.
Read on to find the best of in 2013.
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Hi folks,
Today is valentines day. So I thought I should share a few love letters I recently got.
Correction: These letters are not for me, but for our site –
Addendum: Don’t write me off yet. In my college days I did get all of 17 love letters, mostly because campus postman mistook me (room number 79) for the six foot athletic hunk in room number 29.
While I may not get cat calls & suggestive remarks when I walk on the street,, the site would totally be kissed and hugged by people of all sexes and ages (well 21 and above).
You see, our site is like Ryan Gosling of Excel websites (or Mila Kunis). Those of slightly older can imagine as George Clooney or Marissa Tomei of the data analysis world.
How else can I explain the barrage of love letters I get for
Continue »Please take our readership survey and help me make you awesome in 2013 [Surveys]
Hi friends & readers of
I hope you had a fantastic start to 2013. Mine was awesome so far.
This year, I am even more committed to making you awesome in what you do. As a first step, I have created a small survey to know how we can help you better this year.
Please take our 2013 readership survey [takes less than 5 mins to answer]
That is all for now. Wishing you an awesome, Excellent new year 2013.
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This year has been the busiest year since the inception of We had 161 posts, 8,900+ comments, 33,500+ forum posts. We have trained more than 2,500 students thru training programs like Excel School & VBA Classes this year alone. More than 6.5 million people visited our site this year (up 82%), consuming a whopping […]
Continue »2012 has been the most awesome year since we started
The credit for this goes to our community of Excel users – that is you.
For practically every day of 2012, you have inspired me (and all of us at to learn something new, share and make you awesome. I know I say this many times, but I can never feel enough – Thank you for your support to
Apart from you, there are many other amazing people & companies that played a role in our success. In this post, let me highlight them & express my sincere gratitude.
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We wish you a merry Christmas & very happy New Year 2013. May your holidays be filled with joy and warmth. And your new year with lots of hope, fun, strength and awesomeness.
I also want to tell you how thankful & fortunate I feel to have your support in this year. Your desire to learn Excel & become awesome at your work motivates me everyday to learn & share. 2012 is a memorable year because of you. Thank you.
Continue »Welcome to – A short introduction to our site

Welcome to Thank you so much for taking time to visit us.
Over the last few weeks, we have quite a few new members to the site. Its good time I said hello and introduced this site to you.
PS: If you have been following for a while, you can still find useful information in this post. So read on.
Continue »![Oops, I did not do it [Site down time update]](
So that was stressful. As many of you know, our main site was down for good part of last 2 days due to a mysterious PHP error. After trying to fix it for 2 days and drawing a blank every time, I gave up and used my trump card – delete wordpress and manually re-install it. That seemed to do the trick. I can load the site alright, write this post and share the news with you.
I will post something awesome & useful on Excel tomorrow. Wish you a beautiful day ahead.
Continue »Hello my friend,
I have a few quick updates to start the week. Just read on to keep up.
Excel VBA section of
During last few weeks, I have spent several hours organizing all the VBA material on I am happy to announce our brand to Excel VBA area of the site.
This section has Excel VBA overview, examples, videos, tips, books, references & more. Check it out.
Read on for the remaining 5 updates…
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This year has been the most hectic since we started We had 178 posts, more than 7,500 comments & 10,000 forum posts. We have trained more than 2,500 students thru Excel school, VBA Classes & Financial Modeling Classes this year alone.
More than 3.5 million people visited our site this year, spending an average of 2:30 minutes per visit, consuming a whopping total of 10.5 million page views. Just to give you a comparison, last year (2010), we had 1.5 million people visiting 5.5 million pages. We have also added 17,000 more RSS / Newsletter members this year. It is a hectic year for the site.
To wrap up the wonderful year, I want to share a list of posts that most of you loved.
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