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All articles with 'buying' Tag

Proud Owner of iPod Nano

Published on Dec 14, 2007 in personal

I have been wanting an ipod for almost two and half years now. Somehow the need vanished after I got my Walkman phone. Even then I came close to buying one at several occasions during my duty free shopping spree. I almost paid with traveler checks for an ipod at Changi airport sometime back. Somehow […]

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Pay money but seek no control !

Published on Oct 31, 2007 in business, wonder why

That seems to be the motto of some of the service providers. How often we end up paying for services and (or) products through our nose yet we get little or no control on how it is delivered to us or what we are getting. Take for example “airline seats”, despite the rapid advancements in […]

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My screen just widened!

Published on Aug 2, 2007 in gadgets, technology

OCDOBG stuck me when I was in HK last week. That is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Of Buying Gadgets, This time I have picked up the biggest possible thing that can still be carried inside the luggage bags. A 19inch widescreen lcd monitor. The Samsung 931bw. I have been thinking about upgrading my old 15 inch […]

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The Calvin Fund!

Published on Mar 22, 2007 in calvin fund, Movies-Books, personal finance

Well, thats not a new mutual fund in the market, but I can understand your confusion, given that several AMCs have tiger funds. Calvin fund is the name I am giving to my investment drive. The aim is to purchase a complete collection of my favorite strips, “Calvin & Hobbes – The complete collection” which […]

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Find out whether you need a house or not in 60 seconds

Published on Feb 12, 2007 in Learn Excel, personal finance

Most of my classmates and friends have started purchasing houses. This coupled with the fact that I am in coveted DINK (double income no kids) group now have prompted me to do some preliminary research on buying a house. In my quest few things became obvious, Any house worth its tiles costs more than a […]

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Supply Creates Demand

Published on Nov 23, 2006 in Random

The things I love about Chennai are many, filter coffee, trees, relaxed pace of life, amazing food, culture to name a few. But one of the important reasons is Landmark Bookstores. During my second week in Chennai, Ashwin, one of my b-school classmates introduced me to Landmark. We went to the store located in the […]

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Cameras: Most Popular vs. Most Clicked

Published on Sep 26, 2006 in Random

A couple of days I guess S.Anand has given this link to Flickr’s Top Digital cameras. The funda is simple. The site tells you what are Top camera models in Flickr based on the EXIF data available using some Flickr API. I was wondering if the same cameras are also most sought after by people. […]

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How too many dishes spoiled the cook…

Published on Aug 18, 2006 in Random

Or, How Chandoo got hungry, cooked dishes and had a huge meal Well, that was a poor attempt at copying an already copied book title 😉 nevertheless, the news in the town is that “Chandoo is cooking” or wait a second there; I think it should be “it has rained for a week in Chennai”. […]

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Orbit Musings and other things

Published on Aug 3, 2006 in Random

>>> How come chennai doesnt have any English / Hindi FM channels? I think (correct me) all other metros have them. The only FM channel where you can hear something in Hindi is All India Radio’s FM Channel. >>> I am planning to buy a TV. My budget is 10k. The TV must be flat […]

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Absolut Shift

Published on Jan 18, 2006 in Random

Looks like companies are bitten by the rebranding bug. First there was Intel changing its logo. Then there is Kodak following the suit. Now we hear one of the most famous campaigns of ad world, Absolut vodka – bottle campaign is being shelved. The absolut ads have always been one of my most favorite print […]

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Marcovian queues, arranged marriages and forefathers !!!

Published on Dec 6, 2004 in Random

Well, upon looking at the three words Marcovian Queues, Arranged Marriage and Forefathers any sane person (Aah!, that excluded all the managers in the world :D) would say that they are totally unconnected. Today, i am here to prove that indeed they have a strong relationship among themselves. So much so that, the relationship is […]

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Escape to Reality – Part I

Published on Dec 4, 2004 in Random

It was never meant to be this great. Actually, even in my dreams i never expected today to be this good.Sometime yesterday night, Venky (we call him BABA, an amicable lad from CTS and a genuine product of TN) came to my room and woke me up from a deep slumber only to ask me […]

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Published on Jul 30, 2004 in Random

Some of the enlightened souls here have started a separate service called as IIM I News Service. The mails are really funny. When ever there is a mail with this in subject, i read it immediately. sample this, backgroud info: There is a poor chap called Y$#I (name protected for privacy reasons) and he happened […]

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