
All articles with 'macros' Tag

CP022: What’s a Macro? Introduction to Excel VBA, Macros & Automation

Published on Oct 9, 2014 in Chandoo.org Podcast Sessions, VBA Macros
CP022: What’s a Macro? Introduction to Excel VBA, Macros & Automation

In the 22nd session of Chandoo.org podcast, lets do some macros.

What is in this session?

VBA (or macros, automation) is a mystery for many of us. So in this podcast, lets unravel the mystery behind it and get you started with the awesome world of automation.

In this podcast, you will learn,

  • What is a macro?
  • What is VBA then?
  • Reasons for using VBA Macros
    • Automation
    • Extending Excel’s capabilities
    • Efficiency
    • Applications
  • How to get started with VBA Macros?
  • Using Recorder
  • Example Macro
  • Going beyond recorder – Learning VBA
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A dashboard to visualize this FIFA worldcup [guest post]

This is a guest post by Krishna, a football lover & one of our readers.

The wait for lifting the most valued priced in football for Germans was finally over. For a football fan, world cup is best time that is scheduled every four years and that if your favorite team lifting the trophy is like your crush is going on a date with you. 🙂

A sneak-peek at the final dashboard

Here is the final dashboard (it has more functionality than depicted). Click on it to enlarge.

FIFA 2014 Worldcup Excel dashboard

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CP015: Handling big data, Controlling model railroad sets, Overcoming Excel obsession & more – ASK CHANDOO

Published on Jul 24, 2014 in Chandoo.org Podcast Sessions

In the 15th session of Chandoo.org podcast, lets answer some of your burning Excel questions.

Handling big data, Controlling model railroad sets, Overcoming Excel obsession & More - ASK CHANDOO

What is in this session?

Around last week, I invited you to ask me anything. More than 150 people responded to this call and sent in their questions. Since answering all the questions is not possible, I handpicked roughly 10 questions to answer in this episode of Chandoo.org podcast.

In this podcast, you will learn,

  1. How to fill blank cells with data from above
  2. How to work with Big data in Excel
  3. How to combine data from multiple sources & analyze it in Excel
  4. How I am managing my life after starting Chandoo.org
  5. How to create and distribute stand-alone Excel products
  6. How to control a model railroad set using Excel VBA (not fully answered)
  7. & more…
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How fireworks animated chart is made [video tutorial]

Published on Jul 17, 2014 in Charts and Graphs, VBA Macros

On July 4th this year, I published an animated fireworks chart for you. Many of you liked it. Quite a few wanted to know how its made.

So here is a video explaining the construction of fireworks.

(You can see this video on our YouTube Channel too)

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Top 10 things we struggle to do in Excel & awesome remedies for them

Top 10 things we struggle to do in Excel & awesome remedies for them

Recently we asked you, what do you struggle doing in Excel? 170 people responded to this survey and shared their struggles. In this post, lets examine the top 10 struggles according to you and awesome remedies for them.

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Excel Dashboards – 49 dashboards to visualize US State to State migration trends

Hello everyone. Stop reading further and go fetch your helmet. Because what lies ahead is mind-blowingly awesome.

About a month and half ago, we held our annual dashboard contest. This time the theme is to visualize state to state migration in USA. You can find the contest data-set & details here.

We received 49 outstanding entries for this. Most of the entries are truly inspiring. They are loaded with powerful analysis, stunning visualizations, amazing display of Excel skill and design finesse. It took me almost 2 weeks to process the results and present them here.

49 Dashboards to visualize State to State Migration - Chandoo.orgExcel Dashboard Examples - Visualizing state to state migration trends - Chandoo.org

Click on the image to see the entries.

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Implementing Modular Spreadsheet Development – a walkthrough

Published on May 21, 2014 in Financial Modeling, VBA Macros
Implementing Modular Spreadsheet Development – a walkthrough

This article is written by Michael Hutchens from Best Practice Modelling.

In the first article on Modular Spreadsheet Development, we got a high level overview of Modular Spreadsheet Development principles. This article discusses the practical implementation of these principles in Excel.

From my experience using Modular Spreadsheet Development over the past decade, there are three increasingly-efficient methods of implementation in Microsoft Excel:

1. Manual implementation;
2. VBA automated implementation; and
3. Commercial add-in implementation.

This article provides a comprehensive overview of each of these methods and a summary of their advantages and disadvantages.

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CP008: 6 Tips to handle workbooks made by someone else, #4 is something I struggle with too!

Published on May 15, 2014 in Chandoo.org Podcast Sessions
CP008: 6 Tips to handle workbooks made by someone else, #4 is something I struggle with too!

Here is a problem we all face once in a while. We inherit this bulky, bloated, leaking at the edges workbook from a colleague. Now the onus of maintaining it is on us. The person who made this workbook is nowhere to be found. May be she is vacationing in Hawaii sipping pineapple juice. May be he became a vice president and roaming the country in your company’s private jet.

So what do we do? How do we handle this inheritance?

That is the topic of our podcast, episode 8.

In this podcast, you will learn,

  • An overview of the inheritance problem
  • 6 Tips to understand workbooks made by someone else
  • Tip 0: Talk to the creator
  • Tip 1: Model the workbook on paper
  • Tip 2: Locate the engine, ie the formulas
  • Tip 3: See what else is under the hood – hidden sheets, names, VBA code
  • Tip 4: Annotate (add comments) as you learn
  • Tip 5: Locate the controls – inputs, assumptions, scenarios
  • Tip 6: Re-construct from scratch
  • Deep dive in to understanding the formulas
  • Deep dive in to understanding VBA code
  • Conclusions
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Building a simple timer using Excel VBA to track my Rubik’s cube solving speed [case study]

Published on May 13, 2014 in VBA Macros
Building a simple timer using Excel VBA to track my Rubik’s cube solving speed [case study]

Today, lets learn how to make a simple timer app using Excel. First some background…,

Recently, I learned how to solve Rubik’s cube from my nephew. As a budding cuber, I wanted to track my progress. Initially I used the stopwatch in my iPhone. But it wont let me track previous times. So I thought, “Well, I can use Excel for this”.

So I made a small timer app using Excel. Its quite minimalistic. It has a single button. I press it and it tracks the start time (date & time stamp). If I press the button again, it records the duration.

This way, I can see my progress over next few weeks and may be plot the trend.

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Dynamic (Cascading) Dropdowns that reset on change

Published on Feb 13, 2014 in Excel Howtos, Posts by Jeff, VBA Macros

Dynamic dropdowns are a handy way to get your users to make choices based on what they’ve previously chosen, while steering them away from making invalid choices. Today we’re going to look at one that easily handles multiple levels, and we’ll take a look at what could go wrong. Let’s see one in action, shall […]

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What is your favorite Excel book? [open thread]

Published on Feb 7, 2014 in Learn Excel
What is your favorite Excel book? [open thread]

Today lets talk about Excel books. The question is simple.

What is your favorite Excel book? Please share your answers using comments.

My favorite books are..,

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Did Jeff just chart?

Did Jeff just chart?

How do you segment customers by revenue easily in Excel, so that you can see which customer groups to focus on. Find out, and download this handy template.

In this charting example, Jeff, our guest author, occasional charter and Excel wizard shows us how to segment customers based on revenue and depict the result using Excel charts.

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Top 10 things I learned using Excel for a decade

Published on Jan 6, 2014 in Charts and Graphs, Learn Excel
Top 10 things I learned using Excel for a decade

Sometime during the 2nd half of 2013, I finished 10 years of Excel usage. In the last 10 years, I completed my studies, got my first job, married, had kids, visited 15 different countries, quit my job to start a business, bought first car, first house, made dozens of new friends, read 100s of books, wrote a book and learned 1000s of new things. And all along, Excel stayed a true companion. Right from MBA entrance exam preparation in 2003 to making my summer internship project reports in 2005 to planning my wedding expenses in 2007 to getting a promotion in 2009 to planning my kids feeding schedule in 2010 to running a successful business in 2014, Excel helped me in every step.

So today, I want to tell you the top 10 things I learned using Excel in last decade. Grab a hot cup of coffee, buckle your belts and get ready for time travel.

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Making a slick on/off switch using Excel & little bit of VBA [case study]

Published on Dec 5, 2013 in VBA Macros
Making a slick on/off switch using Excel & little bit of VBA [case study]

I have a confession to make.

I am not sure how to describe this new thing I made in Excel / VBA. So first take a look at it.

Read on to learn how you can create something like this using Excel & a little bit of VBA.

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What would James Bond have in his Personal Macro Workbook?

Published on Nov 18, 2013 in Posts by Jeff, VBA Macros
What would James Bond have in his Personal Macro Workbook?

You know, I‘m constantly amazed at the depth of knowledge and wisdom that comes up in the comments of this site. For instance, the other day, undercover Excel secret agent KV came up a great list of interview questions in response to Chandoo’s great article What are best Excel interview questions?

I particularly liked this one:
Do you have a Personal Macro Workbook setup ? If yes, what are the most common macros you use in your daily work?

Secret Agent KV obviously has some purpose-built gadgets that he employs to kill inefficiencies. And he obviously also knows the two top-secret reasons to keep code in a Personal Macro Workbook:

  1. To keep it safe from international spy rings.
  2. So you can whip it out whenever you are cornered by any evil-looking spreadsheet.

While that first point is important, that second is the clincher: code stored in a personal workbook can be unleashed with a simple judo-chop to the throat.

Today, lets understand how to setup your personal macro workbook and open a secret passage-way to Excel awesomeness.

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