
About me: Hui

Hi. My name is Ian Huitson but everyone, except my Mum, calls me Hui

I work as a Consulting Mining Engineer in Perth, Australia. I have a Bachelor of Engineering Degree (Mining) from the Ballarat College of Advanced Education in Australia.

I am passionate about scheduling and budgeting, simulation and mathematics but more importantly is their application to real world problems.
I have been using spreadsheets since Visicalc and have used Lotus 123, Open Access, Quatro Pro, 20/20 and Excel.

I am a former Microsoft MVP (Excel) having held the award from 2013 to 2019.

I should add that most of my contributions to the Excel community were here at Chandoo.org and at Excel Hero, see below.

Why do I start equations with a =+ ? Because Open Access used to start equations with a + and it has just stuck, although I am getting better at not doing this.

Open Access also had a great function ! which I often wish Excel had. In use you could do something like convert Celsius to Fahrenheit Enter =(9/5)*!+32 into a cell. Then enter say 20 into the same cell and the cell would display 70. The ! took the input directly into the cell and used it in the formula and displayed the answer in the same cell. The cell still has the equation.

I am married to Eva, and have 5 children and 1 grandson. You can see a few wedding snaps here.

In 2009 I took 9 months off work and we did a bit of traveling and during this time I started answering questions on Chandoo’s, newly setup, forums where I have helped out ever since.

In May 2010, Chandoo asked me would I write an article on Monte-Carlo Simulation after I had described the process in a post response. This resulted in the well received Data Tables & Monte Carlo Simulations in Excel a Comprehensive Guide. I have written a further 100+ posts since then as well as Starting and Authoring the Formula Forensics Series.

My favorite post is: Hui’s World and Dynamic Dancing Pendulums

My favorite post by someone else is Lukes: Extract a sub list according to Criteria using Formula

The question most asked of me is: “How do I become great at Excel?

If you really want to learn how to use Excel, my First suggestion is to attach yourself to a Forum and start answering questions and pull apart how other have answered the same question. You will be amazed at how quickly your skills improve. The Chandoo.org Forums are a great community to start in.

I hope you enjoy my contributions below:

Posts by Hui…

The Excel Mandelbrot (New)

Doughnut Charts with Frills – Circular Arc Charts

Hui’s World – An Excel project of Global Proportion (New)

Performing Maths in Microsoft Word (In an Excel Blog)

1 Control 3 cells

How to Even out Teams using Solver

Conditionally Format Chart Data Labels

Adding lots of Goal Seeking to a Model

We want your Ideas 2016

Stacked Bar/Column Chart with Indicator Arrows – Advanced

Stacked Bar and Indicator Arrow Chart – Tutorial

Setup a Conditional Formatted Donut Chart

Apply Conditional Formatting using Slicers

Excel Tips, Tricks, Cheats & Hacks – Reader Contributions Edition

Excel Tips, Tricks, Cheats & Hacks – Reader Contributions Edition Prequel

Excel Tips, Tricks, Cheats & Hacks – Notable Excel Sites Edition

Excel Tips, Tricks, Cheats & Hacks – Chandoo.org Excel Ninja Edition

Excel Tips, Tricks, Cheats & Hacks – Microsoft MVP Edition

What Functions is Excel missing ?

Conditionally Formatting Chart background Colors

Custom Number Formats – Colors

Calculate Pi by Throwing Hotdogs !

Hui’s Calendar Tool

Countif() Quick Tips

How to Solve an equation in Excel

Check Cells for Equality – Follow Up [Quick Tip]

How to make a Spoke Chart (Custom Excel Chart)

Displaying Text Values in Pivot Tables without VBA

In-cell Text format – 2 Quick Techniques 

Custom Number Formats (Multiply & Divide by any Power of 10)

Cleaning Up Imported Data – A Recent Case Study

Fancy Posts (Not fence posts)

A technique to quickly develop custom number formats

Hui’s Excel Report Printer (Popular)

Custom Chart Axis Formats (Part 2)

Selective Chart Axis Formats

We want your Ideas – Results

3D Dancing Pendulums (Very Popular)

Automating Repetitive Tasks

We want your ideas

Analyse Data like a Super Hero

Advanced Sumproduct Queries

LOST Excel Functions

Using Solver to Put items into Buckets

Dummy Data & random Functions

How to Make a 5 Star Chart (Like Amazon.com)

Beam Me Up Scotty – Excel Hyperlinks

Form Controls – Adding Interactivity to Your Worksheets

Are You Trendy? (Part 1) – Trendlines and Forecasting in Excel) (Popular)
Are You Trendy? (Part 2)
Are You Trendy? (Part 3)

Worksheet Properties via a menu

Data validation using an unsorted column with duplicate entries as a source list

The Selection Pane

WordArt in Excel

Indian Currency

Resource Scheduling

Highlight Excel Chart Data Points

Hiding Error Messages

Analysing Large Data Tables

Export Excel Data to a Word Report (Popular)

Extract a Unique list using a Pivot Table

Data Tables, Monte-Carlo Simulations and Mandelbrots (Very Popular)


Formula Forensics Series

Formula Forensics No. 001 – Using an Array to Find and Count the occurrences of a word

Formula Forensics No. 002 – Joyce’s Question

Formula Forensics No. 004 – Fred’s Problem

Formula Forensics No. 005 – Zebra and Checker Boards

Formula Forensics No. 006 – Palindromes

Formula Forensics No. 007 – Sumproduct (Very Popular)

Formula Forensics No. 008 – Elkhan’s MaxIf

Formula Forensics No. 009 – Pradhishnair’s Chainage

Formula Forensics No. 010 – Count How Many Times a List of Values Occurs in a Range

Formula Forensics No. 011 – Lyke’s Formula  

Formula Forensics No. 012 – A Neat Formula

Formula Forensics No. 013 – On Vacation (EHA Showcase)

Formula Forensics No. 014 – Faseeh’s Formula

Formula Forensics No. 015 – Cornelia’s Price Rises 

Formula Forensics No. 016 – Suzannes DJIA Average

Formula Forensics No. 018 – Retrieving the Nth number from a Range with Gaps

Formula Forensics No. 019 – Extract Time from Strings

Formula Forensics No. 020 – Bhavik’s Monthly Workingdays Formula  

Formula Forensics No. 021 – Extract the 4th Slash

Formula Forensics No. 022 – Adding up the Odd Numbers between 1 and 100 

Formula Forensics No. 023 – Counting and Adding Values in Filtered Tables with Criteria

Formula Forensics No. 024 – Is my Number a Prime ?

Formula Forensics No. 025 – Count Unique Values in a Range

Formula Forensics No. 026 – Highlight Only Duplicate Entries

Formula Forensics No. 027 – Remove Leading Zeroes 

Formula Forensics No. 028 – It’s Just a Jump to the Left

Formula Forensics No. 029 – SumIf with Inconsistent Column Layouts

Formula Forensics No. 033 – Interpolation 

Formula Forensics No. 034 – Extract words from a Cell where they exist in a list

Formula Forensics No. 035 – Average the last 3 values greater than 0

Formula Forensics No. 037 – How to Subtotal a Filtered List

Formula Forensics No. 003 b – How to Extract Records from a List matching Multiple Criteria

Formula Forensics No. 038 – Find which worksheet a value came from

Formula Forensics No. 039 – How to do a 2D or 3D reverse lookup of a value

Formula Forensics No. 040 – Apportion Sales according to Multiple Criteria

Formula Forensics No. 041 – Roman Numerals to Numbers

Formula Forensics No. 042 – Reverse a Text String using a Formula (New)

Formula Forensics No. 043 – Conditional Rank, Rankifs() Functionality (New)

Hui’s Excel Hacks

The following are other people’s posts where I have hacked in and added my 2 cents worth. Typically this will be an extension or addition to the existing post, or maybe an alternative use of a technique etc

Road Trip Planner

Posts about Hui…

1,000 Forum Posts

Happy Birthday Dashboard

What’s Your Excel Age?

Story of 3 Excel Ninjas

Chandoo visits Perth

Chandoo.org produces its Second MVP

Hui’s Excel Work at ExcelHero.com

Calculate Pi by Throwing Hotdogs ! (New)

Motion Induced Blindness

Excel Dancing Pendulums (Popular)

Lilac Chaser

Counter-Intuitive Illusory Contours

M. C. Escher

Two Sinusoids

Cafe Wall

Curry’s Paradox


In the early 2000’s I used to be a Beta Tester for John Walkenbachs PUP utilities.

During this period John and I would correspond regularly.

When I developed the Excel Mandelbrot without VBA I sent John a copy

Unbeknown to me John acknowledged the effort with this: Excel 2007 Bible

References from Other Sites:

Newton Excel Bach

Actuaries Institute

7 Most amazing things you can do with excel


I will be continuing to write small posts of a practical nature here at Chandoo.org and look forward to your input and suggestions.

If you have Excel questions please direct them to the Chandoo.org Forums where they will be looked at quickly by myself or any of a number of other Excel Ninjas or Excel users.


If you are appreciative of the above volume of work and would like to assist me in future endeavors or you feel like thanking me through a monetary donation:

Small Donate Button

Contact Hui:

For other general use please email me using the Conversations here or Post on my profile here:

Please Do Not befriend me on Facebook, Linkedin etc. I reserve those sites for my direct friends and true business acquaintances.  I don’t want to offend you by not accepting your request.

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37 Responses to “About me: Hui”

  1. [...] will share excel tutorials, implementations with us once a week. Please visit About – Hui to learn more about [...]

  2. [...] thanks to top commenters – Jon Peltier (228), Hui (186),  Jeff Weir (148), Robert (138), Jimmy (62), Rick Rothstein (60), Martin (58), Daniel Ferry [...]

  3. [...] Mike Alexandar, Daniel Ferry, Stephen Few, Edward Tufte, Kaiser Fung, Jorge Camoes, Robert Mundigl, Hui and many [...]

  4. [...] of you know our guest author and Excel ninja Hui. Yesterday was his birthday. And I wanted to create nice birthday gift for him. So I took a [...]

  5. [...] my absence, I have asked Hui to make a post or two. And I see that he has done an awesome job writing about Form controls & [...]

  6. [...] past 3 years Chandoo has written about 1,300 posts on all things Excel and in the past 12 months Hui has contributed another 20 posts mostly targeted at the application of Excel techniques to real [...]

  7. [...] to the training in Hyderabad, I could not write anything last week, but thanks to Hui, who took good care of the blog and wrote some excellent articles on Advanced Excel & VBA (1 [...]

  8. [...] If you have expertise in any of the unmarked ideas and would like to try your hand at a guest post or two contact Chandoo or Hui. [...]

  9. [...] For a list of my other contributions at Chandoo.org please visit: Hui… [...]

  10. [...] For a list of my other contributions at Chandoo.org please visit: Hui… [...]

  11. [...] a list of my other contributions at Chandoo.org please visit; Hui. Spread some love,It makes you awesome! [...]

  12. [...] If you have a formula that you don’t understand and would like explained but don’t want to write a post also send it in to Chandoo or Hui. [...]

  13. [...] Debra Dalgleish, Mike Alexandar, Daniel Ferry, Stephen Few, Jorge Camoes, Robert Mundigl, Hui, Jimmy, Paresh, Gregory, Francis, Vijay and many [...]

  14. [...] If you have a formula that you would like explained but don’t want to write a post also send it in to Chandoo or Myself. [...]

  15. [...] If you have a formula that you would like explained but don’t want to write a post also send it to Chandoo or Hui. [...]

  16. [...] If you have a formula that you would like explained but don’t want to write a post also send it to Chandoo or Hui. [...]

  17. [...] you would like explained but don’t want to write a post as Bhavik’s has done here, send it to Hui or [...]

  18. [...] 20 May – Can you please email Hui ( ihuitson at gmail dot com ) or leave a comment here, Let me know if you can come and if you want [...]

  19. [...] you have a formula that you would like explained, but don’t want to write a post, send it to Hui or [...]

  20. [...] Hui & family for showing me good time while I am in Perth [...]

  21. [...] that you would like explained as Debra did above, but don’t want to write a post, send it to Hui or [...]

  22. [...] you have a formula that you would like explained, but don’t want to write a post, send it to Hui or [...]

  23. [...] you have a formula that you would like explained, but don’t want to write a post, send it to Hui or [...]

  24. [...] you have a formula that you would like explained, but don’t want to write a post, send it to Hui or [...]

  25. [...] you have a formula that you would like explained, but don’t want to write a post, send it to Hui or [...]

  26. [...] you have a formula that you would like explained, but don’t want to write a post, send it to Hui or [...]

  27. [...] Peltier, Dick Kusleika, Debra Dalgleish, Mike Alexandar, Daniel Ferry, Robert Mundigl, Hui, Francis, Rob Collins, Bill Jelen and many [...]

  28. [...] you have a formula that you would like explained, but don’t want to write a post, send it to Hui or [...]

  29. [...] the past 5 years Chandoo has written about 1,500 posts on all things Excel and Hui has contributed another 80 posts mostly targeted at the application of Excel techniques to real [...]

  30. […] You can see a full lists of my Excel work at About Hui. […]

  31. […] Hui, Jon Peltier, Debra Dalgleish, Mike Alexander, Dick Kuslieka, Rob Collie, Bill Jelen, Jordon Goldmeir, Colin Legg, Mike Girvin, Haseeb & Francis Hayes. […]

  32. […] My name is Ian Huitson “Hui“. […]

  33. […] A Guest posty by Ian Huitson (Hui) […]