All articles with 'cool' Tag
Market Segmentation Charts using Conditional Formatting

Trust Peltier to come up with solutions for even the most impossible looking charts. Today he shares a marimekko chart tutorial. I couldn’t sit still after seeing his post. So here comes market segmentation charts or marimekko charts using,
The new Mac vs. PC web ad by Apple is really cool

Did you checkout the new web based Mac vs. PC ads Apple is running on the They are totally cool. why? because, in that ad, the PC guy walks from one ad-block to another creating wow user experience for whoever seeing the ad. Here is a small animation I have created out of it […]
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Sorting text is such a day to day activity that it always surprises me why Excel hasn’t provided a simple spreadsheet formula for doing it. Of course you can use the sorting menu command (menu > data > sort) but this requires manual steps (or VBA). Most of the times we get raw textual data […]
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Saturday we were in no mood to cook, we were feeling all tired up after roaming in Seattle. So we ordered pizza from dominos pizza website. The ordering process is simple and straight forward. But what awed me most is the pizza tracker. Once you place the order they show you this pizza tracker: That […]
Continue »The new Microsoft “Hi, I am PC” ads are supercool. Apple has been making fun of PC (and PC users) for while with the “I am PC, I am Mac” ads and the response from MS advertising team is nothing short of brilliant. With these simple & funny ads, they have changed the focus from […]
Continue »My polar clock using donut charts in excel started a conversation and readers have been awesome enough to download the excel and create their own clocks to show time. Even though the idea of this blog is share the little that I know with you, it is amazing how much I have learned from you […]
Continue »5 Infographics that can WOW you [Aug 7]
Time for another week of ogling at cool visualizations. What a week it has been for the chart makers Super cool visualization of 2008 Box office collection This is an area chart modified to indicate how a movie has performed everyweek, thus the movie markers go down (except for dark knight) after 1-2 weeks […]
Doing the NY times Olympic medals by country year visualization in excel

When I saw the Olympic medals won by each country by year infographic on nytimes my jaw almost dropped, go ahead see it and come back, I am sure you will love it too. It is one of the coolest visualizations I have seen in the recent past and I see infographics all the time, […]
Continue »Amul has one hell of a branding strategy, they take whatever is happening in politics, entertainment, sports etc and turn the situation in to a billboard to tell their butter / jam / milk product story. Almost every week they do this, so restlessly that when something big happens, customers tend to think how Amul […]
Continue »Excel can be Exciting – 15 fun things you can do with your spreadsheet in less than 5 seconds

Who said Excel takes lot of time / steps do something? Here is a list of 15 incredibly fun things you can do to your spreadsheets and each takes no more than 5 seconds to do. Happy Friday 1. Change the shape / color of cell comments Just select the cell comment, go to […]
Wow, this is totally cool. A great lesson in creating buzz. The folks at windows vista wanted to convince people that Vista is indeed a good operating system and upgradable from XP. But there are lot of bad opinions floating around and end users are more or less confused about it. Personally I have rarely […]
Continue »Mute conversations in Gmail to not follow a specific thread of mails
Do you know that you can mute conversations in gmail if you are do not want to see that lengthy thread on single subjected that people wont give up. Just select the mail / conversation you want to mute Click on “More actions” and select “mute” Enjoy the bliss If you want search for muted […]
Continue »Starting this week I will post cool infographics from around the web, 4-5 of them a week to inspire , to give more ideas on presenting information and to provide some eye candy for awesome readers @ Pointy Haired Dilbert. Go ahead, click through these awesome graphics: California Walkability Score Heat Map Lee Byron took […]
Continue »Google Maps adds directions by Public Transport – Wow
Wow, this is awesome. Google maps has added directions by public transport. Sometime back when they integrated public transport timings along with bus-stop / train station icons, it was pretty cool, but adding directions based on bus / train routes is totally awesome. Try it for yourself, click here to see a sample direction.
Continue »Awesome folks at flickr introduce instant zoom for photos
Wow, this is one of the coolest features on flickr, you can use instant zoom to see finer details of pics (the ones which have all sizes allowed for anyone).
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