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All articles with 'game' Tag

My First Night (out) @ I

Published on Feb 3, 2005 in Random

Come to think of it. I have been in this place for the last 7 months. Gone through hazaar quizzes, made umpteen presentations, wrote unimaginably lengthy reports and snored like anything in the class. But alas!, I have never put up a night out (out and out nightout means you get not even a wink […]

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The AHA Effect!

Published on Jan 16, 2005 in Random

There are fairs. And then there are fairs. Then there is UtsAHA. to beat all of them hands down. UtsAHA is the reason for the inactivity in my blog. For the last 3-4 days half of IIM Indore are working like dogs to make this marketing fair happen. The concept of UtsAHA is simple. It […]

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Escape to Reality – Part I

Published on Dec 4, 2004 in Random

It was never meant to be this great. Actually, even in my dreams i never expected today to be this good.Sometime yesterday night, Venky (we call him BABA, an amicable lad from CTS and a genuine product of TN) came to my room and woke me up from a deep slumber only to ask me […]

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Yuhoo !!!

Published on Nov 29, 2004 in Random

Yeah, we made it. my team (bullCheat, see this post for more details) in the share market game won second prize for the second week of the contest. well, this shows that i am no dumber when it comes to shares. chalo, me off to books. got some reading to do. Y! Status says – […]

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bullCheat, bto and gut feelings

Published on Nov 15, 2004 in Random

bullCheat well, that is not the soundex for bullshit. bullCheat is our (mehra & myself) team name in the ongoing stock market game in our campus. the game simulates the stock market by taking real time closing prices of 30 shares in bse sensex everyday. we can trade for the day at these fixed prices […]

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Amazing reality of marketing surveys

Published on Nov 14, 2004 in Random

Today we had Marketing Research (MR) as discussion topic in marketing class. After a couple of presentations and Q&A sessions the prof raised the question (in fact he did raise more than one question.) “When is the appropriate time to do MR?”despite the fact that this question was raised at 1:15 pm when half the […]

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The mother of all terms

Published on Oct 1, 2004 in Random

Done with my registration for term 2 today morning. Got the reading material for the term too. Well, the material is simply intimidating. One of the books actually looked like a dictionary. Dont know howmuch I can comprehend. Broadly the out line of the term is, Monday 4th October – classes begin Thursday 20th October […]

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And the proverbial Nail in the coffin…

Published on Sep 15, 2004 in Random

Somedays, life seems highly miserable and hopeless. Well, not for cribbing but for the fun part of the life under thousand tonnes of pressure read on. Start the day at 12:00 by reading some come-dicks accounting case and trying to learn and appreciate their taxation policies and lease mechanisms, not to mention about the amortization […]

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Its all in Game Theory Stupid!!!

Published on Aug 28, 2004 in Random

Next time you meet a crazy b skooler who sleeps at 5 or may be 7 in the morning dont start arguing with him about the rationale behind his deviant act against nature laws. There is lots of thoery and practical application behind his/her insane act. Got curious???, Read on. (Warning: The following text is […]

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I want a day like this everyday !!!

Published on Aug 26, 2004 in Random

Today (or is it yesterday?) was very good. The day kicked off with Block A Gyaan session at 12:30 am by Prasoon making a presentation on Forex. Some 40 odd highly motivated pgp1s attended the presentation. This is the first of the several presentations that are going to be made by armageddons so that our […]

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‘sleeper’ class-apart

Published on Aug 24, 2004 in Random

There are boozers, then there are movie buffs. There are food freaks too. There are dance maniacs also. There are surfing addicts. There are gamers. Above all there are sporting stars. But there is one sect of the prisoners living here. Their eye shutters drop at the drop of hat. Literally. I am proud to […]

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Jargon Stanle-i

Published on Aug 19, 2004 in Random

Aaah… Finally the Messiah cometh. The post that unlocks the B skool jargon wisdom to the common outside the gates. Read through some of the craziest words used by elItes. CP – This ominous word has numerous numinous followers. But nonetheless the meaning is same for all of us. CP stands for Crap Participation. Other […]

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Fasting, ‘Present’ations and Future Tensions

Published on Aug 17, 2004 in Random

I have completed my MOC presentation yesterday. It was on Local Language Advertising. Slightly overshot the time but over all it was a good presentation. Feedback proved to be fruitful; too. Learned about flaws in my presentations style. Now i have to make sure that they wont repeat in my next presentation. Talking about presentations, […]

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Announced Surprize,Words of the day and Armageddon

Published on Jul 26, 2004 in Random

Announced Surprizes: We had an announced surprize last week. We were informed that we will be having an HBW quiz (yuk!!! I hate it) on sat’day. So I spent the considerable amount of friday night and saturday morning poring over the tomes. Not that anything seeped into my mind, but it costed a couple of […]

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Published on Jul 25, 2004 in Random

Haan jee, you read it right. I have added a unique bulleted point to my CV. I have bartended for 45, yes exactly 45 mins. Yesterday, there was an exclusive boozers party here. Since it was raining heavily the party was hosted right opposite the mess. And I came back from the TT room with […]

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