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Power Query Tutorial – What is it, How to use, Full examples, Tips & Tricks

Power Query (Get & Transform data in Excel) is a true game changer ?. It can simplify and automate various data activities. In this in-depth blog tutorial, learn all about this powerful time-saving technology. You will learn:
* What is Power Query and how to launch it from Excel or Power BI?
* How to connect and load data from any type of sources – excel files, CSVs, text files, web pages, PDF, folders etc.
* How to perform common data cleansing activities with Power Query
* Adding columns using rules
* Automating data collection, clean-up and publishing processes with Power Query
* Web scraping with Power Query
* SQL style Joins, merges, appends and unions with Power Query
* Consolidating data in a folder
* Data load, save & publish process
* Tips & tricks on using Power Query efficiently
Introducing Power BI Play Date – Online class to master Power BI (oh yeah, Power Query & Power Pivot too)

Hello friends,
It’s here. Power BI Play Date – our online training program is now ready for your consideration. Please take a few minutes to read this to know all about the program. If you are ready to join, click here.
Check out below slideshow to see some of the reports you can create in our course. It is #AWESOME.
Continue »![Filter as you type [Quick VBA tutorial]](
Filtering a list is a powerful & easy way to analyze data. But filtering requires a lot of clicks & typing. Wouldn’t it be cool if Excel can filter as you type, something like above.
Let’s figure out how to do this using some really simple VBA code.
Continue »Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2018 [Holiday Card]
![Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2018 [Holiday Card]](
Hellow there…
I wish you a merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2018. May your holidays be filled with joy, togetherness, celebrations and fulfillment. May your new year be filled with hope, energy and awesomeness.
I want to tell you how thankful I am for all your support in this year. Each time you click, visit, read, comment, share, view, listen, purchase, subscribe, follow, question, discuss or email, my heart is filled with gratitude and happiness. Thank you for all the love and support. 2017 has been another amazing year in journey and I owe this to you.
Continue »Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2017 [Holiday Greeting]
![Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2017 [Holiday Greeting]](
A big, warm & pleasant hello to you.
I wish you a merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2017. May your holidays be filled with joy, togetherness, celebrations and fulfillment. May your new year be filled with hope, energy and awesomeness.
I want to tell you how thankful I am for all your support in this year. Every time you visit our website, read an article, leave a comment, enroll in a course, purchase a product, read one of my books, listen to a podcast episode, watch a video or tell your friends about, I feel nothing but gratitude, thankfulness and amazement. 2016 has been a remarkable year in our journey and I owe this to you and your support.
Continue »![Analyzing 300,000 calls for help [case study]](
Over the weekend, I got an email from Mr. E, one of my students. Mr. E works at a police department in California and as part of his work, he was looking at calls received by police. Whenever police get a call for help, multiple teams can respond to the call and go to the location. All of these dispatches are recorded. So a single call can have several such dispatches. And Mr. E wanted to findout which team responded the first. The problem?
Finding the first responded team is tricky.
Today let’s take up this problem as a case study and understand various methods to solve it. We are going to learn about writing better lookups, pivot tables, power pivot and optimization. Put on your helmets, cause this is going to be mind blowingly awesome.
Continue »![How to get Maps in to Excel charts & dashboards [Master Class]](
This is third episode of our Monthly Master Class.
In this one, you will learn how to get maps in to your Excel workbooks. Understand 5 key techniques for making maps based visualizations in Excel – from regular charts to cell grids to VBA to Power Maps, everything is covered in this intense Master Class.
Continue »SUMPRODUCT – Beginner to Advanced [Master Class]
![SUMPRODUCT – Beginner to Advanced [Master Class]](
This is second episode of our Monthly Master Class.
In this one, you will learn all about SUMPRODUCT. Know all about basics to advanced usage of this powerful & versatile formula in this 98 minute master class.
Continue »Advanced Interactive Charts using Excel [Master Class]
As announced earlier, here is the first one of our Master Classes. In this one, you will learn how to create advanced interactive charts in Excel by blending pivot tables, slicers, timelines, VBA, conditional formatting and charts. The final outcome is BEAUTIFUL!!! Monthly Master Class – Episode 1 – Trailer Check out a quick trailer of the […]
Continue »Introducing Monthly Master Class

Hi folks,
I have an exciting announcement for you. Starting this month, I will be running a monthly master class on advanced Excel. This is a video class to help advanced users learn creative, powerful ways to use Excel in their day to day work.
What is this Master Class?
The idea is simple. Every month, I will create a lengthy video discussing one of the below topics, specifically targeted at advanced Excel users. As our blog grew, we have a lot of experienced, advanced users and I want to help you achieve more. You will learn,
- Dashboards
- Data Analytics
- Visualizations
- VBA / Macros
- Business Modeling
- Business Intelligence
Each class will be on an different topic with in-depth coverage, creative outputs and awesome techniques. You can sign up for the class that suits your needs.
Continue »Analyzing half a million complaints – Customer Satisfaction Scorecard [Part 3 of 3]
![Analyzing half a million complaints – Customer Satisfaction Scorecard [Part 3 of 3]](
This is the final part of our series on how to analyze half a million customer complaints. Click below links to read part 1 & 2.
- Complaint reason analysis – Part 1
- Regional trends & analysis – Part 2
Customer satisfaction scorecard
In the previous parts of this case study, we understood what kind of complaints were made and where they came from (states). For the customer satisfaction scorecard, let’s focus on individual companies.
Continue »Analyzing half a million customer complaints – Regional Trends [Part 2 of 3]
![Analyzing half a million customer complaints – Regional Trends [Part 2 of 3]](
This is part two of our three part series on how to analyze half a million customer complaints. Read part 1 here.
Analyzing Regional Trends
As introduced in part 1, our complaints dataset has geographical information too. We know the state & zip code for each complaint. Please note that zip codes are partial or missing for a 10% of the data.
In this article, let’s explore three ways to analyze regional trends.
- Regional trends by state, product & issue
- Complaints per million by state
- Complaints by zip code
Analyzing half a million consumer complaints [Part 1 of 3]
![Analyzing half a million consumer complaints [Part 1 of 3]](
How would you analyze data when you have lots of it? That is the inspiration for this series.
Let’s meet our data – Finance Industry Consumer Complaints
As part of open data initiatives, US government & Consumer Financial Protection Bureau maintain a list of all consumer complaints made against financial institutions (banks, credit unions etc.) You can download this data from the catalog page here. I have obtained the data on 1st of February, 2016. The download has 513,824 records. Each row contains one complaint.
In this and next two parts of the series, we are going to analyze these half a million complaints to find insights.
Continue »Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2016 [Holiday Greeting]
![Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2016 [Holiday Greeting]](
A big, warm & pleasant hello to you.
I wish you a merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2016. May your holidays be filled with joy, togetherness, celebrations and fulfillment. May your new year be filled with hope, energy and awesomeness.
I want to tell you how thankful I am for all your support in this year. Every time you visit our website, read an article, leave a comment, enroll in a course, purchase a product, read one of my books, listen to a podcast episode, watch a video or tell your friends about, I feel nothing but gratitude, thankfulness and amazement. 2015 is the most successful year since starting, all thanks to you. Heartfelt thanks to you, from my family, staff and volunteers.
Continue »Book Announcement: Dashboards for Excel is launching on 15th September
I have an exciting announcement to share with you. My first ever print book – Dashboards for Excel, co-authored with Jordan Goldmeier is releasing on 15th September.
Dashboards for Excel – what is it?
As the name suggests this book is a handy guide for anyone preparing dashboards, management reports and business intelligence workbooks using Excel. The key benefits are,
- Learn the visualization tools, charts, tables, and graphs important to management.
- Understand what management doesn’t want to see in a report
- Turn around dashboards faster and cheaper than ever before
- Understand the key role dashboards play in an organization
- Analyze real-world dashboards to apply important features to your own organization
- Utilize understated, but powerful, Excel formulas and VBA code
- Avoid common pitfalls in Excel development and dashboard creation
- Get started with the Excel data model, PowerPivot, and Power Query
As you can see, this is an advanced Excel book with lots of examples, case studies and practical tips.
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