All articles with 'interesting' Tag
Simulating Dice throws – the correct way to do it in excel
If you ever had to simulate random outcomes in excel sheet, you might have already heard of about the spreadsheet function rand(), this little function generates a random fraction between 0 and 1 whenever you use it. So I usually write =round(rand()*12,0)int(rand()*12)+1 if I need a random number between 0 to 12. Of course, if […]
Continue »Doing the NY times Olympic medals by country year visualization in excel

When I saw the Olympic medals won by each country by year infographic on nytimes my jaw almost dropped, go ahead see it and come back, I am sure you will love it too. It is one of the coolest visualizations I have seen in the recent past and I see infographics all the time, […]
Continue »Spotted these two rather well done ads starring Dhoni. The ads glorify lungi-clad, wild-dancing, movie-loving Tamil spirit while promoting carbonated sweetened beverages and mechanized time indicators. Dhoni Pepsi ad: Dhoni Sonata ad: However well done these ads are, I must admit that you will never probably see anything close to what is depicted in the […]
Continue »I think this is brilliantly done, despite being a mac owner and lover, the ad just looked perfect without sounding arrogant or stupid. Good work Lenevo 🙂
Continue »Here is a simple to trick to beat the 56 color limitation in excel when you are designing a chart: use picture files (jpg, gif, png etc.) to fill the chart area. You will no longer have to worry about limiting your project report / website / annual report etc. colors to the 56 that […]
Continue »Its that time of the year again, April first, the fools day, when folks working at Google get creative and make a joke that is totally crazy and back it up with research that sounds authentic. This just proves that when you are passionate about something, you end up having tons of fun. This year […]
Continue »73 Free Designer Quality Excel Chart Templates – Grab now and become a charting superman
How many times you created a chart in Microsoft excel and formatted it for minutes (and sometimes hours) to reduce the eye-sore? Well, I will tell you my answer, its 293049430493 times 😉 Worry not! for you can become a charting superman (or elastigirl) by using these 73 free designer quality chart templates in literally […]
Continue »Transport for London‘s new advertising campaign to increase the safety of cycle travel in London is pretty innovative, watch the ad here (totally safe for work, so go ahead and watch): But there is another important lesson in the ad, as Seth Godin suggested, way too many marketers wanted us to count the passes and […]
Continue »Xkcd simply rocks, so much so that its one of the first things I check in the morning. See this gem:
Continue »Can this get any more ridiculous?
Continue »Wow, I am impressed by the new Nike commercial “my better is better than your better | my power is more powerful than your power”. Watch the 30 second spot, listen to the words, arent they inspiring? Doesn’t the ad make you run faster, play harder or just do better whatever you are at. I […]
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Excel conditional formatting is a hidden and powerful gem that when used well, can change the outlook of your project report / sales budget / project plan or analytical outputs from bunch of raw data in default fonts to something truly professional and good looking. Better still, you dont even need to be a guru […]
Continue »Bajaj has always been a smart advertiser and brand promoter. Generations of people have grown up watching their ads and whenever you see one of them you always feel happy inside. The brand and some of the bikes stand for what India is and what our values are. Be it the humara Bajaj or Feel […]
Continue »Excellent work by Tri-podders again… See it to believe. Extremely NSFW 😀 IT Mafia Part 1 IT Mafia Part 2 IT Mafia Part 3 Also see Anukokunda o Mandu Party part 1 & part 2
Continue »We have been to Potbelly sandwich works in Washington for lunch and the restaurant instantly became my favorite. Its the kind of place with a soul of its own, you can feel the passion the shop people have shown in every aspect. Of course the food was excellent, I had a chicken salad sandwich, veg […]
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