All articles with 'excel links' Tag
Excel Links of the Week – What is really happening Edition
In this week’s excel links learn how to lookup in 2 columns, a cool charting hack using which you can depict uncertainty in predictions, an excel template that can be used to visualize social networks and much more.
Continue »In this week’s excel links learn how to make bingo cards, make your random numbers unique and prepare your data for charting and much more…
Continue »Excel Links of the Week – Free E-Book Edition
Find out how you can get a free e-book on excel and charting in this week’s excel links.
Continue »Weekly Excel Links – After a Long Time Edition
In this weeks edition, learn how to compare multiple items in a range using match, know how you can add more than one legend to a chart, include images in comments.
Continue »Welcome Robert & to Blogging
Remember Robert, he is the author of the popular KPI Dashboard Series of posts on this blog. Now there is good news, he started a blog and writes about information dashboards, data visualization.
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This week, check out the updated excel downloads page and 5 interesting excel articles from around the web. Read more to learn about a mouse trick to paste values, how you can tweet from excel using user forms, an intuitive charting principle and more.
Continue »Excel Links of the Week – Minor Changes to PHD edition

There are some minor changes to PHD sidebar layout and feed address. Also, in this week’s featured links learn how to Understand Stock Charts in Excel, Choose the Right Chart Using this Flow Chart, Quickly Create Named Ranges using F4 Key, Print Multiple Areas by Creating a Consolidation Sheet and Get a List of Filenames in a Directory to Excel using Browser
Continue »Everyweek PHD shares some of the Excel links to help you learn better and become productive at using Excel. This weeks edition will help you with printing, creating named ranges, finding excel version.
Continue »Weekly Excel Links – Issues with Hosting of PHD
Over the weekend I got thinking about the various ways in which PHD can help you and I wonder if PHD should have forums. For one, forums are a great way to discuss ideas, find answers and develop community feeling. But at the same time, there are tons of very good excel forums that having another one may not really help. Currently I am leaning towards starting a forum to see how it goes. What do you think I should do ?
Continue »Excel Links of the week – the Christmas edition
It is the holiday week, that means less posts and more fun. We went to a friend’s wedding yesterday and had wonderful time. We are planning to celebrate Christmas at home with friends this year. How are you celebrating the holidays this year?
Continue »Finally I have got internet connection at home. The folks at Airtel Broadband are very fast and professional. They set up the connection in very few days. So I will be able to blog regularly from now on.
Moving to this week’s excel links you should browse;
Continue »Every Monday PHD shares some of the best excel related articles around the web so that you are up to date with discussions and new ways to be productive. Here is a list of links recommended for this week.
Continue »Excel Links of the Week – PHD’s new tag line [Nov 24]
This is probably the 100th time I have changed this site’s tag line. So, it may not be a great news to you. But again, I need to say out this loud so that you, my dear reader, will know what this blog is going to stand for: Excel Tips, Charting Ideas and Visualization Oomph. […]
Continue »Excel Links of the Week – Do you want to run 10k with me edition
It has been almost 9 months since I crossed the 5k running mark for the first time in my life. Running is one of the most enjoyable things I do. I have been running between 5 and 7 kilometers ever since. I wanted to run 10 kilometers and finally I am confident of doing it. […]
Continue »Excel Links of the Week – All Downloads at One Place Edition

25+ Excel Templates – Download and Use [plug] Have you ever wondered what it would be like to get all the excel downloadables in Pointy Haired Dilbert in one simple page? Well, I did and created this simple excel templates – download page. It has 27 templates currently and I will add more as and […]
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