All articles with 'downloads' Tag
How to select a random sample from all your data [trick]
![How to select a random sample from all your data [trick]](
The other day, I got a text message (SMS) from one of our readers. It read,
So today, let us learn a very easy trick to select random sample from your data.
Continue »Did Jeff just chart?

How do you segment customers by revenue easily in Excel, so that you can see which customer groups to focus on. Find out, and download this handy template.
In this charting example, Jeff, our guest author, occasional charter and Excel wizard shows us how to segment customers based on revenue and depict the result using Excel charts.
Continue »42% of the world goes to polls around a pie chart – Like it or hate it?

Today lets have a poll. Lets debate if this pie chart about world elections in 2014 is good or bad.
First lets take a look at the chart
This chart, published by The Economist talks about how 42% of the world population is going to vote this year. Take a look and read on to learn how you can re-create this in Excel.
Continue »Bar chart with lower & upper bounds [tutorial]
![Bar chart with lower & upper bounds [tutorial]](
Bar & Column charts are very useful for comparison. Here is a little trick that can enhance them even more.
Lets say you are looking at sales of various products in a column chart. And you want to know how sales of a given product compare with a lower bound (last year sales) and an upper bound (competition benchmark). By adding these boundary markers, your chart instantly becomes even more meaningful.
Lets learn how to create a column chart with lower & upper bounds in this tutorial.
Continue »Free 2014 Calendar, daily planner templates [download]
![Free 2014 Calendar, daily planner templates [download]](
Here is a New year gift to all our readers – free 2014 Excel Calendar & daily planner Template.
This calender has,
- One page full calendar with notes, in 4 different color schemes
- Daily event planner & tracker
- 1 Mini calendar
- Monthly calendar (prints to 12 pages)
- Works for any year, just change year in Full tab.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2014 [Holiday Gift Inside]
![Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2014 [Holiday Gift Inside]](
Hello awesome readers of,
I wish you a merry Christmas & very happy New Year 2014. May your holidays be filled with joy and warmth. And your new year with lots of hope, fun, strength and awesomeness.
I also want to tell you how thankful & fortunate I feel to have your support in this year. Your desire to learn Excel & become awesome at your work motivates me everyday to learn & share. 2013 is a memorable year in my life because of you. Thank you.
Continue »![Sporadic Totals in Excel [video]](
If this Excel problem is a Bollywood (Indian movie) plot, it would go like this:
Situation: Your boss gave you a worksheet. It has a lot of number chunks. And you need to calculate the sum of each chunk. Quickly!
Twist #1: The villain (your boss, who else) has abducted your spouse. For every extra hour you spend on the problem, your boss will make your spouse go thru one of the boring 97 slide strategy presentations. And his laptop is full of those strategy presentations.
Twist #2: The F1 key on your keyboard is missing.
Twist #3: The coffee machine in your floor is broken again.
Twist #4: And just when you are pressing CTRL+S, the movie steers in to an item song.
Fortunately, no one abducted your spouse. And hopefully the coffee machine is working. But the Excel problem remains unsolved.
Continue »Creating Triangular Plots using Excel

Triangular plot…! What is it?
Recently, a forum member asked this,
‘I want to be able to make a graph that, in some aspects, looks like below, but I have no idea how to do it at all.’
After seeing it, I said to myself in Barney Stinson’s tone, ‘Challenge Accepted!‘
The final plot looks like above. Read on to learn how this is made.
Continue »Making a slick on/off switch using Excel & little bit of VBA [case study]
![Making a slick on/off switch using Excel & little bit of VBA [case study]](
I have a confession to make.
I am not sure how to describe this new thing I made in Excel / VBA. So first take a look at it.
Read on to learn how you can create something like this using Excel & a little bit of VBA.
Continue »In this episode of Formula Forensics, lets talk about how to build a model where costs vary per year and age. In this example, we are talking about a plantation project. The costs & yields of plants vary by the year they are planted in and the age of plants. In this case, how do we calculate the total costs or returns with formulas?
Thank you Sachin [a small tribute]
Lets talk about people who inspire us. People who show us that anything is possible. People who prove that commitment, hard work and perseverance are true ingredients of a genius.
I am talking about Sachin Tendulkar. Those of you who never heard his name, he is the most prolific cricketer in the world. He is the leading scorer in both tests (15,921 runs) and one day matches (18,426 runs). Read more about him here.
Tendulkar has been an inspiration for me (and millions of others around the world) since I was a kid. The amount of dedication & excellence he has shown constantly motivates me. It is a pity that the great man is retiring from test cricket. He is playing his last test match (200th, most by any person) as I am writing this.
So as a small tribute, I have decided do something for him. Of course, I have never been a cricketer in my life. Once in college I was reluctantly asked to be a stand-by player in a game with seniors. I did not get a chance to pad up though. That is the closest I have been to a cricketer. So I did what I do best. Create an Excel workbook celebrating Sachin’s test career.
Thank you Sachin – his test career in a dashboard
Here is a dashboard I made visualizing his test cricket statistics. It is dynamic, fun & awesome (just like Sachin).
(click on the image to enlarge)
Continue »Show pop-up calendar upon right click [Excel VBA]
There are times when we are entering dates into several columns and would like to select a date from a popup calendar instead of manually typing.
Today, lets understand how we can set up a pop-up calendar in Excel so that your users can easily input dates by right clicking on a cell and inserting a date.
Closing gaps in this Gender Equality Gap chart…

Today lets close some gaps.
Recently I saw this interesting chart on Economist Daily Charts page. This chart is based on World Economic Forum’s survey on how women compare to men in terms of various development parameters. First take a look at the chart prepared by Economist team.
So what are the gaps in this chart?
This chart fails to communicate because,
- All country charts look same, thus making it difficult to spot any deviations.
- We cannot quickly compare one country with another on any particular indicator.
- It does not provide a better context (for eg. how did these countries perform last year?)
But criticizing someone’s work is not awesome. Fixing it and making an even better chart, that has awesome written all over it. So that is what we are going to do. You can see the improved chart above. Click on it to learn how you can create it.
Continue »7 reasons why you should use INDEX() formula in Excel

Today lets get cozy. Lets start a fling (a very long one). Lets do something that will make you smart, happy and relaxed.
Don’t get any naughty ideas. I am talking about INDEX() formula.
Of all the hundreds of formulas & thousands of features in Excel, INDEX() would rank somewhere in the top 5 for me. It is a versatile, powerful, simple & smart formula. Although it looks plain, it can make huge changes to the way you analyze data, calculate numbers and present them. It is so important that, whenever I teach (live or online), I usually dedicate 25% of teaching time to INDEX().
Enough build up. Lets get cozy with INDEX.
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