All articles with 'user polls' Tag
How many formulas should you learn? [Weekend Poll]
Over at twitter, @for_the_moves asks,
@For_the_moves Same as growing your vocabulary. Remember, words (or functions) = ideas. the more you know, the better you can think.
— (@r1c1) October 12, 2016
That got me thinking. How many functions should you care to learn?
Continue »Tell me about an analysis problem that you couldn’t solve with Excel?
Time for a quick show & tell.
Tell me about an analysis problem that you couldn’t solve with Excel?
It can be because you didn’t know how to solve the problem or Excel isn’t the tool for it or any other reason.
Go ahead and speak up. Post your tricky analysis problems in the comments section.
Continue »Weekend open mic – Share your one hand Excel shortcuts

At, we are big believers of keyboard shortcuts. There are several posts (1,2,3,4, more and even more) discussing useful Excel shortcuts. Today I want to introduce a new kind of keyboard shortcuts. One hand shortcuts.
One hand shortcuts – Half the work, double the fun
The idea is simple. When you can use only one hand to complete the shortcut key presses, it is called as a one hand shortcut.
Continue »Excel is 30!!! – what was your earliest memory of Excel? [weekend poll]
This week Excel turned 30. As per wikipedia,
Microsoft released the first version of Excel for the Macintosh on September 30, 1985
Let’s celebrate 30 years of Excel by reliving your first memory of it. Share your earliest memory of Excel in the comments section.
Continue »Time for a quick weekend poll. What is your favorite tool for data analysis?
- Formulas
- Pivot Tables
- Or both
Post your choice in the comments. Also mention the number of years Excel experience you have.
For ex, my answer is: Both (10 years)
Continue »What is the coolest thing you made with Excel? [weekend poll]
It is almost weekend. I am sure most of you have plans (if you are USA, wish you happy 4th of July). As for me, I am going on a 80KM (50 mile) bicycle trip to a nearby lake to watch birds on Saturday morning. On Sunday, we (kids & I) are planning to make a scrapbook from our Australian experiences.
So let me keep this nice & simple.
What is the coolest thing you made with Excel?
Go ahead and share your answers in the comments area.
Continue »A little late to the party, but nevertheless right on track.
As starts another year of making you awesome, I want to take a few minutes of your time to understand how I can help you better this year?
Please answer this 1 question survey for me.
If you do not see the form below, please click here
What would you wear to an Excel themed Halloween party?
Its Halloween time. So humor me and imagine that Bill Gates invited you to his castle for an Excel themed party.
What costume would you wear?
Go ahead and tell me in the comments.
I will go first:
I would dress up as a spider (radar) chart. All I need is some cob webs on my regular dress.
Your turn…
Continue »Teach me (and rest of our community) something this Teachers’ Day

Today is teachers’ day in India. I owe everything I learned to my teachers. Their powerful, insightful & inspirational lectures make me a better person.
Today I want to recruit more teachers. Because you never learn enough.
So why don’t you come on board and teach me (and rest of website visitors) something?
All you have to do is post a comment with an Excel tip, technique, idea or experience with us. It can be related to anything, from formulas to solver, charts to power pivot, VBA to keyboard shortcuts. Anything goes.
Lets go. I am all ears.
Continue »Ask me your Excel questions & You could win an eBook

Time for another round of open-mic weekend.
As you know, has been running a podcast show for last few months. We have completed 14 episodes as of today. For the 15th episode, lets have an “Ask Chandoo” as the theme.
What you need to do:
Simple. Head over to and submit your questions. You can leave me a voice-mail or post your questions
What happens next?
I will listen (or read) your questions and choose a handful for the session 15 of our podcast.
What you get:
If your question is picked up for the podcast, you will receive the 25 Excel tips e-book.
Continue »I struggle doing __________ with Excel. Fill in the blanks…,
As I am doing a road-trip across parts of southern India (we are in the beautiful temple town of Madurai as you read this post), here is something to keep you busy.
Fill in the blanks & post in comments.
I struggle doing _________________ with Excel.
Continue »What is your passion? [weekend poll]
![What is your passion? [weekend poll]](
This weekend, lets get passionate
Few days ago, Cheryl, one of our forum members asked this question:
How do you know Excel is your passion? Or is it?
I am searching for my passion, you know that thing that makes my heart sing. I mean I am listening for the pitter-patter in my ticker. So how do I know if Excel is it? Or anything for that matter. I am looking for that thing that will make me turn my tv off. (TV is my crack, I am truly addicted). I thought it was database development and honestly I am not altogether sure that it isn’t. Excel may be a substitute. A more attainable passion.
Give me some insight peeps. Some thoughts, musings, ideas.
As usual, many of our forum members chipped in with words of wisdom. Hopefully Cheryl saw their replies, if she ever managed to turn off that tv.
That gave me an idea for this week’s poll.
What are you passionate about?
Continue »What is your favorite Excel book? [open thread]
![What is your favorite Excel book? [open thread]](
Today lets talk about Excel books. The question is simple.
What is your favorite Excel book? Please share your answers using comments.
My favorite books are..,
Continue »42% of the world goes to polls around a pie chart – Like it or hate it?

Today lets have a poll. Lets debate if this pie chart about world elections in 2014 is good or bad.
First lets take a look at the chart
This chart, published by The Economist talks about how 42% of the world population is going to vote this year. Take a look and read on to learn how you can re-create this in Excel.
Continue »What is the coolest Excel trick you have learned this year?

We are almost at the end of 2013. Time to review how much more awesome we became this year. Today let me ask you a very simple question.
What is the coolest Excel trick you have learned this year?
Go ahead and post your answers using comments.
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