
All articles with 'form controls' Tag

To-do List with Priorities using Excel

Published on Jan 7, 2013 in Excel Howtos, Templates
To-do List with Priorities using Excel

A while ago, we published a new year resolution template. This was a hit with our reader with thousands of you downloading it. During last week, Peppe, one of our readers from Italy, took this template and made it even more awesome.

The original template had tasks and completion check mark. As you finish each task, you can see the progress bar moving.

Peppe added priorities to this. With his new version, progress is measured based on how much priority we assigned that particular task. Pretty neat eh?!?

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People & Websites that Helped me in 2012 [Thank you message]

Published on Dec 28, 2012 in blogging, personal

2012 has been the most awesome year since we started Chandoo.org.

The credit for this goes to our community of Excel users – that is you.

For practically every day of 2012, you have inspired me (and all of us at Chandoo.org) to learn something new, share and make you awesome. I know I say this many times, but I can never feel enough – Thank you for your support to Chandoo.org.

Apart from you, there are many other amazing people & companies that played a role in our success. In this post, let me highlight them & express my sincere gratitude.

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Monitoring Monthly Service Levels using Excel Charts [Example]

Published on Dec 20, 2012 in Charts and Graphs
Monitoring Monthly Service Levels using Excel Charts [Example]

Recently, I wrote a tutorial on tax burden in USA chart.

Jared, One of our readers liked this chart very much. Jared works as a workforce scheduler and has data similar to our chart. So he applied the same technique to analyze monthly service levels for last 7 years & sent me the file so that I can share it with all of you.

First take a look at the demo of Jared’s chart. And read on to know how this works.

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Journey of Hurricane Sandy – Animated Excel Chart

Published on Oct 31, 2012 in Charts and Graphs, VBA Macros
Journey of Hurricane Sandy – Animated Excel Chart

Hurricane Sandy has taken front seat in all major news channels, papers, websites even in far off places like India. I hope & pray that our readers in US East coast are safe.

Today, lets understand the journey of Hurricane Sandy in this animated chart, prepared by Chris from Excel365.

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Using pivot tables to find out non performing customers

Published on Oct 3, 2012 in Excel Howtos, Pivot Tables & Charts, VBA Macros
Using pivot tables to find out non performing customers

Moosa, one of our readers emailed this interesting question:

I have huge list of customers (around 1500).
Table includes following information
Customer # , Customer Name, Sales 2002, sales 2003, … sales 2012

My requirements are
1. list of customer who did not have sales during all these years
2. List of customer who have not business from 2003
3. List of customer who have not business from 2004

Today, lets learn how to identify all the non-performing customers.

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Interactive Pivot Table Calendar & Chart in Excel!

Published on Sep 12, 2012 in Charts and Graphs, Excel Howtos, VBA Macros
Interactive Pivot Table Calendar & Chart in Excel!

Can we make a calendar using Pivot Tables?!? Of course we can. Today let us learn a simple technique to create calendar style reports using Pivot tables. Thanks to Rob for inspiration Before making any progress, let me thank Rob from PowerPivotPro for the inspiration. Recently he wrote an article explaining how to use PowerPivot […]

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Making your dashboards interactive [Dashboard Essentials]

Published on Aug 2, 2012 in Charts and Graphs, Excel Howtos, Learn Excel
Making your dashboards interactive [Dashboard Essentials]

Everyone likes to be in control. Even my 2 year old daughter jumps with joy when she lays her hands on TV remote. She pushes the buttons and assumes it is working. It is another story that we rarely watch TV at home.

By adding an element of control, we can make our dashboard reports fun. Interactive elements like form controls, slicers etc. invite users to play with your dashboard, get involved and understand data by asking questions. That is why I recommend making dashboards interactive.

Today lets understand how you can make dashboards interactive.

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Visualize Excel salaries around world with these 66 Dashboards

Visualize Excel salaries around world with these 66 Dashboards

Ladies & gentleman, put on your helmets. This is going to be mind-blowingly awesome.

See how many different ways are there to analyze Excel salary data. Look at these 66 fantastic, beautifully crafted dashboards and learn how to one up your dashboard awesomeness quotient.

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Reporting Scenarios using Offset

Published on Feb 14, 2012 in Excel Howtos, Financial Modeling, Learn Excel
Reporting Scenarios using Offset

Project Managers often report financial numbers to the management. In a dynamic world, these numbers are usually based on a lot of factors that may or may not be under your control. So the top management demands that the numbers be reported as per different economic scenarios – Optimistic, Normal or Pessimistic. It is important […]

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Analyzing Performance of Stocks using Excel [Example]

Published on Sep 21, 2011 in Charts and Graphs
Analyzing Performance of Stocks using Excel [Example]

Last week, we learned how to visualize Suicides vs. Murders data using Interactive charts in Excel. William, one of our readers, took this technique and applied it to Stocks. He emailed me because he has some formula issues with the stock data. Once I solved the problem, I asked him, “Can I share this with […]

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Suicides & Murders by US States – An Interactive Excel Chart

Suicides & Murders by US States – An Interactive Excel Chart

Over at PTS Blog, my dear friend & charting guru, Jon Peltier has an interesting post on using dot plots to visualize Murders & Suicides data by US States.

Not that murders & suicides fascinate me, but I wanted to play with this data myself and see how we can visualize it. So I emailed Jon and asked him to share the raw data. Being a lovely chap Jon is, he immediately sent me the data. So here we are, playing with gory data on a Friday.

Suicides & Murders by US States – An Interactive Excel Chart

You can see a demo of the chart I came up with above. Read on to learn how this chart is constructed.

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MLB Pitching Stats Dashboard in Excel+VBA by our VBA Class Student

Published on Aug 10, 2011 in VBA Macros
MLB Pitching Stats Dashboard in Excel+VBA by our VBA Class Student

Nothing gives a teacher more satisfaction than seeing a student apply the knowledge to do something awesome. So naturally, I jumped with joy when I got this email from Dan, one of my VBA Class students,

Hi Chandoo,
After going thru your VBA Classes, I realized that we can lots of awesome stuff with pivot tables + simple macros. I recently created an Excel Dashboard to depict MLB (Major League Baseball) Pitching Stats. I could not have done this had I not learned VBA. Thank you so much for teaching the class.

I got curious and requested Dan, if I could share the file with you all. Being a lovely person, Dan agreed immediately.

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Shift Calendar Template – FREE Download

Published on Aug 1, 2011 in Learn Excel
Shift Calendar Template – FREE Download

Today I want to share an Employee Shift Calendar Template with you. You can use this template to keep track of shift timings on various days. See a demo of the template: How does this template work? This template uses a 3 main ideas, Excel formulas to create the calendar & checking for a day’s […]

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Sales Analysis Charts in Excel – 78 Alternatives

Published on Jun 30, 2011 in Charts and Graphs, Excel Challenges, Learn Excel
Sales Analysis Charts in Excel – 78 Alternatives

Recently, I ran a contest asking you to analyze a bunch of sales data and present your results in charts. We received a total of 78 charts from 45 people. The contest entries had a mind-boggling variety of excel charts, techniques and ideas. It took me a while to go thru all the files and compile the results. Thanks for your patience. In this post, you can find all the charts along with my comments & links to download files.

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Comparing Sales of One Product with Another [Excel Techniques]

Published on Apr 25, 2011 in Charts and Graphs
Comparing Sales of One Product with Another [Excel Techniques]

This is a guest article by Theodor on how to Compare Sales of One Product with Another

Ok, now here’s one for you.

Suppose you’d like to come up with a sales report on different products, comparing their evolution on the same period of different years (say Jan ’09 vs. Jan Jan ’10). At the same time, you’d like to keep an eye on their yearly trend (entire 2009 vs. entire 2010).

Read on to learn how you can use Excel Charts to do this very easily.

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