All articles with 'date and time' Tag
Use MAX to find latest date in a list [Quick tip]
Here is a quick tip that I learned while conducting training classes in Australia. If you have several dates in a range and you want to find out what the latest date is, just use MAX, like: =MAX(A1:A10) would give you the latest date. A Question…, Assuming you have some dates (not necessarily sorted) in […]
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Bhavik’s has presented us with a neat formula to determine how many working days are in a month.
This functionality has a wide range of uses in accounting, payroll, staff scheduling, accommodation planning & reporting and general scheduling activities.
Today in Formula Forensics we pull Bhavik’s Formula apart and see what is going on inside and the offer some extensions to increase the functionality of his formula.
Continue »14 ways to check if an year is leap year, using Excel [just for fun]
![14 ways to check if an year is leap year, using Excel [just for fun]](
Today is February 29th, and that means, this year we have one more day to be awesome. So lets celebrate it in Excel style!
Lets learn 14 different ways to tell if an year is leap year, using Excel Formulas.
Why 14? because, we are awesome like that.
Continue »Finding Friday the 13th using Excel (and learning cool formulas along way)

Not that I have friggatriskaidekaphobia or anything. But since today is Friday & 13th, lets put our Excel skills to test and find out when the next Friday the 13th is going to be.
Continue »![2012 Calendar – Excel Template [Downloads]](
Here is a new year gift to all our readers – free 2012 Excel Calendar Template.
This calender has,
» One page full calendar with notes, in 4 different color schemes
» 1 Mini calendar
» Monthly calendar (prints to 12 pages)
» Works for any year, just change year in Full tab.
Go ahead and download the FREE 2012 Calendar and Enjoy.
Continue »Sum of Values Between 2 Dates [Excel Formulas]
![Sum of Values Between 2 Dates [Excel Formulas]](
Lets just say, you run a nice little orange shop called, “Joe’s Awesome Oranges“. And being an Excel buff, you record the daily sales in to a workbook, in this format. After recording the sales for a couple of months, you got a refreshing idea, why not analyze the sales between any given 2 dates? […]
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Today I want to share an Employee Shift Calendar Template with you. You can use this template to keep track of shift timings on various days. See a demo of the template: How does this template work? This template uses a 3 main ideas, Excel formulas to create the calendar & checking for a day’s […]
Continue »Count-down Timer App in VBA to Remind you about the VBAClasses Closing Time!!!
Here is a cool count-down timer application made in VBA to remind you about our VBAClasses registration closing time!
Read the rest of this post to learn how this particular app is built.
If you want to learn VBA, then click here to join our class.
Continue »Excel Challenge #1 – Make Nuts without Going Nuts

We have a new series on – Excel Challenges. From now, every 1-2 months, I will post an interesting Excel Challenge. These are tricky problems for which elegant solutions should be found. To keep the challenges exciting, we will have a small prize for a winner (if more people answer correctly, we pick one randomly)
Excel Challenge #1 – Find Overlaps in Machine Schedule Dates
We have an Excel Table, with the following data (snapshot above). You need to write formulas to display Ok or Not Ok in the adjacent column based on the following criteria:
1. Display Ok if the scheduling dates for that row do not overlap with remaining scheduling dates for that machine
2. Display Not Ok otherwise.
Modeling Interest During Construction (IDC) – Excel Project Finance

In the second part of our series on project finance using Excel, Paramdeep tells us how to model “interest during construction” in real estate and construction type of projects. We take a case of hospital construction and learn how to calculate the IDC using circular references.
You can also download both blank and completed model so that you can test the skills.
Continue »Introduction to Project Finance Modeling in Excel

This is a guest post written by Paramdeep from Pristine. runs Financial Modeling School program in partnership with Pristine Careers. Visit Financial Modeling School to learn more and sign-up for our newsletter.
It’s been long time since we interacted on Actually I was very busy teaching the 105 awesome students for financial modeling in Excel. We all worked together to create some easy and some complex financial models. I found the journey to be quite exciting and enriching (From the feedback that I got, my students too didn’t find it bad either 😉 )
During the interaction, I found that a lot of students were looking for financial modeling around the project financing as well. So we thought why not introduce financial modeling for project finance.
In this post I will speak about some of the key aspects of a project finance model and why it can be different from modeling a normal company.
Continue »How do Business Analysts use Excel [Guest Post from a Rock-star BA]
![How do Business Analysts use Excel [Guest Post from a Rock-star BA]](
This is a guest article by Matt, who works as a Business Analyst with He shares with us how he is using Excel to become a rockstar business analyst. In his own words,
“At we use excel for a variety of purposes. Analyzing site trends, forecasting traffic, charts, dashboards, and slide shows; you name it, we use excel for it. That’s why Chandoo’s tips have been so helpful – because we use excel every day. Thanks to, I’ve developed a reputation as an “excel wizard” and even taught a 4 week excel training class!“
Continue »![2011 Calendar – Excel Template [Downloads]](
Here is a 2011 new year gift to all our readers – a free 2011 calendar template.
(a little secret: just change the year in worksheet “Full” from 2011 to 2012 to get the next year’s calendar. It works all the way up to year 9999)
You can add notes to individual dates or complete month using the excel template very easily. There are 6 different calendar templates in the download file,
* 4 Yearly Calendar Templates with different color schemes.
* 1 Mini Calendar
* 1 Monthly Calendar (prints in 12 pages)
Go ahead and download the calendar files. Enjoy.
Continue »Homework – When does Thanksgiving Day occur on same date again?

It is Thanksgiving day weekend for our friends & readers in USA. That means a good portion of our readers are relaxing with their family and having a good meal. Naturally, we celebrated thanksgiving at our home (we pretty much celebrate any festival as long as eating good food is one of its rituals). I […]
Continue »Show Months & Years in Charts without Cluttering

We make charts with date axis all the time. So, today we will learn how to set up axis settings in Excel so that Months & Years are shown neatly structured without cluttering your chart. See the example next to understand.
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