
Is this Google adsense ad misleading?

advertising , wonder why - 6 comments

While surfing some of my regular reads on the google reader, I saw this feed ad from google adsense. The ad looks like a text ad with scroll bars. I have never seen scroll bars on text ads by google, so out of curiosity I clicked on the scrollbar and dang, it launched me to the advertisers page.

On closer look I have realized that it is indeed an image ad with scroll bars in the image. Either it too creative or totally misleading, I would vote for misleading.


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6 Responses to “Is this Google adsense ad misleading?”

  1. Writer Dad says:

    Not only is it misleading, but when feedburner launched it this morning, they dropped about half of their subscriber counts to almost nothing. Sigh.

  2. Dan says:

    From all of my encounters with scroll bars, you have to click AND HOLD to scroll. Much like the one to the right as I type this.

    Now, with every experience I've ever had with click ads, if you click AND HOLD, it does not launch the ad/site/popup.

    I wouldn't call it misleading for the fact that if you treat it like it is a real scroll bar, it won't pop an ad.

    Anyone agree or disagree?

  3. Bobagonoush says:

    The internet has advertisements?

  4. @Bobagonoush,

    I donno about this internet, but the internet near my home have advertisements. I have seen them even yesterday when i looked into the tubes.

  5. Horific says:

    I haven't seen ads either? Where are the ads?

  6. Keith Dsouza says:

    I say its creativity that is completely misleading users.

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