
All articles with 'downloads' Tag

Teach coding to your kids with this maze game [VBA]

Published on Jun 21, 2016 in excel apps, VBA Macros
Teach coding to your kids with this maze game [VBA]

My twins (Nishanth & Nakshtra) are now almost 7. They are super keen to learn how computers work. So the other day, I showed them Code.org where there are several coding exercises disguised as games. They loved those games … err coding exercises. So that got me thinking… why not make a game in Excel that teaches kids simple programming concepts.

So I built a Snowman & Hot Chocolate Maze game. In this post, let’s understand how to build such a game using Excel VBA.

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Sum up neither “A” nor “B” values – How to use DSUM function in Excel [video]

Published on Jun 8, 2016 in Excel Howtos, Learn Excel
Sum up neither “A” nor “B” values – How to use DSUM function in Excel [video]

We know how to use SUMIFS function to answer questions like, “What is the sum of values for ‘A’?”  But how would you answer questions like,

  • What is the sum of values that are neither “A” nor “B”?

We can still use SUMIFS, but it will get awfully long. So let’s turn our attention to other functions in Excel.

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Generating sequence numbers from cluster values [VLOOKUP to the rescue]

Published on Jun 2, 2016 in Excel Howtos
Generating sequence numbers from cluster values [VLOOKUP to the rescue]

Last night I got an email from Joshua, one of our readers with the subject – Hard Excel problem. Hard?!?, at this stage of summer, the hard problems seem to be (in no particular order),

  1. Lack of good quality mangoes to eat
  2. Intense heat and humidity
  3. Lack of good quality mangoes to eat

Yes, I like mangoes.

Any how, back to Joshua’s email, So I got curios and read it. He is facing a curious problem.

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Fish Eye Effect for highlighting selection – Is it effective? [Advanced Charting]

Published on May 26, 2016 in Charts and Graphs
Fish Eye Effect for highlighting selection – Is it effective? [Advanced Charting]

A few days back, WSJ ran a visualization titled “What’s your pay gap?” It depicts median pay gap between female & male workers in 422 different professions in USA. The chart uses fish eye effect to highlight the selected profession. See below demo to understand the effect.

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How many ‘Friday the 13th’s are in this year? [Formula fun + challenge]

Published on May 13, 2016 in Excel Howtos, Learn Excel
How many ‘Friday the 13th’s are in this year? [Formula fun + challenge]

Today is Friday the 13th. If you are a raging friggatriskaidekaphobiac, I suggest you to stop reading this post. For the rest of you, I have something fun.

Given a year in cell C3, let’s find out all the months with Friday the 13th. Something like above.

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Earth Venus cosmic dance – Animated chart in Excel

Published on Apr 25, 2016 in Charts and Graphs, VBA Macros
Earth Venus cosmic dance – Animated chart in Excel

Recently I saw an interesting Earth Venus cosmic dance video on Facebook. See the original video below or here.

Although this is not entirely accurate from physics & astronomy perspectives, the dance is a stunning example of patterns that are generated by simple things.

I wanted to recreate this cosmic dance in Excel. How else am I to get my spreadsheet fix on a Saturday?

Here is a quick demo of the final outcome. Read on to learn more about the Earth Venus cosmic dance.

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Sumerian Voter Problem [IF formula homework]

Published on Apr 22, 2016 in Excel Challenges

Here is a simple IF formula challenge for you. Go ahead and post your answers in the comments section. Can this person vote in Sumeria? Imagine you are the chief election officer in the great country of Sumeria. You have introduced a new eligibility criteria for voters just before the grand presidential elections of 2016. In order […]

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Advanced Interactive Charts using Excel [Master Class]

As announced earlier, here is the first one of our Master Classes. In this one, you will learn how to create advanced interactive charts in Excel by blending pivot tables, slicers, timelines, VBA, conditional formatting and charts. The final outcome is BEAUTIFUL!!! Monthly Master Class – Episode 1 – Trailer Check out a quick trailer of the […]

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A slicer that doesn’t slice [Pivot Table Tricks]

Published on Mar 30, 2016 in Pivot Tables & Charts, Power Pivot
A slicer that doesn’t slice [Pivot Table Tricks]

Mary Ellen, one of our readers, has an interesting conundrum,

I have some data that goes to Pivot table then to pivot chart. There is a slicer to filter the data. But when I slice, my pivot chart gets messed up. How to have the slicer, but still see the insights in the chart?!?

See above demo to understand:

This is because when you slice by a school, the pivot table gets filtered and hence % row total for that school becomes 100% (as there are no other schools).

How to fix the problem? The easy answer is to remove the slicers. But we want to have our slicers and eat a slice of them too. So we crank up the Excel awesomeness valve and get to work. There are two ways to achieve what we want.

  • Old school method: Two pivot tables, some formulas & a line chart
  • New Excel method: Power Pivot and a line chart

Read the rest of this article to know more.

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There are seven pandas hidden in this workbook [Easter Eggs]

Published on Mar 25, 2016 in Excel Challenges
There are seven pandas hidden in this workbook [Easter Eggs]

It is Easter time again. This year, we drove to my brother’s house in Hyderabad (700 km away from my home) to spend a weekend doing absolutely nothing (we will eat copious amount of food, share family memories, laugh and laze). It is Chandoo.org tradition to share few puzzles during Easter time, a la an Excel themed virtual Easter egg hunt. This year, I have prepared an amazing challenge for you.

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How to create animated charts in Power Point [VBA]

Published on Mar 17, 2016 in Charts and Graphs, Office Tips
How to create animated charts in Power Point [VBA]

This is a guest post by Chirayu, a member of Chandoo.org forum.

Animating Charts in PowerPoint cannot be done without the help of 3rd party software’s that create a flash file of the chart & embed it into the presentation.

However there is a workaround for this. Save your chart as multiple images & insert them (overlapping on top of each other). Use VBA on Developer tab Controls such as Combo Box, Option Button, Check Box etc. to “Bring To Front”” the corresponding image. Thus giving the illusion of an Animated Chart in PowerPoint.

This guide will teach you how to animate the charts, using the three Developer tab Controls that were mentioned before. The code & functionality only works in Slide Show Mode. File must be saved as PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Presentation (*.pptm)

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“How Trump happened” in Excel [visualizations]

“How Trump happened” in Excel [visualizations]

During last week, an alert reader of our blog, Jørgen emailed me a link to “How Trump happened“.  It is an interactive visualization by Wall Street Journal. Jørgen asked me if we could replicate the visualization in Excel. My response: “Making a new chart in Excel? Hell yeah!”

Read on for awesome visualizations and full explanation.

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Analyzing half a million complaints – Customer Satisfaction Scorecard [Part 3 of 3]

Analyzing half a million complaints – Customer Satisfaction Scorecard [Part 3 of 3]

This is the final part of our series on how to analyze half a million customer complaints. Click below links to read part 1 & 2.

  1. Complaint reason analysis – Part 1
  2. Regional trends & analysis – Part 2

Customer satisfaction scorecard

In the previous parts of this case study, we understood what kind of complaints were made and where they came from (states). For the customer satisfaction scorecard, let’s focus on individual companies.

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Analyzing half a million customer complaints – Regional Trends [Part 2 of 3]

Analyzing half a million customer complaints – Regional Trends [Part 2 of 3]

This is part two of our three part series on how to analyze half a million customer complaints. Read part 1 here.

Analyzing Regional Trends

As introduced in part 1, our complaints dataset has geographical information too. We know the state & zip code for each complaint. Please note that zip codes are partial or missing for a 10% of the data.

In this article, let’s explore three ways to analyze regional trends.

  1. Regional trends by state, product & issue
  2. Complaints per million by state
  3. Complaints by zip code
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Analyzing half a million consumer complaints [Part 1 of 3]

Published on Feb 16, 2016 in Analytics, Charts and Graphs
Analyzing half a million consumer complaints [Part 1 of 3]

How would you analyze data when you have lots of it? That is the inspiration for this series.

Let’s meet our data – Finance Industry Consumer Complaints

As part of open data initiatives, US government & Consumer Financial Protection Bureau maintain a list of all consumer complaints made against financial institutions (banks, credit unions etc.) You can download this data from the catalog page here. I have obtained the data on 1st of February, 2016. The download has 513,824 records. Each row contains one complaint.

In this and next two parts of the series, we are going to analyze these half a million complaints to find insights.

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