All articles with 'personal' Tag
Excel Links of the Week – Do you want to run 10k with me edition
It has been almost 9 months since I crossed the 5k running mark for the first time in my life. Running is one of the most enjoyable things I do. I have been running between 5 and 7 kilometers ever since. I wanted to run 10 kilometers and finally I am confident of doing it. […]
Continue »Excel Links of the Week – Birthday Edition
Today I am celebrating my 27th birthday. “not much left before thirty”, my wife playfully reminds me. “We still have 3 more years to go”, I said, thinking about all those things to do before I turn thirty list. All in all the year has been fantastic. We have moved to US for work reasons, […]
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Took this in a bar, rotated the photo in a image editor. Btw, what do you like to drink? For me Vodka if I want to get drunk, otherwise a good chilled beer. Happy weekend?
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Took this near Niagara falls, NY. The falls are divided between US and Canada. You need a Canadian visa (US visa) if you want to see the water falls from both sides. Of course, water doesn’t need a passport to flow. Browse other.
Continue »Excel Links of the week – What do you dream about? [Aug 19]
The other day my wife told me that we dream about a total of 6 years in our life, an average of 2 hours for everyday you sleep. [Source: wikipedia on dreams]. That is almost as much time as you would work in 30 years (30*50*40/24/365, assuming you work 40 hours a week for 50 […]
Continue »Photographic Fridays #9 – Here now, gone later
Took this in Columbus zoo almost 2 weeks back, still no fresh photos, hopefully this weekend I should put my d40 to some use. We are driving down to Niagara Waterfalls on the US / Canada border in few mins, see you all on Monday. You have a good weekend
For the first time since starting this blog, I have crossed 500 RSS Subscribers today. Exactly an year ago, this blog had a small number of 25 readers and today the count reached to 505, with over a hundred of them reading updates through email. I am very happy to find this many passionate readers […]
Continue »When I was in school we had a maths teacher named BVN. He used to teach advanced math (like trigonometry, calculus) for class 7 onwards. We used to fear him a lot because he is the strictest of them all. Finally when I got to seventh I met him as a teacher. And boy, he […]
Continue »Photographic Fridays #6 – Where do you want to go today?
Yesterday evening I have suddenly realized that I don’t have any photos to post for today edition of Photographic Fridays, I didn’t want this category to be a still born like the erstwhile Calvin fund So I took out the D40 and marched out of house in search a subject worth my clickitch. While […]
We have been debating whether or not to buy iPhone. For one, we are not on any cellular contract and free to go. But the sheer cost of $400 one time (one for my wife and one of me) and a monthly bill of ~ $150 is holding us back. Our current mobile bill is […]
Continue »What does your sky look like?, originally uploaded by Chandoo. We went to a near by amusement park for the July 4th weekend. Even though it was raining they had a decent turnout and we enjoyed alot going on the rides, playing with water, watching the parades and finally the fireworks. I tried capturing many […]
Continue »same flower, another angle, originally uploaded by Chandoo. We went to near by Scioto River park last weekend to spend some time without any noise. But we didnt know that there was a concert going on there. So we walked out of the park to surrounding Dublin residential area and I spotted few nice flowers […]
Continue »The sunset was great today, what amazing idea / story / experience / thing you had today?
Continue »Here is an inspirational read on Richard Feynman. Have you ever noticed that almost all the great people are humble and fun loving. It just amazes me whenever I read or know about these great people who solved world problems with a smile on their face and yet remained so down to earth.
Continue »We are going to big apple on this weekend, its going to be a really long drive, almost 1000 miles both ways put together, I will see if I can post something while resting, but don’t hope to see anything here for the next 3 days. You have an excellent weekend, drive carefully – more […]
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