atTAG of the clones!
Well, It seems that the blogging community is infected by the tag virus oflate. The result of book meme tag virus is simple. A cross section of blogs look similar with posts on the same theme and thus ruining the purpose of blogging, that is, I believe expressing ones own views. But since its a virus I cant question it. So here I am after being tagged by Bhars, Bhasky and Apurv.
Something about my book collection: Thanks largely to my stay in hostels even since I know a person called me. I never had a possession for I moved from one hostel to another, briefly stopping over at a place called home. Nevertheless I managed to collect some books, loose some, steal some, destroy some. ‘I dont know how many books I have’ Dont be mistaken, it is in the sense that ‘I dont remember the count’ rather than ‘I have too many books’.
Some of the books I like most and own are,
– War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy
– Waiting for Mahatma by R K Narayan
– Collection of O. Henry Stories
– Positive Thinking for Adults by Norman Vincent Pele
Last 5 books I read,
Catch 22 – A wonderful book by Jospeph Heller. When I started reading this book I thought “what the f%$@?” But soon I started appreciating the dark comedy and the start reality of yossarians with in every person. The book left a deep impact on me.
The Broker – is a book by John Grisham. Its not a typical Grisham’s novel with full of legal paraphernalia and jargon. I would say the book is not a very great one. But nice read for one time.
Dilbert Principle – is by Scott Adams. One of my all time favorites. Whenever I find time I read this book. Its so simple, straight forward and outrageously funny.
The Monk who Sold his Ferrari – This book has an amazing title. But Robin Sharma hasn’t put that much effort in the writing. Apparently The Monk who Sold his Ferrari is a selfhelp book. But the ‘help’ part is very much complicated unlike simple principles like positive thinking. Didnt like the book.
1984 – is a brilliant piece of work by George Orwell. I liked the use of satire to convince the readers about the stupidities and realities of the world. Must read for anyone who knows reading.
Its my turn to tag and infect others now. Govar, Anil, Rohit, Sumit and Deepthi

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