Archive for March, 2009
Search a Spreadsheet Full of Data using Conditional Formatting

Many of us use spreadsheets to manage huge lists of data, like customer data bases, salesperson data bases etc. Today we will learn a little conditional formatting trick that you can use to search a worksheet full of data and highlight the matching cells.
Continue »Our interview with John Walkenbach is here. Check it out and see what John has to say about Excel, spreadsheets and fun.
Continue »Using Array Formulas in Excel – Find if a list has duplicate items

In this installment of our spreadcheats series, we will learn how to use array formulas and findout if a list has any duplicate items. We will use Countif and array formulas to do this …
Continue »In this week’s excel links learn how to make bingo cards, make your random numbers unique and prepare your data for charting and much more…
Continue »Skip Blank doesnt skip blank cells ?!?
In our excel paste tricks post, I have mentioned a paste special feature called “skip blanks” that can apparently be used to skip blank cells when pasting data. I am writing about this again because, I have received an email from Bruce saying, This is erroneous. In actuality, the result that is pasted is the […]
Continue »Here is your chance to win a copy of The Visual Display of Quantitative Information by Edward Tufte, all you need to do is visualize budget vs. actual performance of the given data. Go!
Continue »Highlight Top 10 Values using Excel Conditional Formatting

In excel conditional formatting basics article, we have learned the basics of excel conditional formatting. In this article we will learn how to highlight top 5 or 10 values in a list using excel as shown aside. We will use LARGE excel formula and conditional formatting to do this.
Continue »Good news!!! We have upgraded the excel formula help page to a new, more easily accessible and better laid out page. Find out more…
Continue »Hot or Not – McKinsey’s Innovation Heatmap

Take a look at the innovation heat map published by McKinsey and tell us what you think – Hot or Not?
Continue »Excel Conditional Formatting Basics

Do you know What is excel conditional formatting? Learn the basics, few examples and see how you can use it in day to day work in this installment of spreadcheats.
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Today we will learn a little trick to compare 1 value with a set of values, For eg. our sales vs. competitor sales. We will learn how to create a chart like this.
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Learn how to use excel chart templates in this installment of spreadcheats. Save time.
Continue »Excel Links of the Week – Free E-Book Edition
Find out how you can get a free e-book on excel and charting in this week’s excel links.
Continue »RSS Icon using Donut Charts – Because it is Weekend

RSS Icon using Donut Charts – Because it is Weekend
Continue »Open Thread For First Time Commenters – What do you like in Excel?

If you have never commented on PHD this is your chance. Go ahead and comment and I will give you $1.00 discount on my Excel Formulas Help E-book.
The topic for the open thread is: What do you like in Microsoft Excel?
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