All articles with 'web' Tag
Is Mallika Sherawat the next bigthing happening to India?
Last time I remember a mainline media house (be it TV, news paper, web) harping on about one news item from various angles in the first page/headlines was probably pokhran blast or wait.. was it CAT leak??? But it looks like mallika sherawat is the next happening thing to India. How else you can explain […]
Continue »Duh!, I have taken hazaar (psstt… sau), photos in the last few days. Me struggling to upload them. 90% of the cafes wont have the driver. the ones with driver should have usb port. when both are there then internet connection is slllllow. thus…. Any reader in ahd can volunteer his box and usb […]
Except for the brief stopovers and platform adventures, never did i come to this city, nor do i know someone from this small and tidy place. So, when I peeked out of that volvo window when the bus is at the city outskirts, i felt like a little kid opening his new toy. Well, after […]
Continue »Just when i finished publishing the last post vishy buzzed me on Y! and invited me to NASEOH (an NGO based in mumbai) to participate in an afternoon session with differently-abled people teaching them computers and communication skills. I was in two minds whether to go there or not. But after a hefty lunch at […]
Continue »Came to Bombay today morning. Had a wonderful journey. Managed to utilize most of the time by doing masala, sleep and dinner. It was my first time in AC class of trains. Had good fun exploiting the facilities. Somehow managed to lug my baggage out of central station in the morning. Damn, it sure is […]
Continue »Just 20 hours ago i have completed one year at this wonderful place. It feels good and damn it, it feels fast. I am leaving the campus in another 3 hours. Packing madhu. Will be missing the 24 hour internet and night canteens and all the fun for 2 months. But again, summers should be […]
Continue »Welcome to PHD Blogmela. Just now completed reading all the posts nominated and boy!, this is going to be a real Indian blogmela. Majority of the nominations centered around India as in they spoke about India rather than about some Indian. Ok, I am not wasting anymore time. Lets jump in to the PHD Blogmela. […]
Continue »I sit behind Ashwin (our quiz club secy) in the classroom. Both of us have a general hatred towards classroom learning and on any given day atleast one of will be sleeping in the class even though Ass wouldnt agree to the fact that he is sleeping. So to fight the attack of sleep and […]
Continue »Yesterday, I was making a ppt for some operations related issues and came across a couple of articles on the web related to how manufacturing outsourcing is happening. While reading one of the articles I have realized a strange thing. It is, companies obcession with acronyms. So much so that they have acronyms like MOST […]
Continue »Tomorrow is a global day. We have 3 classes starting with Strategic Planning and ending with a double whammy in the form of 2 HR classes. That means you can something like “That will have longterm strategic impact on the firm and place it in a competitively disadvantageous position vis-a-vis competitors and demotivate employees from […]
Continue »[PG Link] Before joining IIM Indore in July 2004 I have attended 9 real GD/PIs. I am able to convert 3 of them. There were lots of key takeaways from all these experiences. This post aims to throw some light in what works best in a GD/PI and what can make one a failure in […]
Continue »Well, you have seen them all. Cost accounting, management accounting, HR accounting, this accounting, that accounting. But Accounting of Exams??? Well, I guess there is no such concept in existence till now. Hmm, so something original, you must be thinking. But even if you are remotely aware of the blog title you will remember that […]
Continue »I have purchased my domain name and some puny webspace yesterday night using the plastic. I started experimenting with moving the blog pages from Blog*spot to this place. Finally the move is complete and now all my future blogs will be available here [] only. It is at this point i understood that i need […]
Continue »Marcovian queues, arranged marriages and forefathers !!!
Well, upon looking at the three words Marcovian Queues, Arranged Marriage and Forefathers any sane person (Aah!, that excluded all the managers in the world :D) would say that they are totally unconnected. Today, i am here to prove that indeed they have a strong relationship among themselves. So much so that, the relationship is […]
Continue »Gosh!, you must be thinking that finally I started writing something interesting (???). Well, it very well is interesting. Just that it is not in the horizontal plane in which you are thinking it is.Without any further titles and other irrelevant stuff lets get to the ‘job’ in hand. BLOW in the blowjob stands for […]
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