All articles with 'India' Tag
Great news. PG (Allwin Agnel, the owner of India’s Biggest B-School Discussion Forum) is interviewd by CNBC TV18 for thier Young turks programme. Check it out tomorrow at 10:30. Rock on PG!
Continue »Ok folks!, sit tight. I am going to reveal my plans about the upcoming series of management books authored by none other than yours truly. On a more serious note, i am fed up trying to feed myself with good south Indian food in this hinterland. I am trying with out any success for the […]
Continue »Welcome to the bad bad world of marketing surveys and questionnaires. We have a marketing project due in the next couple of days and all of us need to do a customer survey as part of the project. The aim is to suggest marketing strategies for MNCs and multi crore Indian companies based on a […]
Continue »Post Without Any Heading Actually I dont know what to write. Not that several things are going through my mind. May be I just wanted to take a break from the otherwise hectic day. Just to give you a peek at things here we have,– 3 quizzes tomorrow– 1 case submission and a possible coldcall […]
Continue »Welcome to PHD Blogmela. Just now completed reading all the posts nominated and boy!, this is going to be a real Indian blogmela. Majority of the nominations centered around India as in they spoke about India rather than about some Indian. Ok, I am not wasting anymore time. Lets jump in to the PHD Blogmela. […]
Continue »Thanks everyone for the enthusiastic responses and nominations. Right now I am busy with an assignment. Also, I got classes till 4pm tomorrow. So expect the blogmela sometime in the night. May be at around 7:30 – 8:00 pm IST. Meanwhile.. if you think you have something to nominate please do so here. Thanks.
Continue »while I kill myself typing the 5000 word report on indian commodity markets and export scenario you can get yourself busy reading these 5000 words. Cluttered Reading Table (thans to this), my new jogging shoes Sunset images, Wonderful I must say. The gifts sent by my girl on Vday Tada!
Travails of being a southie doesn’t start with a long name or end with an engineering degree. Till I came here my only worry is my long and historical sounding name. Ok, Lets talk about the name first. My name is (provided you dont disclose this valuable information to others), Duggirala Raja Raja Surya Chandra […]
Continue »The Great India Blog Mela is up, do check it out. I’m hosting the next one, so send in your entries to me. You can nominate a post by either commenting to this entry or sending me an email The guidelines:1. All posts between February 25 and March 4 are eligible, including those two days.2. […]
Continue »Loads of the bloggers in b schools ranted about “a day in myschool” stuff. All the scary stories are more or less successful in convincing outsiders about the concentration_campesque culture in these places. So let me try to sell you the story of how we spend a holiday. Since tomorrow is a holiday I am […]
Continue »Yesterday during our habitual night walks govar, srickant (only non-ghissu academic committee member) and myself started arguing about this article. Srickant was for the issues raised in the article. Me and Govar are against the issues. For those who have not read the article here is the crux of it. IIMs or other Indian B […]
Continue »I always thought that people would love to hide their identity when it comes to online forums/chat rooms/etc. Some mavericks always try to come up with crazy names too. Still some more people hide their identities even in blogs. When you are a regular user and mod at largest B school student online community in […]
Continue »Well, it is not a T-shirt caption. Rather it is about the current term in the 2 year course i want to blog. When term3 kick started 10 days ago, I thought it would be another 30% content and 70% global term with more fundaes on various areas of management and understanding people. I couldnt […]
Continue »outLOGgingDont worry. it is not a new trend on the www. It is just my new blog on outsourcing. I am not gonna raise the support BPO in India type of issues there. Rather the blog will give links to some of the articles in the news on outsourcing and may be discuss the articles. […]
Continue »After coming here the meaning of weekend blurred a lot. We have seen some crazy weeks in both the terms. Day before yesterday was different experience altogether. Unlike weekends for most people living in India, certain sample of hazaar people celebrate it in a different way. Their weekend starts on Saturday afternoon and ends on […]
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