All articles with 'live events' Tag
Getting Started with Power BI – Sales Dashboard in one hour

Learn Power BI and create your own Sales Dashboard with this FREE Masterclass. Details inside.
Continue »Getting Started with Power Pivot & DAX – FREE Live Masterclass

Watch the replay Getting Started with Power Pivot & DAX 15 useful measures Sample files Blank data file Completed workbook What is in this event? Overview of Power Pivot & DAX 15 useful measures Data model, relationships & star schema Example file provided Your questions answered Got a question? Leave it here.
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Excel Dynamic Array functions are going to change the way to you work your data forever. Watch the replay of the event here and learn about…
* What is so different about Excel’s dynamic array functions
* The new # operator
* 6 important dynamic array functions – FILTER, SORT, SORTBY, UNIQUE, SEQUENCE, RANDARRAY
* 25 practical examples of dynamic array functions for business analysis
* Your questions & answers
5 tips: Power Query for Accountants (and finance people) – Free Masterclass

Do you work with accounting or finance data? You are going to love, no scratch that, adore Power Query. It can save you precious time, make you look like a hero in-front of clients and keep you sane.
In this masterclass, learn all about Power Query for accountants (and other kinds of finance people) & 5 tips.
Why Power Query?
Power Query is a data processing software. Using Power Query, you can create process driven programs (queries) to collect data, clean or reshape it, calculate things and publish final output as a table. Once you create a query in PQ, when the underlying data changes, you just refresh the query and brand new data will be fetched, cleaned and published for you.
For example, you can use Power Query to combine ledger files from various accounts to one master file with Power Query. No more VBA or manual copy pasting. Just one query and you are done.
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I recently finished a long consulting gig with one of the government ministries in New Zealand. Guess what I was doing? HR Analytics and Reporting. In this post, I want to share my top 5 Excel tips for HR people, based on what I learned in the last 18 months.
Specifically, we will cover:
- Gathering and structuring Employee data in Excel
- How to use Power Query to collect data
- Polish / clean data in Power Query
- Bring cleaner data to Excel as refreshable table
- Answering questions about employees
- Using Excel formulas such as COUNTIFS, SUMIFS, AVERAGEIFS
- Pivot tables for data analysis
- Understanding the results quickly with conditional formatting
- Understanding pay gap
- Calculating gender pay gap
- Visualize pay gap
- Creating salary distribution charts
- Working with histogram charts in Excel 2016 / Office 365
- Making interactive charts
- Generating letters thru mail merge
- Calculating employee bonus based on bonus mapping logic
- Creating 100s of letters with a single click using Mail Merge + Word
Sounds interesting? Read on for details.
Continue »Thank you, Houston meetup & Bonus tip

My mom will be very unhappy with this post. She always told me to focus on one thing at a time. But in this post we are talking about 3 things, not one. Sorry mom.
1. Thank you
I want to thank you for visiting & supporting us.
As I am about to leave to USA for attending Excelapalooza conference, I couldn’t help but be amazed at how much you have given me & my family. Almost 4.5 years ago, when I left my plush corporate job to work full time on, I had no clue how the future will unfold. Today my heart is full of happiness, my family is secure, my site has grown by heaps and our community (especially you) is awesome.
Without your enthusiasm to learn and keen desire to become awesome, I would not have a job (of running this website). You inspire me to learn new things everyday so that I can share them with you.
Thank you for all the visits, clicks, comments, emails, tweets, likes, signups, purchases & love.
Thank you.
Continue »Become awesome in data analytics, charting & Power Pivot with Houston Masterclass [reminder]
Hello friends,
Let me stop our broadcast of Excel tips to bring an announcement.
Houston, we are going to get awesome
As you may know, I am doing 4 days of live masterclasses on Advanced Excel, Dashboards, Power Pivot & Data Analytics in Houston (Texas) this September.
- 15 & 16 September (Mon & Tue) on Advanced Excel & Dashboard Reporting
- 17 & 18 September (Wed & Thu) on Power Pivot & Data Analytics
This 4 day masterclass is aimed at managers, analysts, reporting professionals, executives in sales, marketing, customer service or anyone who wants to learn about Data Analytics, Advanced Excel, Dashboard reporting.
Please click here to know more.
Continue »Come join me at Excelapalooza conference in Dallas or Masterclass at Houston this September
If you listen carefully, you can hear my screams of joy. I have 2 very happy news to share with you.
- I am speaking at Excelapalooza Excel conference, happening at Dallas (Texas) between September 21 to 24.
- I will be conducting an Advanced Excel, Dashboards & Power Pivot masterclass at Houston (Texas) between September 15 to 18.

Do you want to catchup with Chandoo (and Hui) for a Sundowner in Perth ?
Read here for details.
When I announced my upcoming Australian Excel masterclass, I got quite a few mails (ok, just a few), all which are on these lines,
Wow, I would love to meet you when you are here. Let me know if you have sometime on an evening for some coffee or beer?
Down under, I must be popular.
After saying yes to a few invitations, I saw the hassle in arranging several individual rendezvous. So here is an open invitation to you all. If you like or Australian brewed coffee, clear your calender on below dates,
- Sydney – 30th April
- Brisbane – 2nd June
I am yet to decide the venue & time. But preferably, we will meet near water around 5ish in the evening. If you want to join me & share your Excel stories (or just any stories), fill up below form.
Continue »Last chance to sign-up for my Australian Excel Masterclass [Reminder]
Hi readers,
Just a quick reminder. We are closing early-bird discount for my Australian Excel & Dashboards Masterclass on 16th April. So if you want to attend my training program in Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane, you have very little time left to sign-up.
Click here to sign-up for Advanced Excel & Dashboards Masterclass.
Continue »Sign-up for my Excel Dashboard Masterclass in Australia

Hello folks,
We pause the regular broadcast of Excel awesomeness to share something exciting. As you may know, I will be running a series of Advanced Excel Dashboard Masterclasses in Australia this May & June. So if you live in (or nearby) Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Perth or Brisbane and want to one up your dashboard skills, you know what to do next.
I am conducting these masterclasses in partnership with Plum Solutions.
Read this short post or Click here to know more about this masterclass.
Continue »Join my Excel Dashboard Masterclass in Australia [May-June 2012]
Hello folks, I have a super exciting news to share with you all. I will be conducting a series of Masterclasses on Advanced Dashboards & Excel in Australia this Autumn (May – June 2012). So if you live in (or nearby) Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Perth or Brisbane and want to one up your dashboard skills, […]
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