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35 shortcuts & tricks to make you an #AWESOME Data Analyst

35 shortcuts & tricks to make you an #AWESOME Data Analyst

Analyst’s life is busy. We have to gather data, clean it up, analyze it, dig the stories buried in it, present them, convince our bosses about the truth, gather more evidence, run tests, simulations or scenarios, share more insights, grab a cup of coffee and start all over again with a different problem.

So today let me share with you 35 shortcuts, productivity hacks and tricks to help you be even more awesome.

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Power Query Tutorial – What is it, How to use, Full examples, Tips & Tricks

Published on Aug 26, 2020 in Power Query
Power Query Tutorial – What is it, How to use, Full examples, Tips & Tricks

Power Query (Get & Transform data in Excel) is a true game changer ?. It can simplify and automate various data activities. In this in-depth blog tutorial, learn all about this powerful time-saving technology. You will learn:

* What is Power Query and how to launch it from Excel or Power BI?
* How to connect and load data from any type of sources – excel files, CSVs, text files, web pages, PDF, folders etc.
* How to perform common data cleansing activities with Power Query
* Adding columns using rules
* Automating data collection, clean-up and publishing processes with Power Query
* Web scraping with Power Query
* SQL style Joins, merges, appends and unions with Power Query
* Consolidating data in a folder
* Data load, save & publish process
* Tips & tricks on using Power Query efficiently

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Introducing Power BI Play Date – Online class to master Power BI (oh yeah, Power Query & Power Pivot too)

Published on Jul 22, 2020 in Power BI
Introducing Power BI Play Date  – Online class to master Power BI (oh yeah, Power Query & Power Pivot too)

Hello friends,

It’s here. Power BI Play Date – our online training program is now ready for your consideration. Please take a few minutes to read this to know all about the program. If you are ready to join, click here.

Check out below slideshow to see some of the reports you can create in our course. It is #AWESOME.

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Announcing Excel School v2.0 – Quick intro and details inside

Published on Aug 8, 2018 in Learn Excel
Announcing Excel School v2.0 – Quick intro and details inside

Do you want to learn Advanced Excel, data analysis, creative charting, dashboard reporting and be productive in Excel? Then you are going to love my Excel School v2.0.

This is the golden age of data. Any rewarding job or entrepreneurship requires good data literacy. We are all expected to understand the relevance of data, how to manage it, how to analyze it, visualize it and tell elegant stories.

This is where Excel School comes in.

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Time series analysis and interactive forecasting in Excel – Sample video from 50 ways course

Published on Apr 26, 2018 in Charts and Graphs
Time series analysis and interactive forecasting in Excel – Sample video from 50 ways course

Are you hungry from some Excel awesomeness? It’s launch time. I am very happy to announce that our most popular analytics online class – 50 ways to analyze data is opening up for enrollments in first week of May 2018. As the name suggests, 50 ways program is all about data and making sense of it. You will learn many ways to analyze, visualize and present data to your clients and superiors. Next time someone asks you, “Can you look at this data and tell us what is going on?” you can confidently say YES.

Learn all about 50 ways program and signup for the waiting list.

In this article, Let me show case one of the examples from 50 ways to analyze data course and how it can help you.

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D’oh – Visualizing Homer’s favorite sayings in Power BI

Published on Sep 29, 2017 in Power BI, Power Pivot, Power Query
D’oh – Visualizing Homer’s favorite sayings in Power BI

Before we begin:

Today is the last day for enrolling in our Power BI Play Date. Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to learn, use and benefit from Power BI at your work. Check out my online class and sign up before the doors close at midnight. Click here.

Let’s get our Simpsons on then.

D’oh, How often Homer says his favorite things?

Here is the visualization to explore Homer’s (and other character’s) favorite sayings in 27 years worth of Simpsons episode. Click on the image to play.

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Keep Calm and Power BI [Breathing Exercise Vizzes]

Published on Sep 27, 2017 in Power BI
Keep Calm and Power BI [Breathing Exercise Vizzes]

We are in the midst of my Power BI Play Date course launch. I have opened the enrollments for this program last week and there is a tremendous response to this program.  To celebrate the new course launch and show you the lighter side of it, let me share a few breathing exercises built in Power BI.

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Epic Introduction to Power BI [video]

Published on Sep 13, 2017 in Power BI

Yay, finally our first ever full length Power BI tutorial is up. In this 30 minute video tutorial, learn how to get some data in to Power BI and make a quick report to understand it. We will be creating this.


Let’s get started then.

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Introducing Power BI Play Date online class [Details inside]

Published on Sep 7, 2017 in Power BI


I have an exciting news for you. After learning and playing with Power BI for more than a year, I would love to share all this awesomeness with you on a play date. Of course, you don’t have to pack your sleeping bag and tooth brush. You can join me on this play date from the comfort of your couch and PJs. Stoked? Read on.


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Modelling Inventory Run Rate & Cash Flows using Excel

Published on Apr 19, 2017 in Analytics, Charts and Graphs
Modelling Inventory Run Rate & Cash Flows using Excel

Imagine you run an office furniture company. You want to stop reordering two brands of furniture – Relaxer (a type of chair) and Boca Top (a type of table). You currently have 20,000 Relaxer chairs and 5,000 Boca Tops. These are valued at $200,000 and $100,000 respectively. When sold, they will yield $100,000 and $25,000 gross profit. You are hoping to sell them off in 2 or 3 years. You forecast that we can sell off these as per some yearly schedule.

You need to analyze this and prepare a cash flow model.

Let’s learn how to answer such open ended questions using various analysis techniques in Excel.

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18 ways to turn analysis projects into a nightmare

Published on Sep 5, 2016 in Analytics, Learn Excel
18 ways to turn analysis projects into a nightmare

Every week, we read news about failed analysis projects. If you listen carefully, you can hear the grunts, screams and curses of thousands of analysts all over the world about their analysis nightmares.

At Chandoo.org, we talk a lot about best practices for data analytics. So today, let’s peek in to the dark side and understand the mistakes that can turn your analysis project into a nightmare.

There are 3 parts in any analysis project

To understand these worst practices in analysis world, first let’s break analysis projects in to 3 parts.

  • Requirements
  • Data Structure
  • Tools & Construction

Let’s deep dive in to each area of the analysis projects to see what can go wrong.

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Analyzing 300,000 calls for help [case study]

Published on Aug 24, 2016 in Analytics, Learn Excel, Pivot Tables & Charts, Power Pivot
Analyzing 300,000 calls for help [case study]

Over the weekend, I got an email from Mr. E, one of my students. Mr. E works at a police department in California and as part of his work, he was looking at calls received by police. Whenever police get a call for help, multiple teams can respond to the call and go to the location. All of these dispatches are recorded. So a single call can have several such dispatches. And Mr. E wanted to findout which team responded the first. The problem?

Finding the first responded team is tricky.

Today let’s take up this problem as a case study and understand various methods to solve it.  We are going to learn about writing better lookups, pivot tables, power pivot and optimization. Put on your helmets, cause this is going to be mind blowingly awesome.

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Doing Cost Benefit Analysis in Excel – a case study

Published on Jan 28, 2015 in Analytics, Charts and Graphs, Financial Modeling
Doing Cost Benefit Analysis in Excel – a case study

Imagine you are the in-charge of finance department at Hogwarts. So one fine day, while you are practicing the spells, Dumbledore walks in to your office and says, “Our electricity bills are way too high. As the muggles don’t accept wizard money, we have to find a way to reduce our power consumption.”

So you summoned the previous 12 month utility bills to examine energy consumption patterns, and pretty soon you realized that most of the electricity consumption is due to the light bulbs. You suddenly have a brilliant idea. Why not replace the light bulbs with a variety that consumes low power? A light bulb moment indeed.

Your next step is to figure out what varieties of light bulbs are out there. Fortunately this is easier than catching a snitch in a game of quidditch. A quick search revealed that there are 3 types of light bulbs:

  • Regular incandescent bulbs (the kind Hogwarts currently uses)
  • Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs (CFL)
  • Light Emitting Diode bulbs (LED)

Now your job is to do a cost benefit analysis of these options and pick one.

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