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All articles with 'movie' Tag

of bulging, purging, choking and loving (BPCL)

Published on Feb 13, 2005 in Random

bulging & purging:An interesting thing is happening on the hilltop resort now a days. A bunch of 30 pgp1s has started a dietary circus called body purging program. we call it bpp. with in 2 days the bpp doers number plummetted by 90% and now we have 3 lone survivers. Last heard some geeks have […]

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its a beautiful day!

Published on Feb 10, 2005 in Random

You must be thinking “oh!, no not another how did I spend my day post”. Rest assured. This is not going to be one of them unless you closely look for the clues. But that way everything falls in the same line just like Keynes saying “In the long run, we all are dead” For […]

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Published on Feb 9, 2005 in Random

Was thinking of doing this for quite sometime. Finally managed to develop the flash (Damn, i almost forgot the actionscript coding :P) and here you go. Exposed!, My reading table. adjust your monitors brightness and move your mouse to have a peek.

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The holiday in a B Schoolers life

Published on Feb 5, 2005 in Random

Loads of the bloggers in b schools ranted about “a day in myschool” stuff. All the scary stories are more or less successful in convincing outsiders about the concentration_campesque culture in these places. So let me try to sell you the story of how we spend a holiday. Since tomorrow is a holiday I am […]

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Last 24 hours

Published on Feb 2, 2005 in Random

Sometimes I wonder how much lazy one can be. Then again the wonder vanishes in to one of those hazaar nightouts. Anyways, take a look at what i have done(actually these things require no efforts). Long live holidays. – I have tried watching 3 movies. two of them are PITAs. The other I didnt watch […]

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My appointment with Dr. Lecter

Published on Jan 31, 2005 in Random

Tomorrow is a global day. We have 3 classes starting with Strategic Planning and ending with a double whammy in the form of 2 HR classes. That means you can something like “That will have longterm strategic impact on the firm and place it in a competitively disadvantageous position vis-a-vis competitors and demotivate employees from […]

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My current playlist

Published on Jan 25, 2005 in Random

hmm… was thinking of posting my current winamp playlist here with some comments each title for quite sometime. This list wakes me up almost everyday. Here it goes. Bulla Ki Jana, Rabbi Shergill – Awesome lyrics, real catchyFana, Yuva – Any doubts, cult ARRIts the time to disco, KHNH – Awesome musicEk ho gaye hum […]

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Happy Sankranti

Published on Jan 13, 2005 in Random
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Time of my life

Published on Jan 8, 2005 in Random

lo… here comes the post on how I spent the last 10 days. Just one word to summerize it all. WONDERFUL. I spent the first 5 days of vacation with my fiancee. We both had great time together roaming in Indore and eating out. Then I left to my hometown machilipatnam. I reached my place […]

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Syndicating a day of my life!

Published on Dec 14, 2004 in Random

<start what=”a brand new day”> ···<curse what=”scheduled task”> ···<check what=”time”> ···<sleep again> ···<check finally what=”time”> ···</sleep> ···<rush to=”brush”> ···<check what=”timetable”> ···<pack what=”bag”> ···<consume what=”snack”> ···<gulp what=”coffee”> ···<rush to=”class”> ······<mark what=”attendence”> ······<sleep sometime> ······<do what=”CP”> ······<do what=”mock the other class participating class participants”> ······<take what=”tea break”> ······<repeat what=”above 4 steps” times=”2″> ···</rush> ···<rush to=”mess”> ······<consume what=”lunch”> […]

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Three Things

Published on Dec 13, 2004 in Random

(1)If you compare a full photograph of me in graduation and now you will see a stark difference. It is the growing retained earnings near the body parts surrounding my belly. Thanks largely to my SE job. I never felt the need to stand and walk from my swivel chair. Many of my friends told […]

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Kingsize weekend

Published on Dec 13, 2004 in Random

After coming here the meaning of weekend blurred a lot. We have seen some crazy weeks in both the terms. Day before yesterday was different experience altogether. Unlike weekends for most people living in India, certain sample of hazaar people celebrate it in a different way. Their weekend starts on Saturday afternoon and ends on […]

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150 days of Blogging and B School Life

Published on Nov 27, 2004 in Random

Sometime this week i have completed both of them. and sitting in my room on a saturday night when there is no party, not enough movies to watch and more importantly the fact that tomorrow is a holiday has prompted me to write about this. This post tries to present a raw soul searching and […]

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210 minutes of tragedy and 120 minutes of comedy …

Published on Nov 22, 2004 in Random

well, that pretty much summerizes the scene of 2 mids i had today. first in the day i had finance mid. well, as somebody was saying after the exam ‘the prof had left only 4 ratios in the text book’. Anybody who knows the spelling of finance can guess that at the most rudimentary level, […]

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4Ls – Link, Laughter, Lazyness, Losses

Published on Nov 17, 2004 in Random

Link found this greatlink written by JAM mag founder. Go through, and i bet you would also be tempted to add it to your fav. links. Laughter seen Hera Pheri last night. Awesome movie. Was lughing like hell throught out the movie. The mere thought of Baburao (Paresh Rawal) saying “Yeh Kabeera Speaking bahut achha […]

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