Archive for August, 2010
How to cook a delicious dynamic chart that will have your boss drool

Dynamic charts are like my favorite food, Mangoes. They tempt, tease and taste awesomely. In this post, we are going to learn how to create a dynamic chart using check boxes and formulas as shown in the animation aside. Are you ready for some excel chart cooking?
You can also download a FREE Dynamic chart template from the post. So go ahead and make your boss drool.
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I hate to interrupt the regular programming at But I have to give you a few updates before its too late. So here we go: Only 2 days before Wedding Planner price goes up by 50%: Many of you know that we have released a wedding planner software built purely using Excel. You have […]
Continue »How many hours did Johnny work? [Excel Homework]
![How many hours did Johnny work? [Excel Homework]](
Today we have home work for you. You need to help Johnny figure out how many hours he worked on splitting atoms. He has crazy boss who is behind him for that timesheet. Now Johnny needs your help to write the correct formula so that he can tell his boss how many hours he worked and go home.
Go ahead and read rest of this post and tell your answers using comments. Go!
Continue »Excel Everest – Recommended Excel Training Program

In todays post I review Excel Everest, an excel spreadsheet that teaches you how to use excel. In this post I am going to review the product and recommend it you.
What more, you can get it for 20% off if you use the discount code chandoo. Go ahead and read rest of the review.
Continue »Building Inputs & Assumptions Sheets – Excel Financial Modeling [Part 3 of 6]
![Building Inputs & Assumptions Sheets – Excel Financial Modeling [Part 3 of 6]](
In the third part of our series on Excel Financial Modeling, we teach you how to make an assumptions worksheet to keep track of various investment, working capital and operational assumptions related to project valuation in place.
You can also download the blank worksheet in which you can fill-up assumptions after reading the business case.
Continue »How do you make charts when you have lots of small values but few extremely large values? [Debate]
![How do you make charts when you have lots of small values but few extremely large values? [Debate]](
Here is an interesting charting problem we come across once in a while. We have a lot of small numbers and a few very large numbers. How do we effectively plot all of them in a chart?
Now, how do you go about making a chart?
Continue »Excel Wedding Planner is here, Get your copy today!

Attention brides-to-be, grooms-to-be and everyone believing in “one ring to rule”…, I am very happy to announce the launch of Excel Wedding Planner Template. The premium version is now available for your consideration. Here is a short sales pitch along with links to purchase it. [Click here to get a copy or read full sales […]
Continue »Jump to Any Cell / Worksheet using Name Box [Quick Tip]
![Jump to Any Cell / Worksheet using Name Box [Quick Tip]](
Welcome back. Did you have a good weekend?
We ate fish, watched a movie, had hilarious moments watching the kids and didn’t even leave the house for anything other than to buy some fish.
Coming back to Excel, I want to share a simple productivity tip with all of you. I accidentally learned this and now I use it often to speed up when I am working on large excel files.
Jump to Any Cell / Worksheet using Name Box
If you want to quickly jump to a named range or another worksheet, here is a quick trick. Just enter that name or address in the name box (top-left corner, next to formula bar). And bingo, you are on the target cell or sheet.
Continue »What is the most unusual thing you have used Excel for? [Quick Poll]
![What is the most unusual thing you have used Excel for? [Quick Poll]](
Ok. This is quick and short. What is the most weird, unusual, out of the world thing you have used excel for?
I have used excel to generate and clean a list of tags for this blog, to keep track of which movies I have seen in the IMDb Top 250 list, to simulate monopoly board game, just so I can play it better than my wife etc.
What about you? Share using comments.
Continue »Take your Excel Baby Steps with 89 Minutes of FREE Online Training
I don’t remember when was the last time both of us (Jo and I) were this excited. And the reason?
Nakshatra and Nishanth have started taking their first steps last week !!!
It is such a joy watching them take one step at a time. Aah, the beauty of parenting
So I asked myself, “What is a good way to celebrate this without looking like a super-excited dad?” and I got my answer in 72 milli-seconds.
I have created 10 short (<10 min) videos helping you to take baby steps in Excel world. Each video introduces you to one new functionality of Excel and shows you some nice examples. Before jumping straight in to the videos, I want to share a short clip (30 seconds) of our kids taking their baby steps.
Continue »Winner of Excel Expense Tracker Contest – RomeoG
Remember the excel expense tracker contest we did when our little blog hit 10,000 RSS Subs? Well, the results are out, and the winner is RomeoG. His (or her?) workbook (shown below) received 31 votes. RomeoG will receive the Toshiba net-book (this one). Thanks everyone for participating & voting. You can see the winning entry […]
Continue »![9 Excel Tips & Downloads Submitted by Our Readers [Reader Awesomeness Week]](
Last week I announced Reader Awesomeness Week to celebrate the passion, attitude and knowledge of our little community here. I got 9 interesting and beautiful entries from our readers. In this post you can see 9 tips & downloads submitted by our readers. These include a project management template, a macro to remove blanks, a technique to make Google Earth maps using Excel and several other interesting tips & tricks.
Go ahead and read them, download attached workbooks and become awesome in Excel.
Download Excel Wedding Planner Today

I am very happy to tell you that Excel Wedding Planner is ready download.
Continue »12 Rules for Making Better Spreadsheets

As part of reader awesomeness week, today I am featuring a list that Larry sent me with 12 beautifully defined rules for making better spreadsheets. He says that spreadsheets should be easy to understand, have a clearly defined purpose and should use Excel features as much as possible. I totally agree with him.
Read the rest of this post to find the rules and download a poster containing these rules. Thanks Larry.
Continue »How Francis Landed on, Become Awesome and Made a Superb Dashboard, all in ONE Weekend
As part of our Reader Awesomeness Week, Francis shares with us a travel site dashboard he made for his company. Francis took just two days to prepare this awesome dashboard which uses concepts like bullet charts, sortable KPI grid, Date based filtering, dynamic charts and more. I was really moved by Francis’ gesture in sharing his work with us, so much that, I did a video review of his work. You can see it in the embedded youtube video to the left.
Read the rest of the article to know how this dashboard is made and get a copy of the file.
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