All articles in 'products' Category
Financial Modeling School is closing in a Few Hours – Join Now!
I have a quick announcement for you.
As you may know, we have re-opened registrations for our 2nd batch of Financial Modeling School on Feb 23rd. We will be closing the doors for new students tonight at 11:59 pacific time. Thank you so much for supporting this program enthusiastically.
If you wish to join Financial Modeling School, click here.
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Many of us want to learn advanced Excel and make progress in our career. But how to do it? In this post, I show 3+1 ways in which you can learn advanced excel.
Last week I did an interview with Robert Mundigl of Robert is an Excel wizard. You may know him thru the KPI Dashboard articles he has written on a while ago.
We spent about 90 minutes discussing some really cool & advanced Excel stuff. The interview will be available shortly on Excel School for our Dashboard students. But here is a snapshot of the dashboard we discussed in the interview. Robert taught me how to make such a dashboard using Excel.
Continue »Financial Modeling School is Open, Please Join Today

Hi my friends & readers of,
I have an exciting news for you. We have just opened the doors for our financial modeling course.
Please click here to learn more about the program & join.
What is Financial Modeling School?
This is an online training program for financial modeling, project finance modeling. I have partnered with Pristine Education, a company in India that specializes in Financial Modeling training to conduct this program.
This program is aimed at investment bankers, financial analysts, commercial bankers, equity research associates, project managers, sponsors, real estate project managers etc. to help them understand the nuances of project finance, financial modeling and create complex financial models using MS Excel.
Read rest of this post to learn more about the program.
Continue »Details about upcoming Financial Modeling School

We are opening Financial Modeling School for 2nd batch of classes on 23rd February. It feels very exciting to re-run this successful program. I want to share a few details about the program so that those of you interested to join can know more about it.
Please read this short post to learn 10 things about the financial modeling school program.
Continue »Join Excel School & Become Awesome in Excel

Friends & Readers of, I am excited to announce that Excel School, my online excel & dashboard training program is now available for your consideration. Please take a minute to read this post.
What is Excel School & Who Should join?
Excel School an online Excel & Dashboards training program. It is designed to make you awesome by teaching formulas, charting, formatting, data analysis & dashboards.
If you use Excel everyday and find my site useful & helpful, then this is a perfect program for you.
I have trained more than 700 students in this program so far and many of them have benefited tremendously. I am hoping you too will benefit from Excel School.
If you want to join Excel School, click here.
Continue »Do you want to Learn Excel? Consider Joining Excel School
As you may know, I run an online Excel training program called as Excel School. So far, I have conducted 3 batches of Excel School training and now on January 12th I am opening registrations again for new students.
In this post, I am going to share few important details about the program and give 3 FREE lessons to you. Read on, if you are interested to learn Excel.
Continue »Excel Hero Academy – Recommended Online Excel Training Program

Quick Summary: Recently I have had the opportunity to test Daniel Ferry’s Excel Hero Academy online training program. In this post I am going tell why it is a good program to learn Excel.
Plus you can get it for $50 OFF if you use the discount code chandoo.
Continue »Financial Modeling School Coming on Monday [Details Inside]
![Financial Modeling School Coming on Monday [Details Inside]](
Financial modeling is a no catwalk. You can not look pretty, wear ridiculous outfits and expect to find if a project is worth investing money in. That is why I am very happy to announce Financial Modeling School.
Please read this short post to learn more about the program.
Continue »Excel School Closing in a Few Hours – Join Now!

As some of you know, I run an online Excel Training Program called as Excel School. I have opened registrations for 3rd batch of this program on September 14th. Thank you very much for supporting this program wildly. In a few hours, I will be closing the registrations for Excel School.
Click here to sign up for Excel School
Read the rest of the post to learn more about Excel School and also download time across world chart template.
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Hello reader, my friend & supporter,
I am happy to announce that Excel School is open and ready for registrations.
Visit Excel School page to learn more and sign-up.
In this post, you can find some information about the program and links to sign-up.
Continue »10 things you should know about Excel School

This post is about my Excel School online training program. Feel free to skip if you are looking for excel tips. Some of you know that I run an online Excel training program called Excel School. It helps excel newbies and beginners to learn about various powerful features and become proficient in them. We discuss […]
Continue »Excel Everest – Recommended Excel Training Program

In todays post I review Excel Everest, an excel spreadsheet that teaches you how to use excel. In this post I am going to review the product and recommend it you.
What more, you can get it for 20% off if you use the discount code chandoo. Go ahead and read rest of the review.
Continue »Excel Wedding Planner is here, Get your copy today!

Attention brides-to-be, grooms-to-be and everyone believing in “one ring to rule”…, I am very happy to announce the launch of Excel Wedding Planner Template. The premium version is now available for your consideration. Here is a short sales pitch along with links to purchase it. [Click here to get a copy or read full sales […]
Continue »Download Excel Wedding Planner Today

I am very happy to tell you that Excel Wedding Planner is ready download.
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About a month ago, I got an email from Kevin. The crux of this email is,
I am working on a wedding planner based in Excel. Do you want to collaborate?
I replied to him asking for more details as I got curious about the project. Kevin sent me a work-in-progress version of his wedding planner which blew my mind. Although I have only one wedding experience and even that I hardly planned (as it is traditional for parents to take care of the wedding ceremonies in India), I found Kevin’s planner quite comprehensive, useful and easy.
So we worked on it together and I am happy to announce the Excel Wedding Planner
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