Archive for March, 2008
or Powerpoint Cartoon #2 On a more personal note, I have migrated this blog to spanking new version of wordpress 2.5, which promptly broke several of my installed plug-ins. I couldnt get enough time in the morning to figureout what went wrong, so checked the blog quickly in IE and Firefox and it seemed to […]
Continue »73 Free Designer Quality Excel Chart Templates – Grab now and become a charting superman
How many times you created a chart in Microsoft excel and formatted it for minutes (and sometimes hours) to reduce the eye-sore? Well, I will tell you my answer, its 293049430493 times Worry not! for you can become a charting superman (or elastigirl) by using these 73 free designer quality chart templates in literally […]
I have been busy last few days both at office and home. While work is keeping me busy at office, at home I am occupied with learning how to drive. I took my permanent license exam today and failed miserably. My examiner was surprised that I failed on so many counts, once I actually joined […]
Continue »Transport for London‘s new advertising campaign to increase the safety of cycle travel in London is pretty innovative, watch the ad here (totally safe for work, so go ahead and watch): But there is another important lesson in the ad, as Seth Godin suggested, way too many marketers wanted us to count the passes and […]
Continue »Xkcd simply rocks, so much so that its one of the first things I check in the morning. See this gem:
Continue »Google docs team has announced gadgets, auto-fill support, formula help while typing and several other goodies yesterday. I was experimenting with these stuff and wanted to share a cool idea with you all. Tracking / Sharing your goals (or resolutions, progress) with everyone using Google Spreadsheet Gadgets: For the example purpose, let us build a […]
Continue »Well folks, we have finally purchased a car, a toyota camry that is, ah! typical dvd (Desi in ViDesh) choice you may say, well, I have nothing to respond for that. I dont have permanent license yet, so you can roam around freely on columbus roads for few more days, walk all you want. [click […]
Continue »Can this get any more ridiculous?
Continue »Saturday night was fun with a part at colleague’s house. Then…, You can also see all the 3 panels together here.
Continue »Wow, I am impressed by the new Nike commercial “my better is better than your better | my power is more powerful than your power”. Watch the 30 second spot, listen to the words, arent they inspiring? Doesn’t the ad make you run faster, play harder or just do better whatever you are at. I […]
Continue »3 excel keyboard shortcuts that can save a lot of time for you
F2 – Edit a cell, takes the cursor to the end of the cell F4 – Repeat last action (for eg. if you have inserted a row, repeats that action again) – doent really work with paste through. Ctrl+1 – Open “Format cell dialog” What are your 3 most favorite excel key board shortcuts?
Continue »Wow, I am overwhelmed by the response the Excel Conditional Formatting Rockstar post generated. I got both lifehacked and home paged on the sameday and Wow, I am so happy for this. Talk about my server, it was no where near expecting this kind of traffic. First thing today morning, I have called my […]
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Excel conditional formatting is a hidden and powerful gem that when used well, can change the outlook of your project report / sales budget / project plan or analytical outputs from bunch of raw data in default fonts to something truly professional and good looking. Better still, you dont even need to be a guru […]
Continue »As usual my alma mater had a rocking placement year with 95 companies giving 367 offers to 173 odd students, salaries seemed to have peaked to new highs with lots of excellent offers and opportunities for the marketing / BFS and consulting candidates. IT companies offered some of the lowest salaries on the batch, indicating […]
Continue »or so would Economic Times likes us to believe. Otherwise how on earth would explain ridiculous news grouping like this? Rush to ET, you might still be able to catch a glimpse of this master piece. Such pity in the age of context sensitivity and related content discovery. Looks like someone from TOI migrated to […]
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