All articles with 'pune' Tag

A very warm, cuddly and hugsy welcome to Pointy Haired Dilbert. I am happy to know that you are reading this. This is a blog about YOU becoming successful. It is all about understanding your data, making your charts better and improving the way you work using excel. Read this post to know more about this site.
Continue »I had the opportunity to travel on this extremely well built and located Bombay-Pune Expressway when I went back from Khandala to Bombay 3 weeks ago. I tooks some snaps and since then, I have been trying to post them here, sadly, I had to wait a really long time to finish this post. So, […]
Continue »Its been almost a week into the induction here at North Point Centre for Learning @ Khandala. I am having a great time learning and enjoying. You can expect a detailed version of ‘first week @ work’ sometime later. For now this post would talk about the natural beauty in this place. Its raining heavily […]
Continue »The trip to khandala training facility (its called North Point Learning center) was eventful with its own share of (mis)adventures. We (Kishore and myself) started from HYD on 27th night in a bus to Pune. There is a huge traffic jam on the way and we reached 3 hours late to pune at around 9:30am. […]
Continue »Some of the pics I took during my recent trip to Pune, Nagpur, Bhopal, Ahmedabad and Delhi. Shanivarwada in Pune View from Shanivarwada Apprarently Computer Education is “I”ed in Nagpur Bhopal Tajmahal Fort A Mosque in Bhopal Bhopal Lake Cure what??? – Some Doctors office had this in Ahmedabad Capital City or Capital Smoke? Somewhere […]
Continue »Dont know what to name the post. So lets not waste understanding the title. – Pune has wonderful weather. Outrageous south indian food in restaurants. astronomically high ticket costs in movie halls. good eat outs. lots of book shops. few options for transportation inside city. hazaar malls and multiplexes. – Nagpur is a bad city […]
Continue »These are some fotos of the desserts we had at theobroma in mumbai. Will post pune details tomorrow. Yum Yum!
, and that was not a spelling mistake. Lets get to the story without introductions. For the first time in ages I woke up at 5am yesterday. By 6:30, i am lugging 2 bags and a cover out of the hostel towards the grant road station. Thankfully I found an empty local to borivali […]
I am in pune right now. Journey to this place has been terrific. Will post a detailed tour experience in the evening. Out to meet the docks now. Tada!
Continue »I love mumbai :D. The statement sounds absurd. But i am gonna miss this city from monday. I am leaving on the field trip on monday evening. I will be in, – pune – 3rd to 7th– nagpur – 8th to 11th– bhopal – 12th to 14th– ahmedabad – 15th to 18th– delhi – 19th […]
Continue »There is a wonderful word for salvation in Telugu. It is “vimukthiâ€. Now you know what I am going to talk about. Thank God!, I finally got the much needed break from living in cubes. I will be doing some field study over next 6-7 days in Mumbai. That essentially translates into traveling in locals, […]
Continue »Just when i finished publishing the last post vishy buzzed me on Y! and invited me to NASEOH (an NGO based in mumbai) to participate in an afternoon session with differently-abled people teaching them computers and communication skills. I was in two minds whether to go there or not. But after a hefty lunch at […]
Continue »Welcome to PHD Blogmela. Just now completed reading all the posts nominated and boy!, this is going to be a real Indian blogmela. Majority of the nominations centered around India as in they spoke about India rather than about some Indian. Ok, I am not wasting anymore time. Lets jump in to the PHD Blogmela. […]
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