All articles with 'wonder why' Tag
Google Maps Walking Directions Bug ?!?
I love google maps. No, wait, I really love google maps. I think it is a perfect example of passion, intelligence and wit coming together to create software. [trivia link: google maps tells you swim across the ocean], I have been using maps to find transit directions from my hotel to office and I have […]
Continue »Dell tells me to buy a finger print reader in order to have another color on the system

This is hilarious or there is a color technology out there that requires to scan my finger print in order to show the “bunch o surfers” or some other design on my laptop skin. Really Dell? see it on the dell site, just select the color scheme as “bunch o surfers”
Continue »I use google suggest to get new post ideas, I start out by typing “what is”, “who is”, “how to”, “when is”, “where is”, “excel” and see all the suggestions Google comes up with. If I see something interesting I would mark the search topic and use it for posting here. And for the last […]
Continue »Watch out if you are buying insurance online at GEICO – your password is not encrypted
I have noticed something totally strange while trying to get an auto insurance quote online at GEICO. See it for yourself. They are showing your password in the URL… OMG Make sure you don’t use the site for getting new quotes as it could be a potential privacy breach as anyone watching the URLs […]
One of the latest news is that Yahoo has launched BOSS (Build your Own Search Service) using which you can build search based apps. Being a part geek who loves to show off my part knowledge to other part geeks during parties, I went to their website to register for my own app. The registration […]
Continue »Just click those ads and tell me what you understood. Humor me, go ahead, I am waiting. … Ok, stop scratching, you might loose more hair than the common sense brand managers at vodafone lost. Apparently these adds convey that Vodafone has solved the unsolvable conundrum of “talk-time” or “validity” by introducing a lifetime valid […]
Continue »Time for another look at print ads, this time for the most bizarre of them all. Mind you, these are not awful or plain lousy ads, for any column-centimeter worth its area has a fair share of lousy ads, these are simply bizarre ads, the kind that will make you go – WTF? The first […]
Continue »Now that iPhone is going to have GPS built in, here is an application idea any of you iPhone app developers out there. The idea is simple, whenever the phone-holder is driving, this app would automatically answer calls with a pre-recorded message (that can go like, “Hi.., I am driving right now, please leave a […]
Continue »Fridays can be immensely fun, as I anticipate 2 days of doing-nothing while sipping coffee working on excel sheets. But nothing can make my day better than this immense suckmanship displayed by Naukri with their job recommendation for me. All the Japanese I know can be summarized to 1 word – “omurice“, now that I […]
Continue »Take a look at the above screen shot of my inbox. Does any thing look odd? Of course it does, the amazing folks at IRCTC have decided to send a tempting summer vacation offer to me, not once but 5 times in the last 14 hours. Despite having one of the finest Indian online customer […]
Continue »Here is a look at 3 different game controllers. First the simplest of them all, “wiimote”, easy to understand, easier to use Then comes the moderately complex “xbox controller”, should a take a couple of minutes to understand, couple of hours to get used, all in all, fun ensured Then comes the most complex of […]
Continue »Rat rides cat, cat rides dog, that rides on your t-shirt I am just numbed seeing this outrageous hilarity in the name of news making and selling on CNN, apparently you can buy t-shirts for some of the hand picked news items on CNN by clicking the t-shirt icon next to headline link on their […]
Continue »Wow, Rediff actually published this article on how hairstyles make successful CEOs So much fuzz over a complait fluff is sTRESSing me… PS: do read the comments on that page for additional entertainment
A significant amount of my job work involves drinking copious amount of coffee while looking out the window. Ok, I am kidding I wish my job involved all that, but I still drink a cup of coffee every workday (Weekends are obviously reserved for good old Filter Kaapi). Unfortunately I am forced to buy […]
Take a look at the above ad of Shoppers stop that is featured on rediff today. Clearly the ad agency hasn’t understood how web advertising works. Instead of designing a campaign that would engage users online, encourage them to click, read-up and sign-up or subscribe, they just choose to replicate a news paper ad’s jpg […]
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