Archive for December, 2013

This year has been busiest year since inception of Wow, that is 10 years in a row of breaking previous records.
We had 101 posts, 7,400+ comments this year. Since our forum went thru a migration, I could not gather exact stats for forum. We have trained more than 2,500 people thru my online classes – Excel School, VBA Classes & Power Pivot classes.
More than 7.5 million people visited our site in last 1 year (up 14%) and consumed a whopping 20 million pages (up 16%). Each of these visitors spent an average of 2 minutes 21 seconds on our site becoming awesome in Excel. There are 1.8 million people who spent at least 15 minutes on our site.
We have added more than 25,000 members to our newsletter / RSS reader community, crossing 80,000 mark. It is a busy year.
Read on to find the best of in 2013.
Continue »People & Websites that helped me in 2013 [thank you message]
2103 has been the most awesome year since starting
This year, more than 10 million people have visited and took steps to become awesome. Every day of 2013 felt blessed, inspired and wholesome, thanks to your support, love and kindness. Thanks to my travels (USA & Malaysia), I could meet hundreds of our readers face to face and get to know them better.
Many many thanks to you for your support in 2013.
Apart from you, my reader, there are many others who helped me in the year 2013. This message is my way of thanking them.
Continue »Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2014 [Holiday Gift Inside]
![Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2014 [Holiday Gift Inside]](
Hello awesome readers of,
I wish you a merry Christmas & very happy New Year 2014. May your holidays be filled with joy and warmth. And your new year with lots of hope, fun, strength and awesomeness.
I also want to tell you how thankful & fortunate I feel to have your support in this year. Your desire to learn Excel & become awesome at your work motivates me everyday to learn & share. 2013 is a memorable year in my life because of you. Thank you.
Continue »![Sporadic Totals in Excel [video]](
If this Excel problem is a Bollywood (Indian movie) plot, it would go like this:
Situation: Your boss gave you a worksheet. It has a lot of number chunks. And you need to calculate the sum of each chunk. Quickly!
Twist #1: The villain (your boss, who else) has abducted your spouse. For every extra hour you spend on the problem, your boss will make your spouse go thru one of the boring 97 slide strategy presentations. And his laptop is full of those strategy presentations.
Twist #2: The F1 key on your keyboard is missing.
Twist #3: The coffee machine in your floor is broken again.
Twist #4: And just when you are pressing CTRL+S, the movie steers in to an item song.
Fortunately, no one abducted your spouse. And hopefully the coffee machine is working. But the Excel problem remains unsolved.
Continue »What is the coolest Excel trick you have learned this year?

We are almost at the end of 2013. Time to review how much more awesome we became this year. Today let me ask you a very simple question.
What is the coolest Excel trick you have learned this year?
Go ahead and post your answers using comments.
Continue »How to find what is in the hidden cells? [quick tip]
![How to find what is in the hidden cells? [quick tip]](
You have been there. You are looking at a complex workbook with some hidden rows /columns. You want to know what is in that hidden cells. Alas, the worksheet is protected.
It is like the special coffee machine on top floor reserved for senior executives. You know it is there, but you cannot get to it. Now what?!?
Simple. Follow this process.
(I am talking about hidden cells, not the coffee machine.)
Continue »Creating Triangular Plots using Excel

Triangular plot…! What is it?
Recently, a forum member asked this,
‘I want to be able to make a graph that, in some aspects, looks like below, but I have no idea how to do it at all.’
After seeing it, I said to myself in Barney Stinson’s tone, ‘Challenge Accepted!‘
The final plot looks like above. Read on to learn how this is made.
Continue »Making a slick on/off switch using Excel & little bit of VBA [case study]
![Making a slick on/off switch using Excel & little bit of VBA [case study]](
I have a confession to make.
I am not sure how to describe this new thing I made in Excel / VBA. So first take a look at it.
Read on to learn how you can create something like this using Excel & a little bit of VBA.
Continue »Holiday Sale is on, Save upto $50 on your favorite Excel courses

Our holiday sale for 2013 is now live. Click here to purchase your favorite Excel, advanced Excel, dashboards & VBA courses at discount.
What is this holiday sale?
Two of our most popular, awesome & valuable courses are on sale.
- Excel School & Dashboards program – Save $30
- Excel School, VBA & Dashboards program – Save $50
Our customers from India save Rs 1,200 & Rs 2,000 respectively.
Continue » Holiday SALE, Starts on Wednesday – 4thDecember!

Here is a quick announcement folks!
Many of you asked me whether we are going to have a holiday sale at this year. Of course we have a sale!
Details of Holiday Sale – 2013
Dates of the sale – 4th & 5th December, 2013 (Wednesday & Thursday)
You can save up to $50 in this holiday sale.
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