All articles with 'ads' Tag
The new Mac vs. PC web ad by Apple is really cool

Did you checkout the new web based Mac vs. PC ads Apple is running on the They are totally cool. why? because, in that ad, the PC guy walks from one ad-block to another creating wow user experience for whoever seeing the ad. Here is a small animation I have created out of it […]
Continue »Ads that are also Infographics – 10 Dazzling Examples

Advertisements and info-graphics can excite us a lot by their sheer ability to tell a story convincingly. What happens when you combine both? The results are dazzling… don’t believe me? Checkout these examples: Heineken Beer – How to get a girl in the bar – Flow chart Evening College from 5 – 10 PM – […]
Continue »The new Microsoft “Hi, I am PC” ads are supercool. Apple has been making fun of PC (and PC users) for while with the “I am PC, I am Mac” ads and the response from MS advertising team is nothing short of brilliant. With these simple & funny ads, they have changed the focus from […]
Continue »Look at the power of conversation. A fan posted on youtube showing an apparent glitch in Tiger Woods 08 video game that you can walk on water to hit a golf ball. What did Electronic Arts and Tiger Woods do? They post a response to that video advertising Tiger Woods 09 saying that “its not […]
Continue »Amul has one hell of a branding strategy, they take whatever is happening in politics, entertainment, sports etc and turn the situation in to a billboard to tell their butter / jam / milk product story. Almost every week they do this, so restlessly that when something big happens, customers tend to think how Amul […]
Continue »Just click those ads and tell me what you understood. Humor me, go ahead, I am waiting. … Ok, stop scratching, you might loose more hair than the common sense brand managers at vodafone lost. Apparently these adds convey that Vodafone has solved the unsolvable conundrum of “talk-time” or “validity” by introducing a lifetime valid […]
Continue »Time for another look at print ads, this time for the most bizarre of them all. Mind you, these are not awful or plain lousy ads, for any column-centimeter worth its area has a fair share of lousy ads, these are simply bizarre ads, the kind that will make you go – WTF? The first […]
Continue »This is awesome, the new incredible hulk campaign on IMDB is nicely done, I have taken a few screen shots of it to post here, just in case they removed it (but go see it on IMDB to understand what I mean) This shows how to create incredible advertisements by integrating flash (rich media) with […]
Continue »I came across this brilliant ad from Citibank advertising their metro card for Delhi metro, see it yourself. I have taken Delhi metro first time during my summer internship in 2005. The system was excellent even at that time. I felt proud riding a world class air conditioned carriage from my hotel to the heart […]
Continue »I think this is brilliantly done, despite being a mac owner and lover, the ad just looked perfect without sounding arrogant or stupid. Good work Lenevo
Look at the above Vodafone ad, the latest one where a cute little girl is constantly getting help from a cute little pug in various situations while a beautiful jingle is played in the background. The ad ends saying that “Vodafone is all too happy to help you” when you need them. Even though I […]
Continue »Take a look at the above ad of Shoppers stop that is featured on rediff today. Clearly the ad agency hasn’t understood how web advertising works. Instead of designing a campaign that would engage users online, encourage them to click, read-up and sign-up or subscribe, they just choose to replicate a news paper ad’s jpg […]
Continue »6 of the outdoor ads that I think are really cool, see for yourself: First, one of the most memorable brands of India, Amul, their advertising strategy is simple, every time connect with audience with messages that are from current news items. The humor is subtle yet striking. [See more of amul ads here] Ad […]
Continue »Most of the time doing a print advertisement is much more difficult than doing a normal video ad, the creativity is limited to a rectangle on the paper and no matter how much effort is spent on the ad, your audience may not even look at it for more than a split second. Only very […]
Continue »Transport for London‘s new advertising campaign to increase the safety of cycle travel in London is pretty innovative, watch the ad here (totally safe for work, so go ahead and watch): But there is another important lesson in the ad, as Seth Godin suggested, way too many marketers wanted us to count the passes and […]
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