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All articles with 'training' Tag

Of career and electives…

Published on Mar 25, 2005 in Random

After lot of thought and reconsiderations I have made my decisions for electives. On the outset the list or electives may look like I am doing general management, but I have ended up taking all courses related to marketing. I know this is a tough choice to make as i will have to spend rest […]

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of bulging, purging, choking and loving (BPCL)

Published on Feb 13, 2005 in Random

bulging & purging:An interesting thing is happening on the hilltop resort now a days. A bunch of 30 pgp1s has started a dietary circus called body purging program. we call it bpp. with in 2 days the bpp doers number plummetted by 90% and now we have 3 lone survivers. Last heard some geeks have […]

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Are we far from reality?

Published on Jan 27, 2005 in Random

Yesterday during our habitual night walks govar, srickant (only non-ghissu academic committee member) and myself started arguing about this article. Srickant was for the issues raised in the article. Me and Govar are against the issues. For those who have not read the article here is the crux of it. IIMs or other Indian B […]

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All I Wanted to Say about GD/PI

Published on Jan 26, 2005 in Random

[PG Link] Before joining IIM Indore in July 2004 I have attended 9 real GD/PIs. I am able to convert 3 of them. There were lots of key takeaways from all these experiences. This post aims to throw some light in what works best in a GD/PI and what can make one a failure in […]

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Ideas … Infinite!

Published on Jan 20, 2005 in Random

Well, it is not a T-shirt caption. Rather it is about the current term in the 2 year course i want to blog. When term3 kick started 10 days ago, I thought it would be another 30% content and 70% global term with more fundaes on various areas of management and understanding people. I couldnt […]

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moc(k) shocks and research rags

Published on Nov 18, 2004 in Random

MOC Shocks Whoever said managers do nothing but presentations can move ahead and prove that i am going to become a worst manager. well, atlease my grades in managerial oral communication says so. i got a measly 2.2 out of 4.33 and recieved a ‘C’ grade. Baaah !!! MOC was one of few soft courses […]

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