All articles with 'OFFSET()' Tag

“I have a large list which includes blanks, I want to retrieve the list without the blanks”
Faseeh, responded with a neat array formula.
Today Formula Forensics pulls Faseeh’s Formula apart to see what makes it tick.
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Project Managers often report financial numbers to the management. In a dynamic world, these numbers are usually based on a lot of factors that may or may not be under your control. So the top management demands that the numbers be reported as per different economic scenarios – Optimistic, Normal or Pessimistic. It is important […]
Continue »Free Picture Calendar Template – Download and make a personalized calendar today!

Here is something fun, personalized and delicious to start your new year. A Picture Calendar built in Excel!
Using this you can print a 12 month calendar with your own photos. Its fun to use, easy to set up and looks great. Read more to understand how this works & download the template.
Continue »![2012 Calendar – Excel Template [Downloads]](
Here is a new year gift to all our readers – free 2012 Excel Calendar Template.
This calender has,
» One page full calendar with notes, in 4 different color schemes
» 1 Mini calendar
» Monthly calendar (prints to 12 pages)
» Works for any year, just change year in Full tab.
Go ahead and download the FREE 2012 Calendar and Enjoy.
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Palindrome: – A palindrome is a word, phrase, number, or other sequence of units that can be read the same way in either direction, with general allowances for adjustments to punctuation and word dividers (“Wikipedia”).
This week in Formula Forensics we’re having a look at determining if a cell contains a palindrome.
Continue »Christmas Gift Shopping List Template – Set budget, track your gifts using Excel

Last year, Steven shared a beautiful Christmas Gift List template with all of us. It is packed with lots of Excel goodness. Just a few days ago, he emailed me another copy of his file with some improvements. So if you are planning for Christmas shopping and want a handy tracker, you don’t want to miss this.
Continue »Offset() function to Calculate IRR for Dynamic Range
Offset() function to Calculate IRR for Dynamic Range When you start the project can you be sure, for how long will you operate it? A VC gives you funds to buy a commercial project. You are to operate the project for some time and then sell it off! Can you tell me today, when you […]
Continue »Sum of Values Between 2 Dates [Excel Formulas]
![Sum of Values Between 2 Dates [Excel Formulas]](
Lets just say, you run a nice little orange shop called, “Joe’s Awesome Oranges“. And being an Excel buff, you record the daily sales in to a workbook, in this format. After recording the sales for a couple of months, you got a refreshing idea, why not analyze the sales between any given 2 dates? […]
Continue »Check if a Word or Phrase is Palindrome using Excel Formulas [Weekend Fun]
![Check if a Word or Phrase is Palindrome using Excel Formulas [Weekend Fun]](
The other day, while I was putting my kids to sleep, this idea came to me. How do I check if a cell contains a palindrome, using Excel formulas?
Next morning, I wrestled with excel for about 20 minutes and boom, the formula is ready.
But what is a palindrome?
A palindrome is a word, phrase, verse, or sentence that reads the same backward or forward. For example: A man, a plan, a canal, Panama!
So, to check if a cell contains palindrome, we need to reverse the cell contents and see if both original and reverse are the same.
MLB Pitching Stats Dashboard in Excel+VBA by our VBA Class Student

Nothing gives a teacher more satisfaction than seeing a student apply the knowledge to do something awesome. So naturally, I jumped with joy when I got this email from Dan, one of my VBA Class students,
Hi Chandoo,
After going thru your VBA Classes, I realized that we can lots of awesome stuff with pivot tables + simple macros. I recently created an Excel Dashboard to depict MLB (Major League Baseball) Pitching Stats. I could not have done this had I not learned VBA. Thank you so much for teaching the class.
I got curious and requested Dan, if I could share the file with you all. Being a lovely person, Dan agreed immediately.
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Can I automate 500 Columns of Data Analysis without VBA?
Excel super function – Data Table to the rescue.
After reading this post, you will be able to process data like a Data Analysis Super Hero !
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I know I am late to the party, but better late than…, uh! forget it.
As the keen readers of our blog knew, I like cricket and I show my enthusiasm by making an excel dashboard (or info-graphic) whenever Indian team reaches a major milestone. So naturally, I was super excited when we won the ICC World cup 2011. Last time Indian won the event was in 1983 and my idea of a dashboard at that time was a bottle of milk and jingo-bell, my favorite shake-to-make-annoying-noise toy. I think our latest world-cup victory deserves something more than that. So here we go.
Continue »Executive Review Dashboard in Excel [Dashboard Week]
![Executive Review Dashboard in Excel [Dashboard Week]](
Purpose of the dashboard:
This is a guest article written by John for our Excel Dashboard Week.
This Dashboard was constructed for a number of reasons, one of which was to reduce the number of reports produced with the same data ( up to 6 separate files ). As we all know, when it comes to senior management and reports / files the more information they can get on one report / file the better for them. So, with this in mind I created the Dashboard to show the data they need to see “quickly” each week.
Continue »Health-care Dashboard in Excel [Dashboard Week]
![Health-care Dashboard in Excel [Dashboard Week]](
As part of Dashboard Week, in this post, we will take a look at Health-care Dashboard prepared and shared by Alberto. He put together an excellent dashboard to visualize hospital performance and understand what is going on. Read this post to understand how this dashboard is made, watch a tutorial video & download example workbook.
Thank you Alberto for sharing the file & helping us learn.
Continue »Calculating Sum of Digits in a Number using Array Formulas [for fun]
![Calculating Sum of Digits in a Number using Array Formulas [for fun]](
Here is a fun formula to write.
Given a number in cell, I want you to find the sum of digits in it. So, for eg. if you have the number 3584398594 in a cell, the sum would be =3+5+8+4+3+9+8+5+9+4, equal to 58.
Now, how would you write a formula to find this sum automatically based on the number entered in the cell?
Go ahead and figure it out. If you can, come back and check your answer with mine below.
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