All articles with 'idea' Tag
This week the world is going to change. I am officially going to be out of classroom learning mode by this thursday. It took me, 1 internship 1 degree 2 diplomas 6 schools/colleges 15 years of hostel stay 16 different hostel rooms 18 different classrooms 20 years of back bench napping 60+ teachers 1000+ exams […]
Continue »Its almost 4 in the morning, I have been trying to change the blog to wordpress for the last 2-3 hours. Lots of template editing, a little bit of photoshopping and finally I have a page that looks similar to my ‘blogger’ page. The next challenge is to link up the archives and moving everything […]
Continue »9 sureshot ways to kill your audience using powerpoint
Lately I have been attending campus pre-placement talks by various leading companies in India. It would suffice to say that I have attended over half-a-hundred presentations of companies “trying to sell themselves” to us. Some of them were really good, and then some of them are so pathetic that it made me feel sorry about […]
Continue »Looks like companies are bitten by the rebranding bug. First there was Intel changing its logo. Then there is Kodak following the suit. Now we hear one of the most famous campaigns of ad world, Absolut vodka – bottle campaign is being shelved. The absolut ads have always been one of my most favorite print […]
Continue »Take the dilbert quiz I have been toying with the idea of making a quiz like this for quite sometime, finally did it.
Continue »You pay almost Rs. 200 for a service X. You drive almost 10 km to get the service. But to your utter dismay, you have little or no say in where you want your service to be delivered, to decide how long your want the break in between to be, you couldn’t sit with your […]
Continue »I am feeling beautiful and happy. And let me warn you, I am not yet placed The world is full of new ventures, new ideas and new things. Everyday I see something new happening somewhere, something so simple and beautiful being done by somebody out there, thanks largely to my net connection. I couldn’t wait […]
IRIS 2005 is over. I know I haven’t spoken much about it. For one, it’s been a part of my life for the last 8-9 months. Barring the 2 months of summer, I have spent at least a couple of hours every day on it, fearlessly dreaming about the event, carefully shaping up the themes […]
Continue »Had loads of freetime today. So quenched the itch to change the template. I have been toying with the idea of having a left sidebar for quite sometime. For one the left sidebars give more ad revenue (researcg says that we tend to look at the left top of the window most of the time). […]
Continue »I always wanted to write about my hair and its adventures. There are two reasons for it,– I never know how much more time its going to last.– Dont bother! History of Human Hair: The story of hair dates back to Neanderthal man. Probably it was there before his times too. The point is not […]
Continue »Answer the photoquiz and you could gain some satisfaction. [see the answer below] All you need to do is to tell me what the above photo is about. Last night I got crazy and managed to get this shot. Answers tomorrow :D. Answer: It is my monitor running “starfield simulation” screen saver. The other day […]
Continue »We had a presentation session on ‘brand extensions’ today in brand management class. It was a good learning experience to see what are the possibilities and steps to be taken before extending a brand. Its an altogether different question that some people were not comfortable with the idea of Apple getting into space travel. But […]
Continue »My romance with the wonderful city called mumbai is coming to an end in another few hours. I will be packing my bags and leaving to VT by 8:30 tonight. It actually has been one hell of a vacation with loads of new friends and new experiences. But if there is one theme that remained […]
Continue »Being the ad freak that I am, I spend most of the travel time gazing at the billboards inside/outside the local stations. Sometime back the idea of writing an article on these advertisements came to my mind. Here goes the implementation of the same. Spread the buzz! Zee – Bhaskar’s stable is trying to launch […]
Continue »LWD, 360, 4Ps, 5Ms, 3Cs and other not-so boring stuff…
Dont be scared by the title of the post. It was meant to be like that. So lets get it started LWD: Ah, the sweet sound of LWD – the Last Working Day. The first year classes are over yesterday. We had a really wonderful MHR class to close the year. The prof is […]