All articles with 'fun' Tag
Check out this pocket calendar released by Kotak Life Insurance. Its simple and effective. Remember those trick watches we used to play with when we were kids that have only 2 times and when you tilt the watch you get to see the other time. The calendar is based on that funda shows “bulls you […]
Continue »Let me warn you, this is not a tag post. Now that you are relaxing let me take you through some of the most memorable things about 2005. The year started with a weeklong wonderful time spent with my fiancee. Its one of the best vacations we ever had. I got my Canon A75 Powershot. […]
Continue »Sorry for the slight delay in uploading the mela. I am stuck up with some submissions in the school :), without further delay. Nation Round-up: The most horrible and shocking news of the week is the terror attacks in IISc – Bangalore. Read more about the incident on youth curry. Exactly a year ago the […]
Continue »I am feeling beautiful and happy. And let me warn you, I am not yet placed The world is full of new ventures, new ideas and new things. Everyday I see something new happening somewhere, something so simple and beautiful being done by somebody out there, thanks largely to my net connection. I couldn’t wait […]
Its vacation time, I am busy having loads of fun without being harassed by mergers & acquisitions, marketing fundaes and management of negotiations.With all the hope and luck will be able to blog at the earliest when I am done with eating and sleeping all that I wanted to. Meanwhile you too have fun.
Continue »I opened word to type a new blog at 2AM. Its 3 now and I still don’t know what I am going to write. I guess the break from blogging has been too lengthy. I could think of several things including ‘rhymes management would sing’ :p, but nevertheless torture to the frequent readers of this […]
Continue »Wishes to myself on my 25th birthday. This will be my last birth day in school (unless I get a job in school) Had loads of fun since morning. Updates later.
Continue »This is how it feels… I wake up from the bed with a shameful feeling inside my now defunct head. I woke up not because its time, but because I am bored of oversleeping. I mean, how long can one really sleep? 10 hours? 12 hours? A whole day? I seem to have developed acute aversion […]
Continue »I have an exam tomorrow. Consumer Behaviour. As I am going through the material I hit upon this road block type of definition for category management and my mind entered a recursive loop trying to understand what exactly in the GOD’s name “category management” stands for. Under the leadership of a category manager, using cross-functional […]
Continue »Hell: “tuyoooon” moans my mailbox alert sound. I open the box to check what is there now. As it is a saturday I was expecting a certain mail from certain person about certain things. “I am here to screw your happiness” screams the mail from P%^ office. The mail is simply an attachment of the […]
Continue »[Read Waterfight 1.1 here :D] I read an article long before coming here, when I was a kid and practicing 8th class mathematics and elementary grammar to crack an exam named after an animal. The article is written by a b-school student. One line in the article surprised me alot. It goes like this,“B-school education […]
Continue »I am totally confused when it came to giving a title to this post since I have an option of choosing ‘dude! where is my period?’. But the post will then be subjected to unintended verbal connotations about the sexuality of the author and thus ends up creating more confusion and problems than what it […]
Continue »I use bloglines to read some feeds. I kept the bloglines window open when I crashed lastnight. When I opened it again today morning I have this funny message waiting for me.
Continue »After spending almost an year in the world of business, I think I am qualified enough to make my own management theories and intellectual gyaan. Recently I read somewhere that ‘there is nothing new to discover as every possible thing has been covered’. But nevertheless you can try a half-baked pseudo management grad for a […]
Continue »Well, It seems that the blogging community is infected by the tag virus oflate. The result of book meme tag virus is simple. A cross section of blogs look similar with posts on the same theme and thus ruining the purpose of blogging, that is, I believe expressing ones own views. But since its a […]
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