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All articles with 'story' Tag


Published on May 3, 2005 in Random

, and that was not a spelling mistake. Lets get to the story without introductions. 😀 For the first time in ages I woke up at 5am yesterday. By 6:30, i am lugging 2 bags and a cover out of the hostel towards the grant road station. Thankfully I found an empty local to borivali […]

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A nights tale

Published on Apr 27, 2005 in Random

Last night was a perfect mumbaite night. I had a hectic day at office. Me went to meet some doctors in sion. My appetite for travel in locals died for the day after changing trains to reach that place. When i went back to my room all i wanted to do was to lie down […]

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A weekend that was…

Published on Apr 25, 2005 in Random

Me had a wonderful weekend. Sorry for the late post. I am busy meeting doctors and gathering their inputs. Anyways, coming back to the weekend stuff, it started on the evening of thursday itself with hairy, karthick (an fms dude) and me watching “Mumbai Expresss“. Not a very great movie. But full of dumb comedy. […]

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Lazy Weekend

Published on Apr 17, 2005 in Random

Me had hazaar plans for the weekend. But in the end lazyness prevailed. Rest is/will be history 🙂 Enjoy!

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First time and How!

Published on Apr 5, 2005 in Random

For all technical reasons this was my first time with a digi cam. I am mighty excited and was checking the cam every now and then. Feeling like a kid with new toy… 🙂 Some of the initial snaps I have taken with the cam along with little captions. The first pic with the cam […]

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The PHD Blogmela

Published on Mar 5, 2005 in Random

Welcome to PHD Blogmela. Just now completed reading all the posts nominated and boy!, this is going to be a real Indian blogmela. Majority of the nominations centered around India as in they spoke about India rather than about some Indian. Ok, I am not wasting anymore time. Lets jump in to the PHD Blogmela. […]

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My Hindi Sucks

Published on Feb 27, 2005 in Random

Travails of being a southie doesn’t start with a long name or end with an engineering degree. Till I came here my only worry is my long and historical sounding name. Ok, Lets talk about the name first. My name is (provided you dont disclose this valuable information to others), Duggirala Raja Raja Surya Chandra […]

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The holiday in a B Schoolers life

Published on Feb 5, 2005 in Random

Loads of the bloggers in b schools ranted about “a day in myschool” stuff. All the scary stories are more or less successful in convincing outsiders about the concentration_campesque culture in these places. So let me try to sell you the story of how we spend a holiday. Since tomorrow is a holiday I am […]

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on Vacation

Published on Dec 30, 2004 in Random

Hi readers… I will be on vacation from yesterday. seriously i am on vacation. so i wont be updating this space. Read this story from Kiruba. very touching indeed. The message is clear. Please help the victims by watever extent you can. It does make a difference. 🙂 One early morning, an old man noticed […]

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outLOGging, 100 percentiles and Spamming

Published on Dec 20, 2004 in Random

outLOGgingDont worry. it is not a new trend on the www. It is just my new blog on outsourcing. I am not gonna raise the support BPO in India type of issues there. Rather the blog will give links to some of the articles in the news on outsourcing and may be discuss the articles. […]

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Three Things

Published on Dec 13, 2004 in Random

(1)If you compare a full photograph of me in graduation and now you will see a stark difference. It is the growing retained earnings near the body parts surrounding my belly. Thanks largely to my SE job. I never felt the need to stand and walk from my swivel chair. Many of my friends told […]

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Kingsize weekend

Published on Dec 13, 2004 in Random

After coming here the meaning of weekend blurred a lot. We have seen some crazy weeks in both the terms. Day before yesterday was different experience altogether. Unlike weekends for most people living in India, certain sample of hazaar people celebrate it in a different way. Their weekend starts on Saturday afternoon and ends on […]

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The legend passes away

Published on Dec 12, 2004 in Random

http://www.rediff.com/news/2004/dec/11ms1.htm Read this news just now. Wat a sad news 🙁 “The vocalist died peacefully in her sleep,” Dr C V Krishnaswamy, who treated her at the St Isabel hospital, told PTI. I am a very great fan of her. Especially Bhaja Govindam and Vishnu Sahasranamam. I used to listen to these bhajans during my […]

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Duh!, even I did it

Published on Dec 11, 2004 in Random

Before you can think of the various possible and pleasurable meanings for the dangling ‘it’ in the title let me clarify the noun it is pointing to. It is ‘Marketing Research’. 🙂 Well, there is nothing to be pissed off about it. Infact the story of my stint with marketing research dates back to day […]

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Escape to Reality – Part II

Published on Dec 4, 2004 in Random

Read Part I here. After visiting the mosque we visited the RAM MANDIR. The mandir as such has got no historical significance. But the strange architecture of the houses around and inside the mandir caught my eye. the houses were very old. Most of them just looked like my grandmothers earlier house. the window panes, […]

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