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All articles with 'information' Tag

A new press to publish PHD Blog!!!

Published on Feb 3, 2006 in Random

FLASH *** FLASH *** FLASH A sting operation by our highly inquisitive and talented team in Hanuman Tekri revealed that the famous B-school blog (:P) Pointy Haired Dilbert may be published from a new press in the days to come. Various cms/blogging software companies are believed to have approached the author in the hopes of […]

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Where will the multiplex go now?

Published on Dec 24, 2005 in advertising, business, ideas, wonder why

You pay almost Rs. 200 for a service X. You drive almost 10 km to get the service. But to your utter dismay, you have little or no say in where you want your service to be delivered, to decide how long your want the break in between to be, you couldn’t sit with your […]

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The lastmile of online shopping

Published on Nov 27, 2005 in Random

The way Indian online shopping is shaping up only suggests that it will take several years before the market matures… an incident to back my argument. A couple of days ago I have ordered an iPodShuffle from one of the leading shopping sites in India. After a day I got an email from them saying […]

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My friend calls me "anti-bloggers, pro-iipm, pro-information secrecy dude", but …

Published on Oct 11, 2005 in Random

I must be the most insensible and stoical blogger around, for my post on High High Fee Yumm! and the latest controversy on it has taken years to come. But anyway, I believe that blogging is just a hobby for me and hence I pursue it at my leisure to my pleasure. Without making any […]

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The Good Old Days of Coding!

Published on Oct 5, 2005 in Random

If there is one hobby that I cannot leave even when I become a CEO, it will be coding. Yes, I like coding very much. Not that I am hotshot programmer or something like that, but I would like to spend a couple of hours every month doing some silly coding. It feels good when […]

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Life with out ‘i’

Published on Sep 26, 2005 in Random

In the past 2 days loads of things have happened. But probably the most important of them is the absence of net on this little planet. Just like most of the academic institutions and mental asylums ours is also situated far away from the thick and buzz of civilization. So when the internet connection conked […]

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Know your internship insideout

Published on Jun 21, 2005 in Random

Note: This post has a face value of ZERO. Come April and 99.999% of India’s total population’s sole concern is the summer heat. The rest 0.001% is profoundly worried about a strange exercise called summer internship. Once upon a time some body will say, “it is the minority which define the majority”. So lets talk […]

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A-305 2 C-320

Published on Jun 15, 2005 in Random

Even though looking like a secret password or a mission statement (well, sometimes mission statements look like that too) the title simply implies that I am moving to a new room after spending nearly an year in this place. This time to the chaos block, room number 320. This new room confirms the pet hypothesis […]

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Vimukthi from world of cubes…

Published on Apr 19, 2005 in Random

There is a wonderful word for salvation in Telugu. It is “vimukthi”. Now you know what I am going to talk about. Thank God!, I finally got the much needed break from living in cubes. I will be doing some field study over next 6-7 days in Mumbai. That essentially translates into traveling in locals, […]

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Otherwise a lazy weekend

Published on Apr 18, 2005 in Random

Just when i finished publishing the last post vishy buzzed me on Y! and invited me to NASEOH (an NGO based in mumbai) to participate in an afternoon session with differently-abled people teaching them computers and communication skills. I was in two minds whether to go there or not. But after a hefty lunch at […]

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Who has the bigger one? You or me?

Published on Mar 29, 2005 in Random

Welcome to the bad bad world of marketing surveys and questionnaires. We have a marketing project due in the next couple of days and all of us need to do a customer survey as part of the project. The aim is to suggest marketing strategies for MNCs and multi crore Indian companies based on a […]

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Of career and electives…

Published on Mar 25, 2005 in Random

After lot of thought and reconsiderations I have made my decisions for electives. On the outset the list or electives may look like I am doing general management, but I have ended up taking all courses related to marketing. I know this is a tough choice to make as i will have to spend rest […]

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My Hindi Sucks

Published on Feb 27, 2005 in Random

Travails of being a southie doesn’t start with a long name or end with an engineering degree. Till I came here my only worry is my long and historical sounding name. Ok, Lets talk about the name first. My name is (provided you dont disclose this valuable information to others), Duggirala Raja Raja Surya Chandra […]

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About Classroom Humor & IT Textbooks

Published on Feb 22, 2005 in Random

I sit behind Ashwin (our quiz club secy) in the classroom. Both of us have a general hatred towards classroom learning and on any given day atleast one of will be sleeping in the class even though Ass wouldnt agree to the fact that he is sleeping. So to fight the attack of sleep and […]

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Published on Feb 20, 2005 in Random

When i was a kid, i was fascinated by numbers. So much so that I used to top all the maths courses. Later during the engineering first year when I failed to add 2 matrices in the final exam I felt like suiciding. It was such a shame for me. All the penchant for numbers […]

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