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All articles with 'Microsoft Excel Formulas' Tag

How to compare two Excel sheets using VLOOKUP? [FREE Template]

Published on Jul 3, 2024 in Excel Howtos
How to compare two Excel sheets using VLOOKUP? [FREE Template]

You are the boss of ACME Inc. And one day, both of your accounts receivables team members Sara and James come to you with two versions of the customer payment data. How do you compare these two Excel sheets and reconcile the data? In this article, let me explain the step by step process.

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How to convert test scores to letter grades in Excel?

Published on Mar 20, 2024 in Excel Howtos
How to convert test scores to letter grades in Excel?

We can use Excel’s LOOKUP function to quickly convert exam or test scores to letter grades like A+ or F. In this article, let me explain the process and necessary formulas. I will also share a technique to calculate letter grades from test scores using percentiles.

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How to calculate the Gender Pay Gap using Excel Formulas? (Free Calculator Template)

Published on Mar 19, 2024 in Learn Excel, Templates
How to calculate the Gender Pay Gap using Excel Formulas? (Free Calculator Template)

Gender Pay Gap is the difference in pay for groups of men & women and usually based on the average or median salaries. We can use Microsoft Excel to quickly calculate the GPG (Gender Pay Gap) from your data. In this article, let me explain the process, Excel formulas and offer you a ready to use GPG calculator.

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Weighted Average in Excel [Formulas]

Published on Mar 14, 2024 in Learn Excel
Weighted Average in Excel [Formulas]

Learn how to calculate weighted averages in excel using formulas. In this article we will learn what a weighted average is and how to Excel’s SUMPRODUCT formula to calculate weighted average / weighted mean.

What is weighted average?

Wikipedia defines weighted average as, “The weighted mean is similar to an arithmetic mean …, where instead of each of the data points contributing equally to the final average, some data points contribute more than others.”

Calculating weighted averages in excel is not straight forward as there is no built-in formula. But we can use SUMPRODUCT formula to easily calculate them. Read on to find out how.

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What is XLOOKUP and how to use it in Excel?

Published on Mar 12, 2024 in Excel Howtos
What is XLOOKUP and how to use it in Excel?

Think of XLOOKUP as an improved version of VLOOKUP. In this article, learn all about the XLOOKUP function, it’s syntax, parameters with real-world xlookup examples.

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How-to create Dependent Drop Downs in Excel [Dynamic & Multiple]

Published on Feb 14, 2024 in Excel Howtos, Learn Excel
How-to create Dependent Drop Downs in Excel [Dynamic & Multiple]

Do you want to create a dynamic dependent drop down list in Excel like below? You can use XLOOKUP and data validation to set this up quickly. It is fully dynamic and works across a full column too.

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VLOOKUP(), MATCH() and INDEX() – explained in plain English

Published on Feb 11, 2024 in Featured, Learn Excel
VLOOKUP(), MATCH() and INDEX() – explained in plain English

VLOOKUP may not make you tall, rich and famous, but learning it can certainly give you wings. It makes you to connect two different tabular lists and saves a ton of time. In my opinion understanding VLOOKUP, INDEX and MATCH worksheet formulas can transform you from normal excel user to a data processing beast. Today, […]

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FREE Calendar & Planner Excel Template for 2024

Published on Jan 7, 2024 in Learn Excel, Templates
FREE Calendar & Planner Excel Template for 2024

Here is a fabulous New Year gift to you. A free Calendar & Activity planner made entirely in Excel. A fully customizable and flexible calendar for all your planning needs.

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Speed up your Excel Formulas [10 Practical Tips]

Published on Apr 14, 2023 in Excel Howtos, Learn Excel
Speed up your Excel Formulas [10 Practical Tips]

Excel formulas acting slow? Today lets talk about optimizing & speeding up Excel formulas. Use these tips & ideas to super-charge your sluggish workbook. Use the best practices & formula guidelines described in this post to optimize your complex worksheet models & make them faster.

1. Use tables to hold the data
2. Use named ranges & named formulas
3. Use Dynamic Array formulas
4. Sort your data
5. Use manual calculation mode

… and more. Read on to learn these top 10 tips & ideas to improve performance of your excel formulas.

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A clever technique to simplify your long, nested IF formulas

Published on Apr 11, 2023 in Formula Forensics, Learn Excel
A clever technique to simplify your long, nested IF formulas

Recently I used an elegant and smart technique to simplify lengthy nested IF formulas and made them 80% shorter. In this article, let me explain the process and share the results.

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Create a beautiful, elegant & interactive to-do list with Excel (FREE Template + Tutorial)

Published on Mar 28, 2023 in Learn Excel, Templates
Create a beautiful, elegant & interactive to-do list with Excel (FREE Template + Tutorial)

Create a beautiful & fully interactive todo list with Excel using this tutorial (or download the free todo list template). Impress everyone.

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Learn Advanced Excel – 3 Month Roadmap with Resources

Published on Jan 30, 2023 in Learn Excel
Learn Advanced Excel – 3 Month Roadmap with Resources

Advanced Excel Skills are highly sought after. Use this FREE Excel roadmap to learn and grow you Excel skills in 3 months.

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The Excel Mandelbrot

Published on Jan 12, 2023 in Complex Numbers, Huis, Mandelbrot, Posts by Hui, Random
The Excel Mandelbrot

This post examines the implementation of the Mandelbrot Function within Excel without the use of VBA code. It explores how this is done using Real and Complex numbers.

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FREE Calendar & Planner Excel Template for 2023

Published on Jan 2, 2023 in Learn Excel, Templates
FREE Calendar & Planner Excel Template for 2023

Here is a fabulous New Year gift to you. A free Calendar & Activity planner made entirely in Excel. A fully customizable and flexible calendar for all your planning needs.

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Range Lookup in Excel – How to lookup the pricing tier? [Formulas]

Published on Dec 17, 2022 in Learn Excel
Range Lookup in Excel – How to lookup the pricing tier? [Formulas]

Excel formula to get a match from a given value in excel when you have start and end values in lookup table. This technique is useful for looking up a matching price from a pricing tier table or date in a range of start and end dates.

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