All articles with 'story' Tag
Last night while switching the channels I stopped quite sometime at the TVC/Tele-shopping infomercials in some channels. I thought to myself, why not do some research on this type of marketing. The result is this post. What is tele-shopping all about?In the words of Mehesh Panna, a country manager at TeleBrands, “The basic concept of […]
Continue »There are brands, and then there are brands, which make us look like the dumbest asses possible. The case in point – MTR foods Their latest television ads about MTR Upma make you feel like you have the IQ of a paper napkin. One of the ads go like this. There will be a bunch […]
Continue »Sorry for the slight delay in uploading the mela. I am stuck up with some submissions in the school :), without further delay. Nation Round-up: The most horrible and shocking news of the week is the terror attacks in IISc – Bangalore. Read more about the incident on youth curry. Exactly a year ago the […]
Continue »You pay almost Rs. 200 for a service X. You drive almost 10 km to get the service. But to your utter dismay, you have little or no say in where you want your service to be delivered, to decide how long your want the break in between to be, you couldn’t sit with your […]
Continue »I am feeling beautiful and happy. And let me warn you, I am not yet placed The world is full of new ventures, new ideas and new things. Everyday I see something new happening somewhere, something so simple and beautiful being done by somebody out there, thanks largely to my net connection. I couldn’t wait […]
There is a clear shift in the distribution of TV ads, its no longer FMCG or consumer durables alone, you have a variety of ads ranging from financial services, recruitment, online services and electronics. For once it’s a pleasure to watch more than the powder and paste ads. One clear trend I can spot is […]
Continue »Shareholders, value creation and all that bushllit
The traditional theories of corporate finance have 2 viewpoints. They are, Shareholder value maximization is much more important than growing ones own limbs, stealing office stationary and gossiping at the water cooler. No one ever bothered to read the second bullet point. But the world from now onwards is not going to be like that. […]
Continue »Sometimes the anomalies and opportunities presented by online advertising leave me surprised. One thing that I always question is why cant the online advertising make sense? Companies spend huge chunks of money placing their ads right behind customers mouse pointer. And the result? The online advertising becomes much more confusing than offline alternatives. If ad-clutter […]
Continue »After several days I went to TV room today. Needless to mention that I spent most my time watching ads on the box. That’s when I realized the change in most of the advertisements. First there was Avenger (ok, not exactly first) and then 2 other auto majors followed the suit with Maruti’s “Boondon mein […]
Continue »A rattle of cha/coffee pulled me out of dreamland. The train is moving fast towards Jammu Tawi station. By that time others are awake. The scenery outside looked really beautiful with lots of greenery and plains. Every now and then we see a huge army camp. Outside Jammu Tawi Rly. Station At about 7 AM […]
Continue »I always wanted to write about my hair and its adventures. There are two reasons for it,– I never know how much more time its going to last.– Dont bother! History of Human Hair: The story of hair dates back to Neanderthal man. Probably it was there before his times too. The point is not […]
Continue »Its a common trend in almost all b-schools in the country during the second year. People talk about this more than anything including marriage, junior babes and CPs. Suddenly we can see a change in the orientation of us. Its placements. Well, even I have a story to tell. For the last God-only-know-how-many-times I was […]
Continue »Well, this is not an unseen sight in most of the business schools. In search of something more than the obvious facts most of us end up speaking gibberish clad, verbose rant when someone asks simple questions like ‘when is the class?’. Majorly this happens because everyone tries to be intellectual and superior by displaying […]
Continue »Since my sojourn in mumbai is coming to an end, I wanted to explore as much as possible before leaving this place. As a part of this urge to guzzle and glut, we (dock, karthik, loyya, myself) wanted to checkout sundance bar & restaurant which has an offer on some beer (a pint free with […]
Continue »Ok folks!, sit tight. I am going to reveal my plans about the upcoming series of management books authored by none other than yours truly. On a more serious note, i am fed up trying to feed myself with good south Indian food in this hinterland. I am trying with out any success for the […]
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