All articles with 'nishanth' Tag
![Confessions of a dad [personal]](
Today is my kids’ (we have twins – boy & girl) 3rd birthday. As we celebrate the day, I want to take a moment away from all Excel stuff and share my experience being a dad. Grab a cup of coffee or whatever keeps you going, relax and read on.
Continue »![Thank you, We have a home [personal story]]( in to new house-th.jpg)
I have a happy news to share. Recently, we moved in to our new home.
As we live, breathe, enjoy and sleep in this home, I could not thank enough for your support in making this happen. I am so glad you identify with the mission of and spread a good word about it. I am so humbled that you support us by joining our training programs, purchasing our e-books & products. I am so thankful to you for spending time with us everyday, learning & sharing new things.
Thank you.
I am also thankful to MS Excel, the powerful, awesome tool that transformed my life. It gave me the courage to quit a comfortable job and embark on an exciting journey of running a small business. Thank you so much Microsoft & Excel for being awesome.
Read this to find out the back story and see the pics of our home.
Continue »![You are invited [personal]](
Almost an year ago, my life took a pleasant, awesome turn. I became dad to two beautiful, naughty and energetic kids. We named them Nishanth & Nakshatra (meaning Moon & Star). Ever since they entered our world, our lives have changed. They bring laughter, love, anxiety and curiosity to our life everyday. And this Friday […]
Continue »Take your Excel Baby Steps with 89 Minutes of FREE Online Training
I don’t remember when was the last time both of us (Jo and I) were this excited. And the reason?
Nakshatra and Nishanth have started taking their first steps last week !!!
It is such a joy watching them take one step at a time. Aah, the beauty of parenting
So I asked myself, “What is a good way to celebrate this without looking like a super-excited dad?” and I got my answer in 72 milli-seconds.
I have created 10 short (<10 min) videos helping you to take baby steps in Excel world. Each video introduces you to one new functionality of Excel and shows you some nice examples. Before jumping straight in to the videos, I want to share a short clip (30 seconds) of our kids taking their baby steps.
Continue »![A Hairy Update [personal]](
Those of you reading the blog for the last few months would know that I manage 2 more super-fast growing ventures. They are called Nakshatra and Nishanth. Our twin babies. They are in to 9th month now (born on September 24th last year).
It is fairly common for kids in this part of the world to get rid of their birth hair around this time. So we took the kids to a near by temple to get them tonsured. I want to share a few pics with all of you.
Continue »There are Easter Eggs in this Post!!!

It is Easter Time again. Although I am not in Scandinavia (where Easter is a big thing) any more, we have a rather biggish family gathering here at PHD household during this weekend. We are also having anna prashanam for the little ones. It is the ceremony we do in India when kids eat rice […]
Continue »< drum roll > Welcome Nakshatra and Nishanth to their first public appearance.Nakshatra is the girl and Nishanth is the boy (for the curious, Nakshatra means star and Nishanth means moon) Here is a fun question: Can you guess which one is Nishanth and which one is Nakshatra? On more family affairs, today I am […]
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