All articles with 'charting' Tag
Visualizing Roger Federer’s 7th Wimbledon Win in Excel

Did I tell you I love tennis? Some of my personal heroes & motivators are tennis players. And as you can guess, I admire Roger Federer. Watching him play inspires me to achieve more. So last night when he lifted Wimbledon trophy for 7th time, I wanted to celebrate the victory too, in my style. So I made an interactive timeline chart in Excel depicting his victory.
Continue »Creating a Masterchef Style Clock in Excel [for fun]
![Creating a Masterchef Style Clock in Excel [for fun]](
Jo (wife) likes to watch Masterchef Australia, a cooking reality show every night. Even though I do not find contestant’s culinary combats comforting, occasionally I just sit and watch. You see, I like food.
The basic premise of the program is who cooks best in given time. To tell people how much time is left, they use a clock that indicates how much time is left (much like a stop clock, with a small twist).
One day, while watching such intense battle, my mind went
It be cool to make such a clock using hmm… Excel?
While I cannot share my snapper (or pretty much any other food item) with you, I can share my Masterchef style Excel clock with you. So behold,
Continue »Thermo-meter chart with Marker for Last Year Value

During a recent training program, one of the students asked,
Thermo-meter chart is very good to show how actual value compares with target (or budget). But how can we add another point for say Last Year value to the chart with out cluttering it.
Something like above.
Sounds interesting? Read on
Continue »![Interactive Sales Chart using MS Excel [video]](
Finally, I got some time to sit down and do what I love most – write a blog post to make you awesome in Excel. After a whirlwind trip to Sydney, I am back in India to spend few days with my kids & wife before rushing to Australia to run 2nd leg of my training programs (in Perth, Melbourne & Brisbane). I did 2 sessions in Sydney – one for KPMG and other for public and both went very well. We got lots of positive feedback and people really loved it. I am saving the details for another post, but today lets talk about Interactive Sales Chart using Excel.
Take a look at the Interactive Sales Chart
First, take a look at interactive sales chart. Today, you will learn how to build this using Excel.
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Hello folks,
My flight to Sydney has been lengthy but fun. I have reached here on Sunday morning (8AM) and spent most of the day with Danielle’s family. (Danielle is the founder of Plum Solutions. She is the one who invited me to Australia and planned this whole experience for me).
On Monday (30th April), I went exploring the city on foot. I had coffee in the beautiful Queen Victoria Building, attended 1PM church service at the magnificent St. Mary’s cathedral, walked thru Hyde park, went to Sydney central station, took at sneak peek at the new Apple store in down town, got back to my hotel, walked to Opera house to meet up with our readers.
Reader meetup at Sydney
We had 6 people turn up for the meetup. It was fun talking about Excel & our journey with these wonderful folks. Here is a pic (you can see the harbor bridge in background & 8 awesome Excel users in foreground, Click on it to enlarge).
Adding Macros & Final Touches to Customer Service Dashboard [Part 4 of 4]
![Adding Macros & Final Touches to Customer Service Dashboard [Part 4 of 4]](
Welcome back. In final part of Making a Customer Service Dashboard using Excel let us learn how to add macros & VBA code that makes our dashboard interactive.
As you can see, there are 2 important macros in this dashboard.
Continue »Creating Customer Service Dashboard in Excel [Part 3 of 4]
![Creating Customer Service Dashboard in Excel [Part 3 of 4]](
Welcome back. In third installment of our Customer Service Dashboard series, we will learn how to construct the charts in our dashboard. We will understand the sparklines, traffic lights & dynamic chart setup. To help you learn better, I have recorded a short video too. Go ahead and enjoy.
Continue »75 Excel Speeding up Tips Shared by YOU! [Speedy Spreadsheet Week]
![75 Excel Speeding up Tips Shared by YOU! [Speedy Spreadsheet Week]](
As part of our Speedy Spreadsheet Week, I have asked you to share your favorite tips & techniques for speeding up Excel. And what-a-mind-blowing response you gave. 75 of you responded with lots of valuable tips & ideas to speed-up Excel formulas, VBA & Everything else.
Thanks to all the contributors
Many thanks to everyone who shared their tips & ideas with us. If you like the tips, please say thanks to the contributor.
Read Excel Speeding-up tips by area
This page is broken in to 3 parts, click on any link to access those tips.
Read everything
Formula Speeding-up Tips
VBA / Macros Optimization Tips
Everything Else
Share your tips
Speeding up & Optimizing Excel – Tips for Charting & Formatting [Speedy Spreadsheet Week]
![Speeding up & Optimizing Excel – Tips for Charting & Formatting [Speedy Spreadsheet Week]](
Is Excel acting slow & taking ages? As part of our Speedy Spreadsheet Week, today lets talk about optimizing & speeding up Excel by formatting & charting better. Use these tips & ideas to super-charge your sluggish workbook.
No matter how much data you got, how many formulas you wrote, the end users seldom see them on your workbook. They see the finalized dashboard, they play with the model, they look at the report. And if you make poor choices, your end users will thing your workbook is slow.
So let me present you 7 charting & formatting tips to optimize & speed up Excel. Read on…,
Continue »Yet Another Sales Funnel Chart in Excel

A while ago, our reader Shay emailed me a Sales Funnel chart template.
I had to create a sales funnel for my company and I looked all over the internet to see how to do what I needed to do. I couldn’t find anything. I tried your funnel chart as well but because my numbers are all over the place I couldn’t get it to work for me.
I get so much information from you that I decided to share this chart with you. I used the shapes drawings to create the funnel graphic and the camera tool to place the values in each shape. I used formulas in the original data so that I will not have to recalculate every month.
I took the liberty of making little changes to Shay‘s funnel chart template to make it even better. Here is how the funnel looks like.
Continue »Designing a Customer Service Dashboard in Excel [Part 1 of 4]
![Designing a Customer Service Dashboard in Excel [Part 1 of 4]](
Sawadee Krup folks. Today, we begin a new series on – Making a Customer Service Dashboard using Excel. This 4 part tutorial teaches you,
Designing Customer Service Dashboard
Data and Calculations for the Dashboard
Creating the dashboard in Excel
Adding Macros & Final touches
Customer service is one area where a lot of data is collected regularly. Understanding all this and making business decisions is quite complex task. This is where dashboards shine.
Read on to learn how to design customer service dashboards.
Continue »Add Data to Charts with Copy Paste [Quick Tip]
![Add Data to Charts with Copy Paste [Quick Tip]](
So how did your weekend go?
I did a bit of gardening, painted our car shed, played badminton (I am learning), attended 60th birthday of a close friend’s dad. Pretty hectic, but fun as usual.
To start this week, let me share a simple but fun way to add data to charts.
Lets say you have a chart that depicts Annual sales for last few years. And you want to add the data of Profits (or Expenses) to this chart. Here is a dead-simple way to do it.
- Copy the profit data by selecting it and pressing CTRL+C
- Select the chart
- Paste by pressing CTRL+V
- That is all!
Making Small Multiples in Excel [Charting Technique]
![Making Small Multiples in Excel [Charting Technique]](
Today, lets learn how to create small-multiples (or panel charts) to visualize trend of 2 product lines over years in various regions. The inspiration for this chart and article came from my friend, Paresh‘s recent article on his blog.
See how you can create a combination of area & line chart to create the small-multiple chart and clone it. You can also download the workbook and play with it to understand this technique better.
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Sales Funnel or Sales Process refers to a systematic approach to selling a product or service. [more on sales process] Whether you run a small business or part of a large corporation, chances are, you heard about Sale Funnel. Understanding & analyzing your sales performance from a Funnel point of view is a great way […]
Continue »Analyzing Performance of Stocks using Excel [Example]
![Analyzing Performance of Stocks using Excel [Example]](
Last week, we learned how to visualize Suicides vs. Murders data using Interactive charts in Excel. William, one of our readers, took this technique and applied it to Stocks. He emailed me because he has some formula issues with the stock data. Once I solved the problem, I asked him, “Can I share this with […]
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