All articles with 'Humor' Tag
Lets have some fun this Friday.
Post your favorite Spreadsheet jokes using comments. Have a big smile.
I will start:
1. A pivot table walks in to a bar and orders a beer. It says, “Put me in the same tab, will ya?”
2. A slicer and pivot chart walk in to a bar. The bartender says, “look at those bast*rds, walking around with out a pivot!”.
3. Once Excel, Access and Windows were bragging to each other. Excel says, “I once crashed so hard, it took 5 minutes to recover”. Access says, “Oh thats nothing. I once crashed and took down an entire data base. It took them 30 minutes to recover”. Windows doesn’t say anything. Excel pokes him in the arm asks “what about you?”, Windows jolts & replies, “Sorry, what did you say, I just crashed again.”
![If Excel is a Superhero … [5k Contest and Giveaway]](
All you need to do to win prizes worth $195 is fill up this sentence: “If excel is a superhero…”. Find out more by reading the post and send in your entries thru comments.
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When I read Is your website’s underwear showing?, I couldn’t control the urge to write this one. So the big screaming friday question everyone… Is your chart’s underwear showing? What is my chart’s underwear? you may ask. My dear reader, it is the background color (that grayish shade excel adds by default). Also commonly known […]
Continue »Look at the power of conversation. A fan posted on youtube showing an apparent glitch in Tiger Woods 08 video game that you can walk on water to hit a golf ball. What did Electronic Arts and Tiger Woods do? They post a response to that video advertising Tiger Woods 09 saying that “its not […]
Continue »Amul has one hell of a branding strategy, they take whatever is happening in politics, entertainment, sports etc and turn the situation in to a billboard to tell their butter / jam / milk product story. Almost every week they do this, so restlessly that when something big happens, customers tend to think how Amul […]
Continue »Dear Microsoft (and other guys who design software that can be used to write something): Blog is a real word, just like bog or bloc or blot or blow or blob. So please add it to your esteemed dictionaries and stop harassing everyone with the wiggly red lines. Of course you can blame me for […]
Continue »One of the latest news is that Yahoo has launched BOSS (Build your Own Search Service) using which you can build search based apps. Being a part geek who loves to show off my part knowledge to other part geeks during parties, I went to their website to register for my own app. The registration […]
Continue »Huh! this has to be the most bizarre sari ever … Related google stuff you may find odd: Google park bench, Google fools day present to time travelers, Google life original source:New Launches
Continue »Fridays can be immensely fun, as I anticipate 2 days of doing-nothing while sipping coffee working on excel sheets. But nothing can make my day better than this immense suckmanship displayed by Naukri with their job recommendation for me. All the Japanese I know can be summarized to 1 word – “omurice“, now that I […]
Continue »We are going to big apple on this weekend, its going to be a really long drive, almost 1000 miles both ways put together, I will see if I can post something while resting, but don’t hope to see anything here for the next 3 days. You have an excellent weekend, drive carefully – more […]
Continue »Rat rides cat, cat rides dog, that rides on your t-shirt I am just numbed seeing this outrageous hilarity in the name of news making and selling on CNN, apparently you can buy t-shirts for some of the hand picked news items on CNN by clicking the t-shirt icon next to headline link on their […]
Continue »Wow, Rediff actually published this article on how hairstyles make successful CEOs So much fuzz over a complait fluff is sTRESSing me… PS: do read the comments on that page for additional entertainment
Like this? Feel free to share / copy / exploit / save the cartoon. See other powerpoint cartoons as well
Continue »Gone are the days when software jobs are called ‘coder’ or ‘programmer’, as sophistication increased companies started calling the same coder as ‘software engineer’ or ‘programmer analyst’, then there were ‘sr. evangelists’, ‘associates’ and ‘server gurus’, but in the new era where demand is outstripping supply, naming a job creatively is as important as the […]
Continue »I think this is brilliantly done, despite being a mac owner and lover, the ad just looked perfect without sounding arrogant or stupid. Good work Lenevo