All articles with 'India' Tag
After several days I went to TV room today. Needless to mention that I spent most my time watching ads on the box. That’s when I realized the change in most of the advertisements. First there was Avenger (ok, not exactly first) and then 2 other auto majors followed the suit with Maruti’s “Boondon mein […]
Continue »In the past 2 days loads of things have happened. But probably the most important of them is the absence of net on this little planet. Just like most of the academic institutions and mental asylums ours is also situated far away from the thick and buzz of civilization. So when the internet connection conked […]
Continue »Type: Non-vegServings: Many Ingredients: 1 myself 1 Alarm clock1 Very good mattress1 Well equipped gymnasium1 Badminton court1 Computer with net connection1 Camera1 Blog account300 + friends online2-3 Library books40 GB of movies20 GB of musicA working version of FreeCellDaily The Hindu crosswordLatest copies of India Today, Business World & Outlook Traveler Preparation: Make the mattress […]
We were ready with our cameras and sweaters by 6:30 in the morning and very enthusiastic about boating in Dal lake. Some general info on the lake for the lesser mortals. Dal Lake is one of the most beautiful lakes of India and the second largest in the J&K state. Its three sides are surrounded […]
Continue »Check Indian Railways website. Its ridiculous.
Continue »Since most of you are in this wonderful state of blissfull ignoranace of Indian Law, let me tell you this increasingly puzzling and yet stunningly simple definition of “Company” according to Companies Act. “A Company means a company formed and registered under this Act or an existing company”
Continue »Its always pleasant to see sportstar ads in Hindu. They rouse the interest by combining a latest sports visual with catchy line and the body copy rants about whats this weeks sportstar is going to offer. The best thing is they come up with most creative pieces everytime. The sad part is that no one […]
Continue »Its a common trend in almost all b-schools in the country during the second year. People talk about this more than anything including marriage, junior babes and CPs. Suddenly we can see a change in the orientation of us. Its placements. Well, even I have a story to tell. For the last God-only-know-how-many-times I was […]
Continue »Well, this is not an unseen sight in most of the business schools. In search of something more than the obvious facts most of us end up speaking gibberish clad, verbose rant when someone asks simple questions like ‘when is the class?’. Majorly this happens because everyone tries to be intellectual and superior by displaying […]
Continue »baaah! I want an iShuffle. Lastnight I was searching for some ‘Chik’ shampoo advertisements in MagIndia and got one. But I needed installation of QuickTime for playing the ad. When I went to Apple’s website to download the player. I randomly clicked on the store section to findout how much it costs to buy an […]
Continue »Note: This post has a face value of ZERO. Come April and 99.999% of India’s total population’s sole concern is the summer heat. The rest 0.001% is profoundly worried about a strange exercise called summer internship. Once upon a time some body will say, “it is the minority which define the majority”. So lets talk […]
Continue »Is Mallika Sherawat the next bigthing happening to India?
Last time I remember a mainline media house (be it TV, news paper, web) harping on about one news item from various angles in the first page/headlines was probably pokhran blast or wait.. was it CAT leak??? But it looks like mallika sherawat is the next happening thing to India. How else you can explain […]
Continue »The small gifts of surviving the first years rigor and routine include ample time for browsing and reading. Its quite sometime since I read a news paper or visited news site. So I thought why not visit the rediff and eco-times. And what do I find? CEOs love the seat by chauffeur screams ET. Out […]
Continue »My romance with the wonderful city called mumbai is coming to an end in another few hours. I will be packing my bags and leaving to VT by 8:30 tonight. It actually has been one hell of a vacation with loads of new friends and new experiences. But if there is one theme that remained […]
Continue »Dont know what to name the post. So lets not waste understanding the title. – Pune has wonderful weather. Outrageous south indian food in restaurants. astronomically high ticket costs in movie halls. good eat outs. lots of book shops. few options for transportation inside city. hazaar malls and multiplexes. – Nagpur is a bad city […]
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