All articles with 'learning' Tag
I have seen several tens of teachers so far in my life. I rarely remember what they taught me in the class. All the formulae, all the theorems, all the circuits, all the models and all the frameworks… everything is forgotten. Whatever I am learning now, I am 100% sure that I will forget this […]
Continue »For the past 4-5 days I have been really busy and the reason is not some submission or exam. It is ad-mark. Mercur-i, our marketing club conducts “marketer of month” contest. There will be several phases in this contest and as you participate in each round you will accumulate points based on your performance. The […]
Continue »We had a presentation session on ‘brand extensions’ today in brand management class. It was a good learning experience to see what are the possibilities and steps to be taken before extending a brand. Its an altogether different question that some people were not comfortable with the idea of Apple getting into space travel. But […]
Continue »For all technical reasons this was my first time with a digi cam. I am mighty excited and was checking the cam every now and then. Feeling like a kid with new toy… Some of the initial snaps I have taken with the cam along with little captions. The first pic with the cam […]
I sit behind Ashwin (our quiz club secy) in the classroom. Both of us have a general hatred towards classroom learning and on any given day atleast one of will be sleeping in the class even though Ass wouldnt agree to the fact that he is sleeping. So to fight the attack of sleep and […]
Continue »When i was a kid, i was fascinated by numbers. So much so that I used to top all the maths courses. Later during the engineering first year when I failed to add 2 matrices in the final exam I felt like suiciding. It was such a shame for me. All the penchant for numbers […]
Continue »Yesterday during our habitual night walks govar, srickant (only non-ghissu academic committee member) and myself started arguing about this article. Srickant was for the issues raised in the article. Me and Govar are against the issues. For those who have not read the article here is the crux of it. IIMs or other Indian B […]
Continue »Well, it is not a T-shirt caption. Rather it is about the current term in the 2 year course i want to blog. When term3 kick started 10 days ago, I thought it would be another 30% content and 70% global term with more fundaes on various areas of management and understanding people. I couldnt […]
Continue »There is better way to start the term than getting busy like hell before the first class. That is what i have been through in the last 2 days. and to be frank i still have lot of work. Looks like by the time i clear all the deadlines and emerge free to think on […]
Continue »Note: This post assumes minimum knowledge of cost accounting terminology. Also anything that has ‘account’ in it written by an engineer would be highly sarcastic. You are warned! Scene 1 (Location: our very own parliament house, Time: just after a loksabha winter session)Speaker: (Sigh!) another round of mindless damage to this house. Last year during […]
Continue »and why not? – had a decent MAC exam. may be a BNEG. or may be a B. But now that i have seen the learning no point bothering about the GP. That translates into the famous Bschooler line ‘1 down, 7 more to go’ – Listening to ‘Aahista Aahista’ from Swades. I just love […]
Continue »I am here for the Term 2 of the PGDM. Before I start blabbering anything about the t2 I think a review of the term one might be a good read. Like everyother soul on this hill I also came with infinite dreams and unlimited($) hopes to this place. Well, looking back at the term […]
Continue »In a way, a new life is starting from tomorrow. Mids are over. No more nights with relentless data feeding. Atleast for another 3 weeks. So, thought of taking a break and changing the blog template. Increased the width of the content displayable on the page so that you can read more at one go. […]
Continue »Excuse the obvious spelling mistake in the title of this p(f)art. well, to begin with, yesterday was a freeday for us. And when i say yesterday is a freeday i mean, we don’t have much to do today. We had 2 surprise quizzes yesterday. One on Eco and the other on accounting. since my ability […]
Continue »Today i had a wierd experience. and learning one of the most important lessons from it. it is ‘Never sleep if you have work to complete for the next day.’ We had one of those hectic days yesterday. something like, 3 cases to read, one group case presentation, roughly some 70-80 pages of reading from […]
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