All articles with 'fun' Tag
When i was a kid, i was fascinated by numbers. So much so that I used to top all the maths courses. Later during the engineering first year when I failed to add 2 matrices in the final exam I felt like suiciding. It was such a shame for me. All the penchant for numbers […]
Continue »we have midterms from tomorrow. everyones busy mugging corp fin and mhr. on the to be comprehended list i have,– 11 chapters of greek and latin from brealey myers– truck load of hr crap– one MHR Case on which the analytical and conceptual questions will be asked in the exam tomorrow– why on the earth […]
Continue »Years of mountaineering in AUCE (well, the road to my dept from block3 is mountain enough) ensured that I am thin. Infact I am more than that. I am malnutrionesque, bollywood_heroinesque thin in those days. I tried all types of gimmicks to gain some weight. alas, but there is no end to my wait. Then […]
Continue »I always thought that people would love to hide their identity when it comes to online forums/chat rooms/etc. Some mavericks always try to come up with crazy names too. Still some more people hide their identities even in blogs. When you are a regular user and mod at largest B school student online community in […]
Continue »well… I have been luring my visitors about the happenings here. let me acutally put them down. like a condom advertisement which exaggerates the excitement to exorbitant levels,you might find this a dud of a post. lets try. Man!-I-Fuss-TooWell, come january its election time at I. yours truly contested for Secretary, Media & public relations […]
Continue »Well, it is not a T-shirt caption. Rather it is about the current term in the 2 year course i want to blog. When term3 kick started 10 days ago, I thought it would be another 30% content and 70% global term with more fundaes on various areas of management and understanding people. I couldnt […]
Continue »Hi readers… I will be on vacation from yesterday. seriously i am on vacation. so i wont be updating this space. Read this story from Kiruba. very touching indeed. The message is clear. Please help the victims by watever extent you can. It does make a difference. One early morning, an old man noticed […]
Deming and Juran make sure that you are never lazyZeitglow sees to it that you dont get cozy your sleep curve is platykurtic on any dayand you work like a dog even on sunday you do an extensive study of unemploymentjust to make sure that you get a better employment you are an example of […]
Continue »After coming here the meaning of weekend blurred a lot. We have seen some crazy weeks in both the terms. Day before yesterday was different experience altogether. Unlike weekends for most people living in India, certain sample of hazaar people celebrate it in a different way. Their weekend starts on Saturday afternoon and ends on […]
Continue »Read the Part I here | Read the Part II here 5:30we have started back to the place called as IIM Indore. This time due to dumb luck i got a seat in the qualis where all the hard core tams are there. I was sitting in the middle of the middle seat. You can […]
Continue »Read Part I here. After visiting the mosque we visited the RAM MANDIR. The mandir as such has got no historical significance. But the strange architecture of the houses around and inside the mandir caught my eye. the houses were very old. Most of them just looked like my grandmothers earlier house. the window panes, […]
Continue »grades Midterm grades have started coming. Out of the 5 mids we had already 3 results have been announced. First was the BTO with a B+. overall, this term i finished the course with a B grade. Then came the FIN result. I got 60 out of 100. Since the prof. hasnt completed the evaluation […]
Continue »Gosh!, you must be thinking that finally I started writing something interesting (???). Well, it very well is interesting. Just that it is not in the horizontal plane in which you are thinking it is.Without any further titles and other irrelevant stuff lets get to the ‘job’ in hand. BLOW in the blowjob stands for […]
Continue »Few things that came to mind, few thing that i have been doing in the last few days …. – playing baddy is fun. i am playing it everyday for 20-40 mins. it is consuming the excess calories in my body. – thinking about my dust bin, the scrap in it there for some 25 […]
Continue »We (Jhasketan, Shadab and myself) the Nostro team in IRIS have made this wallpaper. It was huge hit on the lan. almost 50% of ‘i’s have it on their desktops. Then, we got the idea of making a huge (10-15 feet) cutout of the same and make it ready for the event. This decision was […]
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