All articles in 'VBA Macros' Category
Howdy folks. Jeff here, bringing you a Public Service Announcement: Thanks to the magic of VBA , Structured PivotTable References are coming to a PivotTable near you! Structured References for PivotTables? So what? Well, because PivotTables are the best bit of ‘old’ Excel, and Tables are the best thing about ‘new’ Excel, and it’s about […]
Continue »CP022: What’s a Macro? Introduction to Excel VBA, Macros & Automation

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In the 22nd session of podcast, lets do some macros.
What is in this session?
VBA (or macros, automation) is a mystery for many of us. So in this podcast, lets unravel the mystery behind it and get you started with the awesome world of automation.
In this podcast, you will learn,
- What is a macro?
- What is VBA then?
- Reasons for using VBA Macros
- Automation
- Extending Excel’s capabilities
- Efficiency
- Applications
- How to get started with VBA Macros?
- Using Recorder
- Example Macro
- Going beyond recorder – Learning VBA
This is a guest post by Krishna, a football lover & one of our readers.
The wait for lifting the most valued priced in football for Germans was finally over. For a football fan, world cup is best time that is scheduled every four years and that if your favorite team lifting the trophy is like your crush is going on a date with you.
A sneak-peek at the final dashboard
Here is the final dashboard (it has more functionality than depicted). Click on it to enlarge.
Continue »How fireworks animated chart is made [video tutorial]
On July 4th this year, I published an animated fireworks chart for you. Many of you liked it. Quite a few wanted to know how its made.
So here is a video explaining the construction of fireworks.
(You can see this video on our YouTube Channel too)
Continue »4th of July Fireworks – an Excel animation for you
To all our readers & friends from USA,
I wish you a happy, fun & safe 4th of July.
For the last 4th of July (2013), we (Jo, kids & I) were in USA. We went to Washington DC to meet up a few friends for that weekend. And we had one of the most memorable evenings of our lives when we went to national mall area in the evening to watch beautifully choreographed fireworks. Kids really loved the amazing display of fire-crackers and enthusiasm.
While we all are back in India this time, it doesn’t mean we cant celebrate 4th of July. So I made some fireworks. In Excel of course.
Here is a little Excel animation I made for all of us.
4th of July Fireworks – Excel animation
First watch this quick demo (<15 secs)
Continue »Top 10 things we struggle to do in Excel & awesome remedies for them

Recently we asked you, what do you struggle doing in Excel? 170 people responded to this survey and shared their struggles. In this post, lets examine the top 10 struggles according to you and awesome remedies for them.
Continue »Hello everyone. Stop reading further and go fetch your helmet. Because what lies ahead is mind-blowingly awesome.
About a month and half ago, we held our annual dashboard contest. This time the theme is to visualize state to state migration in USA. You can find the contest data-set & details here.
We received 49 outstanding entries for this. Most of the entries are truly inspiring. They are loaded with powerful analysis, stunning visualizations, amazing display of Excel skill and design finesse. It took me almost 2 weeks to process the results and present them here.
Click on the image to see the entries.
Continue »Implementing Modular Spreadsheet Development – a walkthrough

This article is written by Michael Hutchens from Best Practice Modelling.
In the first article on Modular Spreadsheet Development, we got a high level overview of Modular Spreadsheet Development principles. This article discusses the practical implementation of these principles in Excel.
From my experience using Modular Spreadsheet Development over the past decade, there are three increasingly-efficient methods of implementation in Microsoft Excel:
1. Manual implementation;
2. VBA automated implementation; and
3. Commercial add-in implementation.
This article provides a comprehensive overview of each of these methods and a summary of their advantages and disadvantages.
Continue »Building a simple timer using Excel VBA to track my Rubik’s cube solving speed [case study]
![Building a simple timer using Excel VBA to track my Rubik’s cube solving speed [case study]](
Today, lets learn how to make a simple timer app using Excel. First some background…,
Recently, I learned how to solve Rubik’s cube from my nephew. As a budding cuber, I wanted to track my progress. Initially I used the stopwatch in my iPhone. But it wont let me track previous times. So I thought, “Well, I can use Excel for this”.
So I made a small timer app using Excel. Its quite minimalistic. It has a single button. I press it and it tracks the start time (date & time stamp). If I press the button again, it records the duration.
This way, I can see my progress over next few weeks and may be plot the trend.
Continue »CP005: Introduction to Form Controls – an interview with Debra Dalgleish

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In the 5th session of podcast, we are going to demystify form controls.
I am very happy and excited to interview my good friend, fellow Excel MVP, author, blogger and virtual mentor – Debra Dalgleish about this topic.
In this podcast, you will learn,
- What are form controls
- When you would use them?
- Example form control – Combo box
- How form controls differ from active-x controls
- How to enable form controls in your Excel?
- Various important form controls
- Special bonus & how to obtain it

Today we take a look at an exercise in how to develop a simple Calendar selection tool for your worksheets without using complex VBA Calendar Controls.
Continue »Greetings and salutations, my fellow VBA-fearin’ congregation. Evangelizin’ Jeff here, spreading the good word about everlastin’ VBA serenity. You may remember me from mah preeeevious sermons such as Tables, PivotTables, and Macros: music to your ears and Big trouble in little spreadsheet. Well today, I’m going to praise the work of a high-yah pow-wah. Our […]
Continue »Tables, PivotTables, and Macros: music to your ears
Howdy folks. Jeff Weir here again. You may remember me from posts such as What would James Bond have in his Personal Macro Workbook and my now infamous music review. Today – and this truly will be music to some ears – we’re going to concentrate more on the former and less on the latter. […]
Continue »Dynamic dropdowns are a handy way to get your users to make choices based on what they’ve previously chosen, while steering them away from making invalid choices. Today we’re going to look at one that easily handles multiple levels, and we’ll take a look at what could go wrong. Let’s see one in action, shall […]
Continue »Making a slick on/off switch using Excel & little bit of VBA [case study]
![Making a slick on/off switch using Excel & little bit of VBA [case study]](
I have a confession to make.
I am not sure how to describe this new thing I made in Excel / VBA. So first take a look at it.
Read on to learn how you can create something like this using Excel & a little bit of VBA.
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