Archive for July, 2004
Some of the enlightened souls here have started a separate service called as IIM I News Service. The mails are really funny. When ever there is a mail with this in subject, i read it immediately. sample this, backgroud info: There is a poor chap called Y$#I (name protected for privacy reasons) and he happened […]
Continue »Yesterday i was running. Running for my life and running for my grades. I had a CT Quiz at 5 pm. There was an accounts tute by prof (not mandatory) at 3 pm in our respective cells. I bunked the accounts tute. I thought for sleeping for a while before the CT Quiz. And when […]
Continue »Announced Surprize,Words of the day and Armageddon
Announced Surprizes: We had an announced surprize last week. We were informed that we will be having an HBW quiz (yuk!!! I hate it) on sat’day. So I spent the considerable amount of friday night and saturday morning poring over the tomes. Not that anything seeped into my mind, but it costed a couple of […]
Continue »Haan jee, you read it right. I have added a unique bulleted point to my CV. I have bartended for 45, yes exactly 45 mins. Yesterday, there was an exclusive boozers party here. Since it was raining heavily the party was hosted right opposite the mess. And I came back from the TT room with […]
Continue »yes, everything is in full swing these days. we are having moderate pressures in the academic scene. But, to offset that, lots of competitions are coming up. To give you a feel of what is ahead of me as of now, – Marketer of the Month – Iris Online Website – Howzzat – Cricket Quiz […]
Continue »So here goes your chance to peek into the life of a non-drinking non-smoking workless bachelor’s life over the weekend. What would he do? Where will he go? and finally how will he identify himself in a hilltop sanctuary???? The Saturday: did i ever i told you that we have no concept of […]
Continue »Don’t be confused by what I have written in the title. All I am saying is about the atmosphere here. Not anything else. It started raining here. The hilltop penitentiary is getting all the more attractive these days. With all the breeze and drizzle one would kill to stayback in the room than toiling oneself in […]
Continue »Excuse the obvious spelling mistake in the title of this p(f)art. well, to begin with, yesterday was a freeday for us. And when i say yesterday is a freeday i mean, we don’t have much to do today. We had 2 surprise quizzes yesterday. One on Eco and the other on accounting. since my ability […]
Continue »We had our informal freshers party and cultural night yesterday. PGP1A and B sections were fighting against each other in an intense cultural event. The night kicked off with a grand dinner arranged by mess com with a decent dose of poultry. When i joined i had full hopes of unlimited poultry and masala stuff […]
Continue »yeah.. I is wet. this is what happened today ( or should i say yesterday and today ) since there is no work ( well, not much ) I slept at 11:45 types with full hopes of catching a 6-7 hour sleep. at about 1:20 am… Bang Bang…. Bang Bang…. Saale bahar aaaja…. […]
Continue »Today i had a wierd experience. and learning one of the most important lessons from it. it is ‘Never sleep if you have work to complete for the next day.’ We had one of those hectic days yesterday. something like, 3 cases to read, one group case presentation, roughly some 70-80 pages of reading from […]
Continue »Hello world… If you happened to hear first hello world, then you would have recognized the fact that my second hello world is not as vigorous or as loud as my first one. Cant help it either. Well, lets come to the point. ( becoming a manager… you see.. ) I have so far taken […]
Continue »Its all set to start from tomorrow. Officially our classes start from tomorrow 9:30 am ( for section a it is 9 am ). We have Microeconomics for Managers, Human Behaviour at Work and Quantitative Techniques 1 for tomorrows sessions. The session usually lasts for 70 mins. After each session we will get a 15 […]
Continue »Some of the saturday night party and other pics have been uploaded on my Y! Photobook. Check them Go to mah alBUM
Continue »Saturday was not that hectic comparared to what we had on the other 2 days. in the morning i had the class from 9-11 and we discussed the case in groups. Eventhough we dint had a chance to present the case, it was a nice experience to participate in the discussion. Later we had some […]
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