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… that is exactly the message I get when I try to submit my repair estimate form from Cord Camera’s website. Whoever designed the website must be expecting camera repair requests from mars or read too much on special relativity theory, whatever is the case here is the jewel of a web form:
Continue »or .. veni vidi viblogged well, after a brief globe trotting to few places here and there, I had to go to where literally every other Indian IT employee goes. America. After spending most of my first 4 days here indoors I guess I am both qualified and bored enough to write this post. And […]
Continue »I am off to Hong Kong for a week on a client visit. Hopefully I am back in Chennai by next sunday.The sad thing is that my camera conked off, some problem with the cCD wiring that is common with A75s has bugged mine too. So no pics this time unless I save hugely and […]
Continue »As planned earlier, Saturday was busy to the end. After a good and loooooong sleep, we (few other TCSers and myself) went to Yangson area in Seoul where one of the biggest electronic malls is located. It was extremely cold today. I think it was -2 degrees or something when we came out of the […]
Continue »A couple of days I guess S.Anand has given this link to Flickr’s Top Digital cameras. The funda is simple. The site tells you what are Top camera models in Flickr based on the EXIF data available using some Flickr API. I was wondering if the same cameras are also most sought after by people. […]
Continue »9 sureshot ways to kill your audience using powerpoint
Lately I have been attending campus pre-placement talks by various leading companies in India. It would suffice to say that I have attended over half-a-hundred presentations of companies “trying to sell themselves” to us. Some of them were really good, and then some of them are so pathetic that it made me feel sorry about […]
Continue »Any high technology product with the exception of mp3 players like iPod come with a baggage of useful (less) features each trying to further complicate the problem which the consumer wanted to solve by using it. For example, we buy digital cameras to collect every moment as we live. But we end up getting either […]
Continue »Type: Non-vegServings: Many Ingredients: 1 myself 1 Alarm clock1 Very good mattress1 Well equipped gymnasium1 Badminton court1 Computer with net connection1 Camera1 Blog account300 + friends online2-3 Library books40 GB of movies20 GB of musicA working version of FreeCellDaily The Hindu crosswordLatest copies of India Today, Business World & Outlook Traveler Preparation: Make the mattress […]
We were ready with our cameras and sweaters by 6:30 in the morning and very enthusiastic about boating in Dal lake. Some general info on the lake for the lesser mortals. Dal Lake is one of the most beautiful lakes of India and the second largest in the J&K state. Its three sides are surrounded […]
Continue »Winter clothes – doneCamera & Batteries – doneMoney – doneTickets – doneTimepass Material – doneOther stuff like mobiles etc. – doneFirst Aid packing – will be done in Delhi Preparation for todays exams – not done
Continue »Answer the photoquiz and you could gain some satisfaction. [see the answer below] All you need to do is to tell me what the above photo is about. Last night I got crazy and managed to get this shot. Answers tomorrow :D. Answer: It is my monitor running “starfield simulation” screen saver. The other day […]
Continue »[Read Waterfight 1.1 here :D] I read an article long before coming here, when I was a kid and practicing 8th class mathematics and elementary grammar to crack an exam named after an animal. The article is written by a b-school student. One line in the article surprised me alot. It goes like this,“B-school education […]
Continue »For all technical reasons this was my first time with a digi cam. I am mighty excited and was checking the cam every now and then. Feeling like a kid with new toy… Some of the initial snaps I have taken with the cam along with little captions. The first pic with the cam […]
LWD, 360, 4Ps, 5Ms, 3Cs and other not-so boring stuff…
Dont be scared by the title of the post. It was meant to be like that. So lets get it started LWD: Ah, the sweet sound of LWD – the Last Working Day. The first year classes are over yesterday. We had a really wonderful MHR class to close the year. The prof is […]
Come to think of it. I have been in this place for the last 7 months. Gone through hazaar quizzes, made umpteen presentations, wrote unimaginably lengthy reports and snored like anything in the class. But alas!, I have never put up a night out (out and out nightout means you get not even a wink […]
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