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Correlation vs. Causation [Charting Chatter]

Published on Aug 3, 2016 in Charts and Graphs
Correlation vs. Causation [Charting Chatter]

Here is a trap that is easy to fall in to. Confusing correlation as causation. As analysts, it is our job to see the data as it is rather than imply causation that doesn’t exist.

Let’s sample a chart, recently featured in Economist’s graphic detail under the title Measuring well-being.

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Add any number of days, months or years to a date with this simple trick

Published on Aug 2, 2016 in Excel Howtos, Learn Excel
Add any number of days, months or years to a date with this simple trick

Let’s say you have a date in A1 and want to find out future date after 2 years, 4 months and 9 days.

Here are a few formulas you can try.

  1. =A1 + DATE(2,4,9)
  2. =EDATE(A1, 2*12+4) + 9
  3. =A1 + 2*365 + 4*30 + 9

Surprisingly, each formula gives a different result! So which one should you use?

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5 Shortcuts for you, one for every weekday [Awesome August]

Published on Aug 1, 2016 in Keyboard Shortcuts, Learn Excel
5 Shortcuts for you, one for every weekday [Awesome August]

Let’s kick start our Awesome August 2016 with a simple but very useful set of shortcuts. 5 shortcuts, one for each weekday.

  1. Monday ALT + M N: Open name manager. Very handy, if you have quite a few range names and want to edit / manage them. Remember, this is a sequence shortcut, that means, you press ALT M, let go of both keys and then press N.
  2. Tuesday CTRL + T: Create a new table from data in current region. For more on tables, check out our Introduction to Excel Tables page.
  3. Wednesday CTRL + W: Close the current workbook, while keeping Excel open.
  4. Thursday ALT + T O: Opens Excel options. Very easy to remember too.
  5. Friday CTRL F: Fridays can be hard to concentrate. Use CTRL+F to find what you want in the current workbook. Use CTRL+H if you wish to do a find replace.
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Introduction to Forecasting in Excel 2016 [Charts & Visual Analysis]

Published on Jul 27, 2016 in Charts and Graphs
Introduction to Forecasting in Excel 2016 [Charts & Visual Analysis]

One of the coolest features of Excel 2016 is forecasting. Today, let’s understand how it works with a sample data set.

Watch below video to understand forecasting in Excel 2016.

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How to get Maps in to Excel charts & dashboards [Master Class]

Published on Jul 21, 2016 in 3D Maps (Power Maps), Charts and Graphs, Master Class
How to get Maps in to Excel charts & dashboards [Master Class]

This is third episode of our Monthly Master Class.

In this one, you will learn how to get maps in to your Excel workbooks. Understand 5 key techniques for making maps based visualizations in Excel – from regular charts to cell grids to VBA to Power Maps, everything is covered in this intense Master Class.

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Find out how many times a value is present in a cell [formulas]

Published on Jul 19, 2016 in Excel Howtos, Learn Excel
Find out how many times a value is present in a cell [formulas]

Here is an interesting problem to start your day.

Let’s say you work as DNA sequencing engineer at The Enterprise. And you just unlocked the sequence that is responsible for all male problems. The early onset of baldness. The sequence code is AAAA. And you want to find out how many times this sequence is found in a sample of DNA strings, in the range B6:B19. Essentially you want the above.

So how do you write the formula?

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On / Off conditional formatting with this simple trick

Published on Jul 13, 2016 in Learn Excel
On / Off conditional formatting with this simple trick

Here is a quick & awesome way to make your dashboards sexy. Add an on / off switch to your conditional formats.

Take a look at above demo to understand what I mean.

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We are moving to New Zealand [personal]

Published on Jun 30, 2016 in personal

Time for a quick personal update. We (Jo, kids & I) are moving to New Zealand on July 15th. We are going to Wellington and will be living there for next 2 years. New Zealand…Really? Why? How? To understand that, we need to go back in time, to EDATE(TODAY(), -75). In April 2010, I moved back to […]

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How to visualize multiple variables over several years? [Contest]

Published on Jun 24, 2016 in Charts and Graphs, Excel Challenges
How to visualize multiple variables over several years? [Contest]

Our newest contest is inspired from a question asked by Kaushik, one of our forum members, interesting problem.

Need to quickly visualize 3 variables ( Company, years, Financials) in a single […] chart.

Create a chart to understand multiple variable data and you could win $100 Amazon gift card. Do send your charts before 4th of July to qualify for the prizes.

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Teach coding to your kids with this maze game [VBA]

Published on Jun 21, 2016 in excel apps, VBA Macros
Teach coding to your kids with this maze game [VBA]

My twins (Nishanth & Nakshtra) are now almost 7. They are super keen to learn how computers work. So the other day, I showed them Code.org where there are several coding exercises disguised as games. They loved those games … err coding exercises. So that got me thinking… why not make a game in Excel that teaches kids simple programming concepts.

So I built a Snowman & Hot Chocolate Maze game. In this post, let’s understand how to build such a game using Excel VBA.

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What is the sum of values excluding items on stop list? [home work]

Published on Jun 10, 2016 in Excel Challenges, Learn Excel
What is the sum of values excluding items on stop list? [home work]

Okay, this is an extension of the Neither “A” Nor “B” sum problem we discussed few days back.

Imagine you have a table named mydata with a few columns and a stop list named stop.list as shown above.

How would you calculate,

  • Sum of Hours for all activities excluding those in stop list?
  • Sum of all Regular hours for activities not in stop list?

So go ahead and post your answers in the comments.

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Sum up neither “A” nor “B” values – How to use DSUM function in Excel [video]

Published on Jun 8, 2016 in Excel Howtos, Learn Excel
Sum up neither “A” nor “B” values – How to use DSUM function in Excel [video]

We know how to use SUMIFS function to answer questions like, “What is the sum of values for ‘A’?”  But how would you answer questions like,

  • What is the sum of values that are neither “A” nor “B”?

We can still use SUMIFS, but it will get awfully long. So let’s turn our attention to other functions in Excel.

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Generating sequence numbers from cluster values [VLOOKUP to the rescue]

Published on Jun 2, 2016 in Excel Howtos
Generating sequence numbers from cluster values [VLOOKUP to the rescue]

Last night I got an email from Joshua, one of our readers with the subject – Hard Excel problem. Hard?!?, at this stage of summer, the hard problems seem to be (in no particular order),

  1. Lack of good quality mangoes to eat
  2. Intense heat and humidity
  3. Lack of good quality mangoes to eat

Yes, I like mangoes.

Any how, back to Joshua’s email, So I got curios and read it. He is facing a curious problem.

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Show more of your workbook on screens [quick tip]

Published on May 31, 2016 in Excel Howtos, Learn Excel
Show more of your workbook on screens [quick tip]

Ever wanted to show your workbook to someone and felt that you had less screen real estate? This tip will help you get more out of your workbook.

So how to get 50% more space for your workbooks?

Simple, just follow these steps.

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Fish Eye Effect for highlighting selection – Is it effective? [Advanced Charting]

Published on May 26, 2016 in Charts and Graphs
Fish Eye Effect for highlighting selection – Is it effective? [Advanced Charting]

A few days back, WSJ ran a visualization titled “What’s your pay gap?” It depicts median pay gap between female & male workers in 422 different professions in USA. The chart uses fish eye effect to highlight the selected profession. See below demo to understand the effect.

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