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All articles with 'google' Tag

Flu Trends Chart in Excel [Yes, we can edition]

Published on Jan 22, 2010 in Charts and Graphs, Featured
Flu Trends Chart in Excel [Yes, we can edition]

Last week I have reviewed Google’s flu trends chart and told you that is it is very well made. Out of curiosity I made a similar chart in Excel. In this post, I am going to share the experience and results with you. Interested? Read on…

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Google Spreadsheets Holiday Art Template

Google Spreadsheets Holiday Art Template

This is pure fun! Few Googlers used the collaborative feature in Google Spreadsheets to create a holiday art template with snow flakes using 18 colors. Each of them added few colors on a blue canvas to create this massive template. The best part is they even made a time lapse video of the whole process […]

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5 visualizations to inspire you [Nov 21]

Published on Nov 21, 2008 in Cool Infographics & Data Visualizations
5 visualizations to inspire you [Nov 21]

The best 3d pie chart ever We all know that 3D pies are not a very good way to express your story. I guess this one is an exception we all are happy to make [via PTS Blog] How to solve problems – Interactive visualization This interactive visualization shows how to solve problems in a […]

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5 Visualizations for Your Inspiration [Nov 14]

Published on Nov 15, 2008 in Cool Infographics & Data Visualizations
5 Visualizations for Your Inspiration [Nov 14]

Every Friday, PHD celebrates the art of chart making by posting 5 beautiful visualizations. These are truly outstanding visualizations providing good information and insights. Browse the last 4 weeks featured items by clicking these links: Visualizations for your inspiration [Nov 04] Must see info-graphics [Oct 31] 5 Beautiful Visualizations [Oct 24] Visualizations of the week […]

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Google Maps Walking Directions Bug ?!?

Published on Sep 26, 2008 in technology, wonder why

I love google maps. No, wait, I really love google maps. I think it is a perfect example of passion, intelligence and wit coming together to create software. [trivia link: google maps tells you swim across the ocean], I have been using maps to find transit directions from my hotel to office and I have […]

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Gmail Labs 2 new useful features – Mark as Read, Label Auto Suggest

Published on Sep 23, 2008 in technology
Gmail Labs 2 new useful features – Mark as Read, Label Auto Suggest

Gmail Labs constantly introduces new features that make using Gmail much more productive. Recently they introduced 2 new features – Mark as Read button and Auto suggest for label search which I find extremely useful. Mark as read is really useful since I use it often to get to inbox zero. I am obsessed with […]

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Cool Info-graphics of the Week [Sep 5]

Cool Info-graphics of the Week [Sep 5]

Once every week Pointy Haired Dilbert celebrates the art of chart making by sharing 4-5 of the best info-graphics featured in various web sites. Click here to see the visualizations featured earlier. Anatomy of a Great Speech – Obama’s acceptance speech at DNC Presentation Zen captures Obama’s symphony like acceptance speech in a graph shown […]

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Is this Google adsense ad misleading?

Published on Aug 15, 2008 in advertising, wonder why

While surfing some of my regular reads on the google reader, I saw this feed ad from google adsense. The ad looks like a text ad with scroll bars. I have never seen scroll bars on text ads by google, so out of curiosity I clicked on the scrollbar and dang, it launched me to […]

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Google Maps adds directions by Public Transport – Wow

Published on Jul 22, 2008 in ideas, technology

Wow, this is awesome. Google maps has added directions by public transport. Sometime back when they integrated public transport timings along with bus-stop / train station icons, it was pretty cool, but adding directions based on bus / train routes is totally awesome. Try it for yourself, click here to see a sample direction.

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Google maps 3d building outlines – wow

Published on Jun 30, 2008 in Charts and Graphs, ideas, technology

I haven’t noticed this before, but google maps provides 3d building outlines. I think this is pretty cool. You can see them in action here. Earlier on google : Google Park bench in Russia

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Stop feeling lucky, its just a google sari

Published on Jun 18, 2008 in Humor, ideas, India

Huh! this has to be the most bizarre sari ever … Related google stuff you may find odd: Google park bench, Google fools day present to time travelers, Google life original source:New Launches

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Here is a simple way to get Rs. 70 Lakhs when you are 55 – DONT touch your PF

Published on Jun 17, 2008 in Random

Here is a simple piece of advice to literally everyone who is working: do NOT touch your Provident Fund, no matter what. Provident fund (commonly known as PF, EPF) is a retirement benefit facility provided to Indian employees by their employers of companies that have more than 20 employees. The option is applicable for practically […]

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Cool outdoor advertising by Google Russia

Published on Jun 9, 2008 in advertising, business, ideas, technology

This is cool, apparently Google resorted to this to beat the leading Russian search provider Yandex. I am not sure whether this would be effective though. Its like forcing people to break a habit. This, probably is the most challenging task for marketers all over the world. When customers are used to Yandex or Naver […]

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“I am feeling lucky” Firefox Search plug-in

Published on Jun 5, 2008 in hacks, ideas, technology

While trying to understand how the Mozilla firefox search plug-ins work [ more ] I got curious and wrote a search plug-in that will take you to the first Google search result directly instead of displaying the results pages, ie mimicking the “I am feeling lucky” searches. Feel free to download and install it. 1. […]

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Generate organization charts in excel – howto?

Published on Apr 15, 2008 in Charts and Graphs, hacks, Learn Excel, technology

Here is a ridiculously simple workaround for those of you trying to generate an organization chart in excel: Use google org. chart widget instead 🙂 [If you are reading this in a feedreader this post may not display properly, visit the post page instead.] Open a new google docs spreadsheet (or work on the example […]

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